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half precision floating point for JavaScript
See ES Discuss Float16Array topic

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npm install @petamoriken/float16
yarn add @petamoriken/float16


Node.js or Bundler (webpack, rollup.js, esbuild, etc)

// ES Modules
import { Float16Array, isFloat16Array, getFloat16, setFloat16, hfround } from "@petamoriken/float16";
// CommonJS
const { Float16Array, isFloat16Array, getFloat16, setFloat16, hfround } = require("@petamoriken/float16");


You can get modules from hosting service.

import { Float16Array, isFloat16Array, getFloat16, setFloat16, hfround } from "";


Deliver a browser/float16.mjs or browser/float16.js file in the npm package from your Web server with the JavaScript Content-Type HTTP header.

<!-- Module Scripts -->
<script type="module">
    import { Float16Array, isFloat16Array, getFloat16, setFloat16, hfround } from "DEST/TO/float16.mjs";
<!-- Classic Scripts -->
<script src="DEST/TO/float16.js"></script>
    const { Float16Array, isFloat16Array, getFloat16, setFloat16, hfround } = float16;

Or use jsDelivr CDN.

<!-- Module Scripts -->
<script type="module">
    import { Float16Array, isFloat16Array, getFloat16, setFloat16, hfround } from "";
<!-- Classic Scripts -->
<script src=""></script>
    const { Float16Array, isFloat16Array, getFloat16, setFloat16, hfround } = float16;

ES modules are also available on the Skypack CDN.

<!-- Module Scripts -->
<script type="module">
    import { Float16Array, isFloat16Array, getFloat16, setFloat16, hfround } from "";


This package only uses up to the ES2015 features, so you should be able to use it without any problems.

Float16Array implemented by the Proxy object, so IE11 is never supported.

Pre-transpiled JavaScript files (CommonJS)

lib/ and browser/ directories in the npm package have JavaScript files already transpiled, whose target are

  • Firefox: last 2 versions and ESR
  • Chrome: last 2 versions
  • Edge: last 2 versions
  • Safari: last 2 versions

If you want to build it yourself using bundler to support older browsers, transpile the JavaScript files in the src/ directory.



Float16Array is similar to TypedArray such as Float32Array (MDN).

const array = new Float16Array([1.0, 1.1, 1.2]);
for (const val of array) {
    console.log(val); // => 1, 1.099609375, 1.19921875

array.reduce((prev, current) => prev + current); // 3.298828125


isFloat16Array is a utility function to check whether the value given as an argument is an instance of Float16Array or not.

declare function isFloat16Array(value: unknown): value is Float16Array;
isFloat16Array(new Float16Array(10)); // true
isFloat16Array(new Float32Array(10)); // false
isFloat16Array(new Uint16Array(10)); // false


getFloat16 and setFloat16 are similar to DataView methods such as DataView#getFloat32 (MDN) and DataView#setFloat32 (MDN).

declare function getFloat16(view: DataView, byteOffset: number, littleEndian?: boolean): number;
declare function setFloat16(view: DataView, byteOffset: number, value: number, littleEndian?: boolean): void;
const buffer = new ArrayBuffer(10);
const view = new DataView(buffer);

view.setUint16(0, 0x1234);
getFloat16(view, 0); // 0.0007572174072265625

// You can append methods to DataView instance
view.getFloat16 = (...args) => getFloat16(view, ...args);
view.setFloat16 = (...args) => setFloat16(view, ...args);

view.getFloat16(0); // 0.0007572174072265625

view.setFloat16(0, Math.PI, true);
view.getFloat16(0, true); // 3.140625


hfround is similar to Math.fround (MDN). This function returns nearest half precision float representation of a number.

declare function hfround(x: number): number;
Math.fround(1.337); // 1.3370000123977661
hfround(1.337); // 1.3369140625

Float16Array limitations (edge cases)

The instanceof Operator

Since Float16Array is made by inheriting from Uint16Array, so you can't use the instanceof operator to check if it is a Uint16Array or not.

new Uint16Array(10) instanceof Uint16Array; // true
new Float16Array(10) instanceof Uint16Array; // true

Actually, I could use Proxy's getPrototypeOf handler to trap it, but that would be too complex and have some limitations.

In addition, it is a bad idea to use instanceof to detect the type of TypedArray, because it can't be used to detect the type of objects from other Realms, such as iframe and vm. It is recommended to use Object#toString or @@toStringTag for this purpose.

function isUint16Array(target) {
    if (target === null || typeof target !== "object") {
        return false;
    return === "[object Uint16Array]";

For Node.js, you can use util.types (document) instead. Want to do a more solid TypedArray check for other environments? Then you can use this code 😉

Built-in Functions

Built-in TypedArray objects use "internal slots" for built-in methods. Some limitations exist because the Proxy object can't trap internal slots (explanation).

This package isn't polyfill, in other words, it doesn't change native global functions and static/prototype methods.

E.g. ArrayBuffer.isView is the butlt-in method that checks if it has the [[ViewedArrayBuffer]] internal slot. It returns false for Proxy object such as Float16Array instance.

ArrayBuffer.isView(new Float32Array(10)); // true
ArrayBuffer.isView(new Float16Array(10)); // false

The structured clone algorithm (Web Workers, IndexedDB, etc)

The structured clone algorithm copies complex JavaScript objects. It is used internally when invoking structuredClone(), to transfer data between Web Workers via postMessage(), storing objects with IndexedDB, or copying objects for other APIs (MDN).

It can't clone Proxy object such as Float16Array instance, you need to convert it to Uint16Array or deal with ArrayBuffer directly.

const array = new Float16Array([1.0, 1.1, 1.2]);
const cloned = structuredClone({ buffer: array.buffer });


WebGL requires Uint16Array for buffer or texture data whose types are gl.HALF_FLOAT (WebGL 2) or ext.HALF_FLOAT_OES (WebGL 1 extension). Do not apply the Float16Array object directly to gl.bufferData or gl.texImage2D etc.

// WebGL 2 example
const vertices = new Float16Array([
    -0.5, -0.5,  0,
     0.5, -0.5,  0,
     0.5,  0.5,  0,

const buffer = gl.createBuffer();
gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, buffer);

// wrap in Uint16Array
gl.bufferData(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, new Uint16Array(vertices.buffer), gl.STATIC_DRAW);
gl.vertexAttribPointer(location, 3, gl.HALF_FLOAT, false, 0, 0);

gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, null);


See JSDoc comments in src/Float16Array.mjs for details. If you don't write hacky code, you shouldn't have any problems.


First, download devDependencies.


Build lib/, browser/ files.

yarn run build

Build docs/ files (for browser test).

yarn run docs


First, download devDependencies.


Node.js Test

yarn build:lib
yarn test

Browser Test

yarn build:browser
yarn docs

Access docs/test/index.html with browsers.

You can access current test page (power-assert version) in master branch.


MIT License

This software contains productions that are distributed under Apache 2.0 License. Specifically, index.d.ts is modified from the original TypeScript lib files.