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petdance committed May 30, 2012
0 parents commit fcc5114
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package WWW::Goodreads::API;

use strict;
use warnings;

use v5.10;

## Minimal moose compat:
use Moo;
use URI;
use URI::QueryParam;
use LWP::Simple 'get', '$ua';
use XML::Simple ;
use Data::Dumper;
use Business::ISBN;

## for signed requests
use Net::OAuth;

# goodreads api key/secret
has dev_key => (isa => sub { $_[0] =~ /^\w+$/ }, is => 'rw', required => 0);
has dev_secret => (isa => sub { $_[0] =~ /^\w+$/ }, is => 'rw', required => 0);

# oauth access/secret
has oauth_token => (isa => sub { $_[0] =~ /^\w+$/ }, is => 'rw', required => 0);
has oauth_secret => (isa => sub { $_[0] =~ /^\w+$/ }, is => 'rw', required => 0);

my %api_methods = (
auth_user => {
api => 'api/auth_user',
http_method => 'GET',
protected => 1,
content_in => 'xml',
show_user => {
http_method => 'GET',
protected => 0,
content_in => 'xml',

sub call_method {
my ($self, $method, $params, $protected, $http_method) = @_;
## The api page names methods with, the uri is actually foo/bar
## but some method names end in .xml.
##$method =~ s!\.!\/!g;

my $content_in = 'plain';
if(exists $api_methods{$method}) {
$protected = $api_methods{$method}{protected};
$http_method = $api_methods{$method}{http_method};
$content_in = $api_methods{$method}{content_in};

$method = $api_methods{$method}{api} if(exists $api_methods{$method}{api});

# FIXME: merge these more elegantly.
my $response;
my $goodreads_api_url = URI->new("");

if($protected) {
$response = $self->_call_protected_method($method, $params, $http_method);
} else {

if ($params);

# $goodreads_api_url->query_param(oauth_access_token => $self->oauth_key)
# if $self->oauth_key;
# $goodreads_api_url->query_param(oauth_access_token_secret => $self->oauth_secret)
# if($self->oauth_secret);

$goodreads_api_url->query_param(key => $self->dev_key)
if ($self->dev_key);

## Method will often consist of multiple path segments.

say "Fetching: $goodreads_api_url";

$response = $ua->get($goodreads_api_url);

if (!$response->is_success)
if ($response->content =~ m/<html>/ or
$response->content =~ m/not authorized/i
#$response->content =~ m!<error>book not found</error>!
# This is probably the website's general 404 response -- we mistyped the API name.
for my $subresponse ($response->redirects, $response)
my $subrequest = $subresponse->request;
print $subrequest->as_string("\n"), "\n--->\n";
print $subresponse->as_string("\n"), "\n---\n\n";
die "Failed API call " . $response->status_line . " from url $goodreads_api_url\n";

# This is the specific API deciding that we failed. Make it produce something that can be nicely handled by an eval {}.
die $response->content;


my $content = $response->content;

if ($content_in eq 'xml') {
$content = XMLin($content);

return $content;

sub _call_protected_method {
my ($self, $method, $params, $http_method) = @_;

$http_method ||= 'GET';
$http_method = uc $http_method;

my $gr_url = URI->new('');

# print STDERR "Calling: $gr_url\n";

my $oauth_request = Net::OAuth->request('protected resource')->new(
consumer_key => $self->dev_key,
consumer_secret => $self->dev_secret,
request_url => $gr_url->as_string,
request_method => $http_method,
signature_method => 'HMAC-SHA1',
timestamp => time(),
nonce => rand(),
token => $self->oauth_token,
token_secret => $self->oauth_secret,
extra_params => $params,

# print STDERR "Calling: ", $oauth_request->request_url, "\n";

my $response;
if ($http_method eq 'GET') {
print "Fetching ".$oauth_request->request_url." (protected GET)\n";
$response = $ua->get($oauth_request->request_url, #to_url
Authorization => $oauth_request->to_authorization_header );
} else {
print "Fetching ".$oauth_request->request_url." (protected POST)\n";
$response = $ua->post($oauth_request->request_url,
Authorization => $oauth_request->to_authorization_header );

return $response;


sub books {
my ($api, $params) = @_;

my $method = 'search/index.xml';

print Dumper($params);
print "books($api, ".join(' // ', %$params)."\n";

my $results = {};

$results = $api->call_method($method, {
'q' => (($params->{title}||'') . ' ' . ($params->{author}||'')),

# my $author = delete $params->{author};
# if($author) {
# $results = $self->call_method($method, {
# 'search[field]' => 'author',
# 'q' => $author,
# });
# } else {
# $results = $self->call_method($method, {
# 'q' => $params->{title},
# });
# }

my $xml = XMLin($results,
ForceArray => ['work'],
KeyAttr => [],
# print Dumper($xml);
my $works = $xml->{search}{results}{work};

#print "Found: ", Dumper($works);
my @books = grep { $_->{best_book}{title} =~ /\Q$params->{title}\E/i
and $_->{best_book}{author}{name} =~ /\Q$params->{author}\E/ } @$works;
#print "Filtered: ", Dumper(\@books);

return \@books;


=item book_isbn_to_id
my $bookid = $api->book_isbn_to_id($isbn);

sub book_isbn_to_id {
my ($api, $isbn) = @_;
# as_isbn10: Finds 4/6.
# as_isbn13: Finds 4/6.
print "book_isbn_to_id($isbn)\n";
$isbn = Business::ISBN->new($isbn)->as_isbn13->as_string([]);
my $res;
eval {
$res = $api->call_method('book/isbn_to_id', {isbn => $isbn});
if ($@ =~ m/No book with that ISBN/) {
return undef;
} elsif ($@) {
# Rethrow
return $res;

=head1 user_status

sub user_status {
my ($api, %params) = @_;

# FIXME: this should be more flexable about which params the user wants to enter.
'user_status[book_id]' => $params{book_id},
'user_status[page]' => $params{page}
}, 1, 'POST');

=head2 show_user
$api->show_user(id => 42);
$api->show_user(username => 'yourmother');

sub show_user {
my ($api, %params) = @_;

my $xml = $api->call_method('user/show/' . ($params{id}||$params{username}) . '.xml', {}, 1);

return XMLin($xml);

sub get_updates {
my ($api, %params) = @_;

my $user_data = $api->show_user(%params);
my $updates = $user_data->{user}{updates}{update};

my $book_pages = {};
for my $update (@$updates) {
#print Dumper($update);
# This also includes "review", and presumably some other junk for things like friends.
# (Review seems to be an update with no page, including adding it to a shelf.)
next unless $update->{type} eq 'userstatus';

# FIXME: Make it less fragile to make sure that we only count the most recent update on a given book ... or the one with the highest page number?
# Current behavior relies on goodreads giving the most recent one at the top.
$book_pages->{$update->{object}{user_status}{book}{id}{content}} ||= $update->{object}{user_status}{page}{content};

return $book_pages;

=head1 add_to_shelf
$api->add_to_shelf(book_id => 27, name => 'bobthebuilder');

sub add_to_shelf {
my ($api, %params) = @_;

book_id => $params{book_id},
name => $params{name},
}, 1, 'POST');

=head1 auth_user
Fetch data about the currently logged in user, most basic protected method.

sub auth_user {
my ($api) = @_;


=head1 book_show
Show current data about a particular book

sub book_show {
my ($api, %params) = @_;

my $book = $api->call_method('book/show/' . $params{book_id} . '.xml', {}, 1);
return XMLin($book);

sub get_book_page {
my ($api, %params) = @_;

my $book = $api->book_show(%params);

if(exists $book->{book}{my_review}) {
return $book->{book}{my_review}{user_statuses}{user_status}{page}{content};

return 0;

sub find_goodreads_book {
my ($api, %params) = @_;
## find it by isbn, or resort to searching on title/author

my $bookid;
if(defined $params{isbn}) {
$bookid = $api->book_isbn_to_id($params{isbn});
if(!$bookid) {
my $books = $api->books({
author => $params{author},
title => $params{title},
# print Dumper($books);
if(@$books ==1) {
$bookid = $books->[0]{best_book}{id}{content};

return $bookid;

'done coding';
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions README
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
This repository is a sort of junk drawer of code and notes. If I
write some code that I like, or that I might use later, but have
no other home for it, it gets put here in this (now public) repository.
Same thing with notes from conferences and chat logs and the like.

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