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Task: B_Weather_MyLocation_Discord

Send a Discord message with the current weather for my location. Date: 2023-04-07 14:45:48 Model: text-davinci-003

Initial Prompt

Execute the given task in steps. Use the following dialog format:

TASK: The input task to execute by taking actions step by step.

THOUGHT 1: Reason step-by-step which action to take next to solve the task. Make sure no steps are forgotten. Use method_search(description: str) to find methods to execute each step.


method_search("description_xyzzy")  # Search method to execute next step

OBSERVATION 1: foo(bar, ...): Method related to "description_xyzzy", found using method_search("description_xyzzy").

THOUGHT 2: Reason if method foo(bar, ...) is useful to solve step 1. If not, call method_search again.


bar = qux[...]  # Format parameters to be used in a method call, any values need to come verbatim from task or observations.
# Make only 1 method call per action!
baz = foo(bar, ...)  # Call method `foo` found by using `method_search(description: str)` in a previous step. Store the result in `baz`, which can be used in following actions. Use descriptive variable names.
print(baz)  # Print the result to be shown in the next observation.

OBSERVATION 2: stdout/stderr of running the previous action. ... (THOUGHT/ACTION/OBSERVATION can repeat N times until the full task is completed)

THOUGHT N: Reason step-by-step why the full task is completed, and finish if it is.


stop()  # Make sure the given task, and all its steps, have been executed completely before stopping.

Extras Instructions:

  • Keep actions simple, call only 1 method per action. Don't chain method calls.
  • Use descriptive variable names.
  • If needed, get current date using and current location using get_user_location() -> dict.
  • Use print(var) to print a variable to be shown in the next observation.
  • Importing is not allowed! To execute actions, access is provided to a method_search(description: str) method that prints a list of available Python 3 methods (signatures and descriptions) related to a given description. Use the methods returned by method_search(description: str) to complete the task. These methods don't need to be imported. Pay attention to the method signatures.
  • Any values used need to come word-for-word from the given task or previous observations!

Start Executing the task:

TASK: Send a Discord message with the current weather for my location.

THOUGHT 1: To solve the task I think I need to execute the following steps:

  1. Use the OpenWeatherMap API to get the current weather for my location.
  2. Compose a Discord message with the current weather information.
  3. Send the composed Discord message. Deviation from these steps might be needed based on following observations. To start out I need to use the provided method_search(description: str) method to search for new methods related to "Use the OpenWeatherMap API to get the current weather for my location".


method_search("Use the OpenWeatherMap API to get the current weather for my location")

OBSERVATION 1: get_current_weather(latitude: float, longitude: float) -> dict: Get the current weather for the given location (geographical coordinates). get_daily_weather_forecast(latitude: float, longitude: float) -> dict: Get the daily weather forecast for the next 7 days for the given location (geographical coordinates). get_user_location() -> dict: Return the user's current location. Not all the above methods might be needed. Use method_search(description: str) to search for more available methods if required!

STEP 2 - prompt size = 927


Based on previous observations, get_current_weather(latitude: float, longitude: float) and get_user_location() methods seem to be useful to solve the first step.


location = get_user_location()  # Get the user's current location.
latitude = location["latitude"]  # Get the latitude from the location.
longitude = location["longitude"]  # Get the longitude from the location.
weather = get_current_weather(latitude, longitude)  # Get the current weather for the given location.
print(weather)  # Print the result to be shown in the next observation.


{'latitude': 50.94, 'longitude': 5.3399997, 'elevation': 41.0, 'current_weather': {'temperature': 11.4, 'windspeed': 9.9, 'winddirection': 316.0, 'is_day': 1, 'time': '2023-04-07T12:00', 'description': 'Overcast'}, 'timezone': 'GMT [GMT]', 'temperature_unit': 'celsius', 'windspeed_unit': 'kmh', 'winddirection_unit': 'degrees'}

STEP 3 - prompt size = 1228


Based on previous observations, get_current_weather(latitude: float, longitude: float) method has been used to get the current weather for the given location. Now I need to compose a Discord message with the current weather information.


message = f"The current weather in {location['latitude']}, {location['longitude']} is {weather['current_weather']['description']} with a temperature of {weather['current_weather']['temperature']}°C and a windspeed of {weather['current_weather']['windspeed']} {weather['windspeed_unit']}."  # Compose a Discord message with the current weather information.
print(message)  # Print the result to be shown in the next observation.


The current weather in 50.9311, 5.3378 is Overcast with a temperature of 11.4°C and a windspeed of 9.9 kmh.

STEP 4 - prompt size = 1457


Based on previous observations, a Discord message with the current weather information has been composed. Now I need to send the composed Discord message.


send_discord_message(message)  # Send the composed Discord message.


ERROR: NameError on line 1: send_discord_message(message) # Send the composed Discord message.: name 'send_discord_message' is not defined Only call available methods and make sure variables are defined! To find new methods, use the method_search(description: str) method in the next action to search for available methods!

STEP 5 - prompt size = 1611


Based on previous observations, send_discord_message(message) method is not available. To find new methods, I need to use the provided method_search(description: str) method to search for available methods related to "Send a Discord message".


method_search("Send a Discord message")


send_message_discord(msg: str, image: Optional[Image]=None): Send a message to discord. An optional image to send can be provided. send_slack_message(msg: str, channel_id: str): Send a message to the Slack channel with the specified ID. send_slack_image(img: Image, msg: str, channel: str): Send the given image and corresponding message to the Slack channel with the given name or ID.

STEP 6 - prompt size = 1816


Based on previous observations, send_message_discord(msg: str, image: Optional[Image]=None) method seems to be useful to solve the third step.


send_message_discord(message)  # Send the composed Discord message.


Discord message sent successfully.

STEP 7 - prompt size = 1905


Based on previous observations, send_message_discord(msg: str, image: Optional[Image]=None) method has been used to send the composed Discord message. The full task has been completed.


stop()  # Make sure the given task, and all its steps, have been executed completely before stopping.

stop() called! Agent finished in 7 steps and 24s. ReAct Agent has finished the task! stop() called by agent.