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Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'pr-pin'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install pr-pin


Registering Connections

# Require the gem
require 'pr-pin'

# Register a connection using your Pin Payments secret key
  secret_key: 'your_secret_key',
  # raise on error, defaults to returning PR::Pin::API::Error instance
  error_handler: ->(exception) { raise(exception) },
  sandbox: true # Defaults to true, false for production

# You can register another connection by passsing an identifier to
# PR::Pin.register_connection, i.e.
  :admin, # defaults to :default
  secret_key: 'your_secret_key',
  sandbox: true

# Then, you can specify the connection to use when resolving the
# endpoint repository from the PR::Pin container
customers = PR::Pin.customers(:admin).list(page: 1)
# => [#<PR::Pin::Struct::Customer>, ...]
customers.current_page # => 1
customers.per_page # => 25
customers.prev_page # => nil
customers.next_page # => 2
customers.total_count # => 53
customers.total_pages # => 3

One-off charge

# Create a charge using a token, you can get a card token
# using Pin Payments hosted fields, or by creating a card
# via the API, this can be used to take a one-off payment
charge = PR::Pin.charges.create(
  email: '',
  description: 'A $10 donation',
  amount: 1000,
  ip_address: '',
  card_token: 'card_58b6c52f131956c4394ba7'
charge.success? # => true
charge.error? # => false
charge # => #<PR::Pin::Struct::Charge>

# Find a charge by token
# => #<PR::Pin::Struct::Charge>

Recurring payments

# For a subscription, create a customer using a card token
customer = PR::Pin.customers.create(
  email: '',
  card_token: 'card_58b6c52f131956c4394ba7'
customer.success? # => true
customer.error? # => false
customer # => #<PR::Pin::Struct::Customer>

# And then attach a subscription using the plan token from
# the plans endpoint (you will need to create the plan first)
subscription = PR::Pin.subscriptions.create(
  plan_token: 'plan_2d16b31863015a57820b70',
  customer_token: 'cus_9d18a4516a6ae777-NDecB'
subscription.success? # => true
subscription.error? # => false
subscription # => #<PR::Pin::Struct::Subscription>

ledger = PR::Pin.ledger.for_subscription('sub_293857')
subscription.success? # => true
subscription.error? # => false
# => [
#   #<PR::Pin::Struct::Ledger type="credit" annotation="charge_credit" amount=1026 currency="AUD" created_at=#<DateTime: 2020-07-02T02:19:50+00:00 ((2459033j,8390s,0n),+0s,2299161j)>>,
#   #<PR::Pin::Struct::Ledger type="debit" annotation="interval_fee" amount=1026 currency="AUD" created_at=#<DateTime: 2020-07-02T02:19:47+00:00 ((2459033j,8387s,0n),+0s,2299161j)>>,
#   #<PR::Pin::Struct::Ledger type="debit" annotation="setup_fee" amount=0 currency="AUD" created_at=#<DateTime: 2020-07-02T02:19:47+00:00 ((2459033j,8387s,0n),+0s,2299161j)>>
# ]


# List refunds (paginated)
refunds = PR::Pin.refunds.list
# => [#<PR::Pin::Struct::Refund>, ...]

# Find a specific refund
refund = PR::Pin.refunds.find('rf_1e5429')
# => #<PR::Pin::Struct::Refund>

# Create a refund for a charge
# => #<PR::Pin::Struct::Refund>

# List all refunds by charge
# => [#<PR::Pin::Struct::Refund>, ...]

Errors - See PR::Pin::API::Error

charge = PR::Pin.charges.create(
  email: ''
charge.success? # => false
charge.error? # => true
charge.code # => "invalid_resource"
charge.description # => "One or more parameters were missing or invalid"
charge # => => #<PR::Pin::API::Error>

API Coverage

Coverage of

Relation Endpoint Description Docs Implemented
Balance GET /balance Returns the current balance of your Pin Payments account πŸ”— ❌
Bank Accounts POST /bank_accounts Creates a bank account token πŸ”— ❌
Cards POST /cards Securely stores a card's details πŸ”— ❌
Charges POST /charges Creates a new charge πŸ”— βœ”οΈ
Charges PUT /charges/#{charge-token}/capture Captures a previously authorised charge πŸ”— ❌
Charges GET /charges Returns a paginated list of all charges πŸ”— βœ”οΈ
Charges GET /charges/search Returns a paginated list of charges matching the search criteria πŸ”— βœ”οΈ
Charges GET /charges/#{charge-token} Returns the details of a charge πŸ”— βœ”οΈ
Customers POST /customers Creates a new customer πŸ”— βœ”οΈ
Customers GET /customers Returns a paginated list of all customers πŸ”— βœ”οΈ
Customers GET /customers/#{customer-token} Returns the details of a customer πŸ”— βœ”οΈ
Customers PUT /customers/#{customer-token} Updates the details of a customer πŸ”— βœ”οΈ
Customers DELETE /customers/#{customer-token} Deletes a customer and all of its cards πŸ”— ❌
Customers GET /customers/#{customer-token}/charges Returns a paginated list of a customer's charges πŸ”— βœ”οΈ
Customers GET /customers/#{customer-token}/cards Returns a paginated list of a customer's cards πŸ”— ❌
Customers POST /customers/#{customer-token}/cards Creates an additional card for the specified customer πŸ”— ❌
Customers DELETE /customers/#{customer-token}/cards/#{card-token} Deletes a customer's non-primary card πŸ”— ❌
Customers GET /customers/#{customer-token}/subscriptions Retrieves the specified customer's subscriptions πŸ”— ❌
Events GET /events Returns a paginated list of all events πŸ”— ❌
Events GET /events/#{event-token} Returns the details of the specified event πŸ”— ❌
Plans POST /plans Creates a new plan πŸ”— βœ”οΈ
Plans GET /plans Returns a paginated list of all plans πŸ”— βœ”οΈ
Plans GET /plans/#{plan-token} Returns the details of a specified plan πŸ”— βœ”οΈ
Plans PUT /plans/#{plan-token} Update the specified plan πŸ”— βœ”οΈ
Plans DELETE /plans/#{plan-token} Deletes a plan and all of its subscriptions πŸ”— ❌
Plans POST /plans/#{plan-token}/subscriptions Creates a new subscription to the specified plan πŸ”— ❌
Plans GET /plans/#{plan-token}/subscriptions Returns a paginated list of subscriptions for a plan πŸ”— ❌
Subscriptions POST /subscriptions Activate a new subscription and returns its details πŸ”— βœ”οΈ
Subscriptions GET /subscriptions Returns a paginated list of all subscriptions πŸ”— βœ”οΈ
Subscriptions GET /subscriptions/#{sub-token} Returns the details of the subscription identified by subscription token πŸ”— βœ”οΈ
Subscriptions PUT /subscriptions/#{sub-token} Updates the card associated with a subscription identified by subscription token πŸ”— βœ”οΈ
Subscriptions DELETE /subscriptions/#{sub-token} Cancels the subscription identified by subscription token πŸ”— ❌
Subscriptions PUT /subscriptions/#{sub-token}/reactivate Reactivates the subscription identified by subscription token πŸ”— ❌
Subscriptions GET /subscriptions/#{sub-token}/ledger Fetch the ledger entries relating to a subscription identified by subscription token πŸ”— βœ”οΈ
Recipients POST /recipients Creates a new recipient πŸ”— ❌
Recipients GET /recipients Returns a paginated list of all recipients πŸ”— ❌
Recipients GET /recipients/#{recipient-token} Returns the details of a recipient πŸ”— ❌
Recipients PUT /recipients/#{recipient-token} Updates the details of a recipient πŸ”— ❌
Recipients GET /recipients/#{recipient-token}/transfers Returns a paginated list of a recipient's transfers πŸ”— ❌
Refunds GET /refunds Returns a paginated list of all refunds πŸ”— βœ”οΈ
Refunds GET /refunds/#{refund-token} Returns the details of the specified refund πŸ”— βœ”οΈ
Refunds POST /charges/#{charge-token}/refunds Creates a new refund and returns its details πŸ”— βœ”οΈ
Refunds GET /charges/#{charge-token}/refunds Returns a list of all refunds for the specified charge πŸ”— βœ”οΈ
Transfers POST /transfers Creates a new transfer πŸ”— ❌
Transfers GET /transfers Returns a paginated list of all transfers πŸ”— ❌
Transfers GET /transfers/search Returns a paginated list of transfers matching the search criteria πŸ”— ❌
Transfers GET /transfers/#{transfer-token} Returns the details of the specified transfer πŸ”— ❌
Transfers GET /transfers/#{transfer-token}/line_items Returns a paginated list of line items associated with the specified transfer πŸ”— ❌
Webhook Endpoints POST /webhook_endpoints Creates a new webhook endpoint πŸ”— ❌
Webhook Endpoints GET /webhook_endpoints Returns a paginated list of all webhook endpoints πŸ”— ❌
Webhook Endpoints GET /webhook_endpoints/#{webhook-endpoint-token} Returns the details of the specified webhook endpoint πŸ”— ❌
Webhook Endpoints DELETE /webhook_endpoints/#{webhook-endpoint-token} Deletes a webhook endpoint and all of its webhook requests πŸ”— ❌
Webhooks GET /webhooks Returns a paginated list of all webhooks πŸ”— ❌
Webhooks GET /webhooks/#{webhook-token} Returns the details of a webhook πŸ”— ❌
Webhooks PUT /webhooks/#{webhook-token}/replay Replays a webhook πŸ”— ❌


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake spec to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem file to


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.


Pin Payments API wrapper inplemented using rom-rb HTTP adapter







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