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Go Cache Fetcher Client

This is the fetcher function response's cache client for golang using Redis or other cache system.


✅ This client module supports basic logic of the cache fetcher client.

You can fetch various function responses with cache eg. Redis, Memcached, other cache system, and so on. For example, The first time, You can set the data to Redis while getting the response of the function. The second time, If cached, You can get from Redis.

✅ This client is auto generation cache key from elements.

you don't have to think about making a cache key logic. Key's generation logic can be hidden from the main logic.

✅ Simple cache control

Cache control is very simple that set key and fetch with fetcher function.

SetKey and Fetch functions are sufficient for this client.

Fetch needs to set the fetcher function, destination value pointer and cache expiration.

  • SetKey()
  • Fetch()


go get


fetcher := cachefetcher.NewCacheFetcher(
    Rdb: redis.NewClient(&redis.Options{Addr: "localhost:6379"}),
fetcher.SetKey([]string{"prefix", "str"}, "hoge")
// fetcher.Key() == "prefix_str_hoge"

// This is fetcher function, For example, assume to read from DB.
read := func(s string) string {
  return s + " fetch!!"

// The first fetch is from the fetcher function. Not call cache.
var dst string
err := fetcher.Fetch(10*time.Second, &dst, func() (string, error) {
  return read("first"), nil
// dst == "first fetch!!" <- get from function

// The second fetch is from the expired cache. Not call fetcher function.
err = fetcher.Fetch(10*time.Second, &dst, func() (string, error) {
  return read("second"), nil
// dst == "first fetch!!" <- get from cache

Support Type

The key element support int, float, bool, complex, byte, time, slice, array, "struct with String() method" in addition to string.

The client supports serialization with gob serializer. The cache saves serialized strings.

fetcher.SetKey([]string{"prefix", "any"}, 1, 0.1, true, &[]string{"a", "b"}, time.Unix(0, 0).In(time.UTC))
_ = fetcher.Key() // "prefix_any_1_0.1_true_a_b_1970-01-01_00:00:00_+0000_UTC"
_ = fetcher.HashKey() // "prefix_any_c94a415eb6e20585f4fbc856b6edcf52007259522967c4bea548515e71531663"

read := func() ([]int, error) {
  return []int{1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
var dst []int  
err := fetcher.Fetch(10*time.Second, &dst, read)
// dst == []int{1, 2, 3, 4, 5}

The element supports more than just string type. If you want use interface{} or another unique type, use GobRegister() to register type.

    i := 10
    b := true
    s := "abc"
    ft := 0.123
    i8 := int8(20)
    i64 := int64(30)
    ui8 := uint8(40)
    ui64 := uint64(50)

    e := &testStruct{
        I:     i,
        B:     b,
        S:     s,
        F:     ft,
        I8:    i8,
        I64:   i64,
        UI8:   ui8,
        UI64:  ui64,
        IP:    &i,
        BP:    &b,
        SP:    &s,
        FP:    &ft,
        I8P:   &i8,
        I64P:  &i64,
        UI8P:  &ui8,
        UI64P: &ui64,
        IS:    []int{i, i, i},
        BS:    []bool{b, b, b},
        SS:    []string{s, s, s},
        FS:    []float64{ft, ft, ft},
        IM:    map[int]int{1: i, 2: i, 3: i},
        BM:    map[bool]bool{true: b, false: b},
        SM:    map[string]string{"a": s, "bb": s, "ccc": s},
        FM:    map[float64]float64{0.1: ft, 0.2: ft, 0.3: ft},

    var dst testStruct
    f := cachefetcher.NewCacheFetcher(redisClient, options)
    err := fetcher.SetKey([]string{"prefix", "key"}, "struct1")
    err = fetcher.Set(e, 10*time.Second)
    err = fetcher.Get(&dst)

Another cache control

If you needs a hash key, can use SetHashKey instead of SetKey.

You can Set(), Get(), Del() individually. If you want key, can use Key(). If you want boolean result that is cached, can use IsCached().

  • SetHashKey()
  • Set()
  • Get()
  • SetString()
  • GetString()
  • Del()
  • Key()
  • IsCached()
  • GobRegister()

implement cache client

This cache fetcher needs cache client implement. The client needs Set Get Del IsErrCacheMiss functions.

The simple redis client is

// SimpleRedisClientImpl is a sample client implementation.
type SimpleRedisClientImpl struct {
    Rdb *redis.Client

// Set is an implementation of the function in the sample client.
func (i *SimpleRedisClientImpl) Set(key string, value interface{}, expiration time.Duration) error {
    // You need an implementation to set from the cache.
    return i.Rdb.Set(ctx, key, value, expiration).Err()

// Get is an implementation of the function in the sample client.
func (i *SimpleRedisClientImpl) Get(key string, dst interface{}) error {
    // You need an implementation to get from the cache.
    v, err := i.Rdb.Get(ctx, key).Result()
    if err != nil {
        return err

    return nil

// Del is an implementation of the function in the sample client.
func (i *SimpleRedisClientImpl) Del(key string) error {
    return i.Rdb.Del(ctx, key).Err()

// IsErrCacheMiss is an implementation of the function in the sample client.
// Please return the decision at the time of cache miss err.
func (i *SimpleRedisClientImpl) IsErrCacheMiss(err error) bool {
    return errors.Is(err, redis.Nil)


This fetcher client can use single flight with setting option.

If DebugPrintMode set true, the cache key will be printed to the terminal.

    Group:          &singleflight.Group{}, // default
    GroupTimeout:   30 * time.Second,      // default
    DebugPrintMode: true,                  // default is false