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Shadwell - A finder for Python packages

It wasn't a dark and stormy night.
It should have been, but that's the weather for you.

-- "Good Omens", by Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman

Shadwell lets you find Python packages, from a set of "sources" (typically a package index or local directory).


In order to use the library, you need to create a Finder object, and then use that to fetch candidates for a requirement, as follows:

sources = [
    # A list of package sources, we'll come back to this
finder = Finder(sources)
results = finder.find(requirement)

The results are returned in "best first" order, so callers which just want the best match can take the first result returned and ignore the rest.

When creating a finder, you can supply any of the following arguments, to configure its behaviour:

  • compatibility_tags: This is a set of binary compatibility tags, used to determine if a wheel is compatible with the target platform. It should be a list of packaging.tags.Tag objects. Normally this will be omitted, in which case the default is to use packaging.tags.sys_tags(), which is the set supported by the current Python interpreter.
  • allow_prerelease: If this is True, the finder will return pre-release versions. Otherwise it will ignore prereleases (this is the default behaviour).
  • python_version: A packaging.version.Version object representing the target Python release. It is used to filter candidates based on their Requires-Python metadata. As usual, the current interpreter is used by default.
  • wheel_policy: This is a function that determines for a package, how we should choose between wheels and source distributions. Called with a package name, it should return one of the WheelPolicy values ALLOW (wheels can be used), REQUIRE (only wheels are allowed), PROHIBIT (wheels cannot be used, only sdists are allowed) or PREFER (older wheels will be selected in preference to newer source-only versions).
  • allow_yanked: This option only affects the case where all of the selected candidates are yanked. If there are any unyanked candidates, yanked candidates will be omitted regardless of the value of this option. If only yanked candidates are available, this option determines whether to return them rather than returning an empty list (the default). The intention here is to allow callers flexibility in how they implement the rules in PEP 592.


The objects returned from the finder are Candidate objects. The exact class is up to the source, but they must have the following attributes:

  • name: The project name (a string).
  • version: The project version (packaging.version.Version)
  • requires_python: The Python versions this candidate works with (packaging.specifiers.SpecifierSet)
  • is_wheel: Is this a wheel or sdist.
  • tags: The compatibility tags for this wheel (ignored for sdists). (Set[packaging.tags.Tag])
  • is_yanked: Is this file yanked?


A source is any Python callable that takes a project name as an argument, and yields candidate objects for the named project. Note in particular that it is not the responsibility of the source to do any sort of filtering.

Further possibilities

  1. Rather than having the finder return a flat list of candidates, maybe return a list of (version, ordered list of candidates)? That allows callers to more easily select the best candidate per version. However, "prefer wheel" may split the candidates for a version into 2 parts (wheels in one batch, sources in another), and that would be potentially harder for callers...


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