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A :struct:`String` is an immutable sequence of characters in kOS.

Creating strings

Unlike other structures, strings are created with a special syntax:

// Create a new string
SET s TO "Hello, Strings!".

Strings are immutable. This means, once a string has been created, it can not be directly modified. However, new strings can be created out of existing strings. For example:

// Create a new string with "Hello" replaced with "Goodbye"
SET s TO "Hello, Strings!".
SET t TO s:REPLACE("Hello", "Goodbye").


NOTE: All string comparisons, substring matches, and searches, are currently case in sensive, meaning that for example the letter "A" and the letter "a" are indistinguishable. There are future plans to add mechanisms that will let you choose case-sensitivity when you prefer.


.. structure:: String

    .. list-table:: Members
        :header-rows: 1
        :widths: 2 1 4

        * - Suffix
          - Type
          - Description

        * - :meth:`CONTAINS(string)`
          - boolean
          - True if the given string is contained within this string
        * - :meth:`ENDSWITH(string)`
          - boolean
          - True if this string ends with the given string
        * - :meth:`FIND(string)`
          - integer
          - Returns the index of the first occurrence of the given string in this string (starting from 0)
        * - :meth:`FINDAT(string, startAt)`
          - integer
          - Returns the index of the first occurrence of the given string in this string (starting from startAt)
        * - :meth:`FINDLAST(string)`
          - integer
          - Returns the index of the last occurrence of the given string in this string (starting from 0)
        * - :meth:`FINDLASTAT(string, startAt)`
          - integer
          - Returns the index of the last occurrence of the given string in this string (starting from startAt)
        * - :meth:`INDEXOF(string)`
          - integer
          - Alias for FIND(string)
        * - :meth:`INSERT(index, string)`
          - :struct:`String`
          - Returns a new string with the given string inserted at the given index into this string
        * - :meth:`LASTINDEXOF(string)`
          - integer
          - Alias for FINDLAST(string)
        * - :attr:`LENGTH`
          - integer
          - Number of characters in the string
        * - :meth:`PADLEFT(width)`
          - :struct:`String`
          - Returns a new right-aligned version of this string padded to the given width by spaces
        * - :meth:`PADRIGHT(width)`
          - :struct:`String`
          - Returns a new left-aligned version of this string padded to the given width by spaces
        * - :meth:`REMOVE(index,count)`
          - :struct:`String`
          - Returns a new string out of this string with the given count of characters removed starting at the given index
        * - :meth:`REPLACE(oldString, newString)`
          - :struct:`String`
          - Returns a new string out of this string with any occurrences of oldString replaced with newString
        * - :meth:`SPLIT(separator)`
          - :struct:`String`
          - Breaks this string up into a list of smaller strings on each occurrence of the given separator
        * - :meth:`STARTSWITH(string)`
          - boolean
          - True if this string starts with the given string
        * - :meth:`SUBSTRING(start, count)`
          - :struct:`String`
          - Returns a new string with the given count of characters from this string starting from the given start position
        * - :attr:`TOLOWER`
          - :struct:`String`
          - Returns a new string with all characters in this string replaced with their lower case versions
        * - :attr:`TOUPPER`
          - :struct:`String`
          - Returns a new string with all characters in this string replaced with their upper case versions
        * - :attr:`TRIM`
          - :struct:`String`
          - returns a new string with no leading or trailing whitespace
        * - :attr:`TRIMEND`
          - :struct:`String`
          - returns a new string with no trailing whitespace
        * - :attr:`TRIMSTART`
          - :struct:`String`
          - returns a new string with no leading whitespace

.. method:: String:CONTAINS(string)

    :parameter string: :struct:`String` to look for
    :type: boolean

    True if the given string is contained within this string.

.. method:: String:ENDSWITH(string)

    :parameter string: :struct:`String` to look for
    :type: boolean

    True if this string ends with the given string.

.. method:: String:FIND(string)

    :parameter string: :struct:`String` to look for
    :type: :struct:`String`

    Returns the index of the first occurrence of the given string in this string (starting from 0).

.. method:: String:FINDAT(string, startAt)

    :parameter string: :struct:`String` to look for
    :parameter startAt: integer index to start searching at
    :type: :struct:`String`

    Returns the index of the first occurrence of the given string in this string (starting from startAt).

.. method:: String:FINDLAST(string)

    :parameter string: :struct:`String` to look for
    :type: :struct:`String`

    Returns the index of the last occurrence of the given string in this string (starting from 0)

.. method:: String:FINDLASTAT(string, startAt)

    :parameter string: :struct:`String` to look for
    :parameter startAt: integer index to start searching at
    :type: :struct:`String`

    Returns the index of the last occurrence of the given string in this string (starting from startAt)

.. method:: String:INDEXOF(string)

    Alias for FIND(string)

.. method:: String:INSERT(index, string)

    :parameter index: integer index to add the string at
    :parameter string: :struct:`String` to insert
    :type: :struct:`String`

    Returns a new string with the given string inserted at the given index into this string

.. method:: String:LASTINDEXOF(string)

    Alias for FINDLAST(string)

.. attribute:: String:LENGTH

    :type: integer
    :access: Get only

    Number of characters in the string

.. method:: String:PADLEFT(width)

    :parameter width: integer number of characters the resulting string will contain
    :type: :struct:`String`

    Returns a new right-aligned version of this string padded to the given width by spaces.

.. method:: String:PADRIGHT(width)

    :parameter width: integer number of characters the resulting string will contain
    :type: :struct:`String`

    Returns a new left-aligned version of this string padded to the given width by spaces.

.. method:: String:REMOVE(index,count)

    :parameter index: integer position of the string from which characters will be removed from the resulting string
    :parameter count: integer number of characters that will be removing from the resulting string
    :type: :struct:`String`

    Returns a new string out of this string with the given count of characters removed starting at the given index.

.. method:: String:REPLACE(oldString,newString)

    :parameter oldString: :struct:`String` to search for
    :parameter newString: :struct:`String` that all occurances of oldString will be replaced with
    :type: :struct:`String`

    Returns a new string out of this string with any occurrences of oldString replaced with newString.

.. method:: String:SPLIT(separator)

    :parameter separator: :struct:`String` delimiter on which this string will be split
    :return: :struct:`List`

    Breaks this string up into a list of smaller strings on each occurrence of the given separator. This will return a
    list of strings, none of which will contain the separator character(s).

.. method:: String:STARTSWITH(string)

    :parameter string: :struct:`String` to look for
    :type: boolean

    True if this string starts with the given string .

.. method:: String:SUBSTRING(start,count)

    :parameter start: (integer) starting index (from zero)
    :parameter count: (integer) resulting length of returned :struct:`String`
    :return: :struct:`String`

    Returns a new string with the given count of characters from this string starting from the given start position.

.. attribute:: String:TOLOWER

    :type: :struct:`String`
    :access: Get only

    Returns a new string with all characters in this string replaced with their lower case versions

.. attribute:: String:TOUPPER

    :type: :struct:`String`
    :access: Get only

    Returns a new string with all characters in this string replaced with their upper case versions

.. attribute:: String:TRIM

    :type: :struct:`String`
    :access: Get only

    returns a new string with no leading or trailing whitespace

.. attribute:: String:TRIMEND

    :type: :struct:`String`
    :access: Get only

    returns a new string with no trailing whitespace

.. attribute:: String:TRIMSTART

    :type: :struct:`String`
    :access: Get only

    returns a new string with no leading whitespace

Access to Individual Characters

All string indexes start counting at zero. (The characters are numbered from 0 to N-1 rather than from 1 to N.)

operator: access the character at position 'expression'. Any arbitrary complex expression may be used with this syntax, not just a number or variable name.
:ref:`A type of loop <flow>` in which var iterates over all the characters of the string from 0 to LENGTH-1.


                                                                // CORRECT OUTPUTS
SET s TO "Hello, Strings!".                                     // ---------------
PRINT "Original String:               " + s.                    // Hello, Strings!
PRINT "string[7]:                     " + s[7].                 // S
PRINT "LENGTH:                        " + s:LENGTH.             // 15
PRINT "SUBSTRING(7, 6):               " + s:SUBSTRING(7, 6).    // String
PRINT "CONTAINS(''ring''):            " + s:CONTAINS("ring").   // True
PRINT "CONTAINS(''bling''):           " + s:CONTAINS("bling").  // False
PRINT "ENDSWITH(''ings!''):           " + s:ENDSWITH("ings!").  // True
PRINT "ENDSWITH(''outs!''):           " + s:ENDSWITH("outs").   // False
PRINT "FIND(''l''):                   " + s:FIND("l").          // 2
PRINT "FINDLAST(''l''):               " + s:FINDLAST("l").      // 3
PRINT "FINDAT(''l'', 0):              " + s:FINDAT("l", 0).     // 2
PRINT "FINDAT(''l'', 3):              " + s:FINDAT("l", 3).     // 3
PRINT "FINDLASTAT(''l'', 9):          " + s:FINDLASTAT("l", 9). // 3
PRINT "FINDLASTAT(''l'', 2):          " + s:FINDLASTAT("l", 2). // 2
PRINT "INSERT(7, ''Big ''):           " + s:INSERT(7, "Big ").  // Hello, Big Strings!

PRINT " ".
PRINT "                               |------ 18 ------|".
PRINT "PADLEFT(18):                   " + s:PADLEFT(18).        //    Hello, Strings!
PRINT "PADRIGHT(18):                  " + s:PADRIGHT(18).       // Hello, Strings!
PRINT " ".

PRINT "REMOVE(1, 3):                  " + s:REMOVE(1, 3).               // Ho, Strings!
PRINT "REPLACE(''Hell'', ''Heaven''): " + s:REPLACE("Hell", "Heaven").  // Heaveno, Strings!
PRINT "STARTSWITH(''Hell''):          " + s:STARTSWITH("Hell").         // True
PRINT "STARTSWITH(''Heaven''):        " + s:STARTSWITH("Heaven").       // False
PRINT "TOUPPER:                       " + s:TOUPPER().                  // HELLO, STRINGS!
PRINT "TOLOWER:                       " + s:TOLOWER().                  // hello, strings!

PRINT " ".
PRINT "''  Hello!  '':TRIM():         " + "  Hello!  ":TRIM().          // Hello!
PRINT "''  Hello!  '':TRIMSTART():    " + "  Hello!  ":TRIMSTART().     // Hello!
PRINT "''  Hello!  '':TRIMEND():      " + "  Hello!  ":TRIMEND().       //   Hello!

PRINT " ".