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Martín Dias edited this page Oct 13, 2023 · 13 revisions

Welcome to the Alexandrie wiki!


Load in a Pharo 11 or 12:

Metacello new
        baseline: 'Alexandrie';
        repository: 'github://pharo-graphics/Alexandrie/src';


The dynamic libraries provided by the Pharo VM satisfy the project needs in all major platforms (Mac, Linux and Windows). This is true after this release of Pharo VM. These are the versions:

  • Cairo: 1.17.4
  • FreeType: 2.12.1
  • Harfbuzz: 5.3.1

You can find the library versions by printing each of the following sentences:

AeCairoLibrary uniqueInstance versionString.
AeFTLibrary newInitialized versionString.
AeHarfbuzzLibrary uniqueInstance versionString.


The project counts with Test packages that pixel-compare the actual output of the render with PNGs previously exported in the 'tests/' directory of this repo. If any pixel doesn't match with the expected output, the test fails. Browse AeCanvasTest to see it.

How does it work?

A tricky part is how to locate the expected PNGs in the filesystem. To do it, the AeFilesystemResources will look into the registered Iceberg repositories for one named 'Alexandrie' (case-insensitive). This means that the test will ERROR if the repository is not registered at Iceberg. Normally the repository is registered after Metacello load.

CI jobs (smalltalk-ci via '.ci.ston') execute a pre-install script (located in the 'scripts/' directory) that registers the repository explicitly in Iceberg.

Steps to debug CI locally:

  1. cd to some tmp directory
  2. git clone && export GITHUB_WORKSPACE="$(pwd)/Alexandrie" && ~/d/pharo/smalltalkCI/bin/smalltalkci -s Pharo64-11 Alexandrie/.ci.ston
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