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44 lines (30 loc) · 1.21 KB


File metadata and controls

44 lines (30 loc) · 1.21 KB

Development roadmap

The vision for this project is to provide a universal library for analysis of recorded motion. Some of the categories where a lot of features are still to be implemented are detailed below.

IO functions

Import routines for a variety of data formats from common motion capture and IMU systems.


Common transform estimators such as iterative closest points (ICP).

Pandas support

The same metadata-aware mechanism for pandas as for xarray.

ROS integration

Leverage tools provided by ROS to supplement functionality of the library. One example would be 3D plotting with RViz. ROS has recently made its way to conda forge, and packages such as jupyter-ros facilitate integration with modern Python workflows.


Support for unit conversions and unit-aware transforms. Possibly leveraging packages such as pint or unit support in xarray.