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configurable graph width / add auto config update detection
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phil294 committed Apr 30, 2023
1 parent c2e3956 commit ade3b4b
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Showing 6 changed files with 114 additions and 83 deletions.
54 changes: 31 additions & 23 deletions src/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
``###* @typedef {{ command: 'response', data?: any, error?: any, id: number }} MsgResponse ###
``###* @typedef {{ command: string, data: any, id: number }} MsgRequest ###
``###* @typedef {{ type: 'response' | 'request' | 'push', command?: string, data?: any, error?: any, id: number | string }} BridgeMessage ###

vscode = require 'vscode'
util = require('util')
Expand All @@ -25,36 +24,45 @@ module.exports.activate = (###* @type vscode.ExtensionContext ### context) =>
panel.iconPath = vscode.Uri.joinPath(context.extensionUri, "logo.png")
view = panel.webview

view.onDidReceiveMessage (###* @type MsgRequest ### message) =>
view.onDidReceiveMessage (###* @type BridgeMessage ### message) =>
d =
h = (###* @type {() => any} ### func) =>
``###* @type MsgResponse ###
``###* @type BridgeMessage ###
resp =
command: 'response'
type: 'response'
try = await func()
catch e
resp.error = e
view.postMessage resp
switch message.command
when 'git'
h => git d
when 'show-error-message'
h => vscode.window.showErrorMessage d
when 'show-information-message'
h => vscode.window.showInformationMessage d
when 'get-state'
h => context.globalState.get d
when 'set-state'
h => context.globalState.update d.key, d.value
when 'open-diff'
h =>
uri_1 = vscode.Uri.parse "git-show:#{d.hash}~1:#{d.filename}"
uri_2 = vscode.Uri.parse "git-show:#{d.hash}:#{d.filename}"
vscode.commands.executeCommand 'vscode.diff', uri_1, uri_2, "#{d.filename} @#{d.hash}"
when 'get-config'
h => vscode.workspace.getConfiguration(EXT_ID).get d
switch message.type
when 'request'
switch message.command
when 'git'
h => git d
when 'show-error-message'
h => vscode.window.showErrorMessage d
when 'show-information-message'
h => vscode.window.showInformationMessage d
when 'get-state'
h => context.globalState.get d
when 'set-state'
h => context.globalState.update d.key, d.value
when 'open-diff'
h =>
uri_1 = vscode.Uri.parse "git-show:#{d.hash}~1:#{d.filename}"
uri_2 = vscode.Uri.parse "git-show:#{d.hash}:#{d.filename}"
vscode.commands.executeCommand 'vscode.diff', uri_1, uri_2, "#{d.filename} @#{d.hash}"
when 'get-config'
h => vscode.workspace.getConfiguration(EXT_ID).get d
vscode.workspace.onDidChangeConfiguration (event) =>
if event.affectsConfiguration EXT_ID
``###* @type BridgeMessage ###
msg =
type: 'push'
id: 'config-change'
view.postMessage msg

is_production = context.extensionMode == vscode.ExtensionMode.Production
dev_server_url = 'http://localhost:8080'
Expand Down
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions web/src/App.vue
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,10 +5,15 @@

<script lang="coffee">
import MainView from './views/MainView.vue'
import * as store from './views/'
import { add_push_listener } from './'
export default
components: { MainView }
setup: ->
add_push_listener 'config-change', store.refresh_config

<style lang="stylus">
Expand Down
39 changes: 22 additions & 17 deletions web/src/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,32 +1,34 @@
``###* @typedef {import('@extension/').MsgResponse} MsgResponse ###
``###* @typedef {import('@extension/').MsgRequest} MsgRequest ###
``###* @typedef {import('@extension/').BridgeMessage} BridgeMessage ###

vscode = acquireVsCodeApi()

``###* @type {Record<string, (r: MsgResponse) => void>} ###
callbacks = {}
``###* @type {Record<string, (r: BridgeMessage) => void>} ###
response_handlers = {}
id = 0

``###* @type {Record<string, (r: BridgeMessage) => void>} ###
push_handlers = {}

window.addEventListener 'message', (msg_event) =>
``###* @type MsgResponse ###
``###* @type BridgeMessage ###
message =
switch message.command
switch message.type
when 'response'
handler = callbacks[]
if handler
handler message
delete callbacks[]
throw new Error "unhandled response id: " + JSON.stringify(message)
throw new Error "unhandled message response id: " + JSON.stringify(message) if not response_handlers[]
response_handlers[] message
delete response_handlers[]
when 'push'
throw new Error "unhandled message push id: " + JSON.stringify(message) if not push_handlers[]
push_handlers[] message

send_message = (###* @type string ### command, ###* @type any ### data) =>
``###* @type MsgRequest ###
request = { command, data, id }
``###* @type BridgeMessage ###
request = { command, data, id, type: 'request' }
vscode.postMessage request
``###* @type {MsgResponse} ###
``###* @type {BridgeMessage} ###
resp = await new Promise (ok) =>
callbacks[id] = (data) =>
response_handlers[id] = (data) =>
ok data
if resp.error then throw resp.error
Expand All @@ -45,4 +47,7 @@ export set_state = (###* @type string ### key, ###* @type any ### value) =>
export open_diff = (###* @type string ### hash, ###* @type string ### filename) =>
send_message 'open-diff', { hash, filename }
export get_config = (###* @type string ### key) =>
send_message 'get-config', key
send_message 'get-config', key

export add_push_listener = (###* @type string ### id, ###* @type {(r: BridgeMessage) => void} ### handler) =>
push_handlers[id] = handler
3 changes: 1 addition & 2 deletions web/src/views/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -201,7 +201,6 @@ export default
invisible_branch_tips_of_visible_branches_elems = computed =>
v_width = 10 # TODO sync
row = -1
.map (v, i) =>
Expand All @@ -211,7 +210,7 @@ export default
branch: v.branch
left: 0 + v_width * i + 'px'
left: 0 + store.vis_v_width.value * i + 'px'
top: 0 + row * 19 + 'px'

Expand Down
65 changes: 32 additions & 33 deletions web/src/views/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
import { computed, defineComponent } from 'vue'
import { vis_max_length, head_branch } from './'
import { vis_max_length, head_branch, vis_v_width } from './'
import RefTip from './RefTip.vue'
``###* @typedef {import('./log-utils').Commit} Commit ###

Expand All @@ -12,10 +12,9 @@ export default defineComponent
emits: ['branch_drop']
components: { RefTip }
setup: (props) ->
v_width = 10
padding_left = 5
padding_right = 20
vis_width = vis_max_length.value * v_width + padding_right
vis_width = vis_max_length.value * vis_v_width.value + padding_right
v_height = computed =>
vis_style = computed =>
Expand All @@ -27,73 +26,73 @@ export default defineComponent
return null if v.char == ' '
coords = switch v.char
when '*', '|'
x1: padding_left + v_width * (i + 0.5)
x2: padding_left + v_width * (i + 0.5)
x1: padding_left + vis_v_width.value * (i + 0.5)
x2: padding_left + vis_v_width.value * (i + 0.5)
y1: 0
y2: v_height.value
when '⎺*', '⎺|'
x1: padding_left + v_width * i
x2: padding_left + v_width * (i + 0.5)
x1: padding_left + vis_v_width.value * i
x2: padding_left + vis_v_width.value * (i + 0.5)
y1: 0
y2: v_height.value
when '*⎺', '|⎺'
x1: padding_left + v_width * (i + 1)
x2: padding_left + v_width * (i + 0.5)
x1: padding_left + vis_v_width.value * (i + 1)
x2: padding_left + vis_v_width.value * (i + 0.5)
y1: 0
y2: v_height.value
when '⎽*', '⎽|'
x1: padding_left + v_width * (i + 0.5)
x2: padding_left + v_width * i
x1: padding_left + vis_v_width.value * (i + 0.5)
x2: padding_left + vis_v_width.value * i
y1: 0
y2: v_height.value
when '⎽⎽|'
x1: padding_left + v_width * (i - 0.5)
x2: padding_left + v_width * (i + 0.5)
x1: padding_left + vis_v_width.value * (i - 0.5)
x2: padding_left + vis_v_width.value * (i + 0.5)
y1: v_height.value
y2: 0
when '*⎽', '|⎽'
x1: padding_left + v_width * (i + 0.5)
x2: padding_left + v_width * (i + 1)
x1: padding_left + vis_v_width.value * (i + 0.5)
x2: padding_left + vis_v_width.value * (i + 1)
y1: 0
y2: v_height.value
when '|⎽⎽'
x1: padding_left + v_width * (i + 0.5)
x2: padding_left + v_width * (i + 1.5)
x1: padding_left + vis_v_width.value * (i + 0.5)
x2: padding_left + vis_v_width.value * (i + 1.5)
y1: 0
y2: v_height.value
when '_'
x1: padding_left + v_width * i
x2: padding_left + v_width * (i + 1)
x1: padding_left + vis_v_width.value * i
x2: padding_left + vis_v_width.value * (i + 1)
y1: v_height.value
y2: v_height.value
when '\\'
x1: padding_left + v_width * i
x2: padding_left + v_width * (i + 1)
x1: padding_left + vis_v_width.value * i
x2: padding_left + vis_v_width.value * (i + 1)
y1: 0
y2: v_height.value
when '\\'
x1: padding_left + v_width * (i - 0.5)
x2: padding_left + v_width * (i + 1)
x1: padding_left + vis_v_width.value * (i - 0.5)
x2: padding_left + vis_v_width.value * (i + 1)
y1: 0
y2: v_height.value
when '\\'
x1: padding_left + v_width * (i - 0.5)
x2: padding_left + v_width * (i + 1.5)
x1: padding_left + vis_v_width.value * (i - 0.5)
x2: padding_left + vis_v_width.value * (i + 1.5)
y1: 0
y2: v_height.value
when '/'
x1: padding_left + v_width * (i + 1)
x2: padding_left + v_width * i
x1: padding_left + vis_v_width.value * (i + 1)
x2: padding_left + vis_v_width.value * i
y1: 0
y2: v_height.value
when '/⎺'
x1: padding_left + v_width * (i + 1.5)
x2: padding_left + v_width * i
x1: padding_left + vis_v_width.value * (i + 1.5)
x2: padding_left + vis_v_width.value * i
y1: 0
y2: v_height.value
when '.', '-'
x1: padding_left + v_width * i
x2: padding_left + v_width * (i + 1)
x1: padding_left + vis_v_width.value * i
x2: padding_left + vis_v_width.value * (i + 1)
y1: 0
y2: 0
Expand All @@ -116,12 +115,12 @@ export default defineComponent
stroke: v.branch?.color
is_head: v.branch?.name == head_branch.value
cx: padding_left + v_width * (vis_circle_index.value + 0.5)
cx: padding_left + vis_v_width.value * (vis_circle_index.value + 0.5)
cy: v_height.value * 0.5
r: 4
refs_elems = computed =>
refs: props.commit.refs
left: padding_left + v_width * (vis_circle_index.value + 1) + 3 + 'px'
left: padding_left + vis_v_width.value * (vis_circle_index.value + 1) + 3 + 'px'

{ vis_style, lines, vis_width, circle, refs_elems, v_height }
31 changes: 23 additions & 8 deletions web/src/views/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -50,6 +50,7 @@ export git_run_log = (###* @type string ### log_args) =>
color: '#fff'
commits.value = parsed.commits
branches.value = parsed.branches
# todo rename to vis_max_amount
vis_max_length.value = parsed.vis_max_length
head_branch.value = await git 'rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD'

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -81,15 +82,8 @@ export branch_actions = ref []
export commit_actions = ref []
``###* @type {Ref<ConfigGitAction[]>} ###
export stash_actions = ref []
do =>
global_actions.value = await get_config ''
branch_actions.value = await get_config 'actions.branch'
commit_actions.value = await get_config 'actions.commit'
stash_actions.value = await get_config 'actions.stash'
``###* @type {Ref<ConfigGitAction[]>} ###
_unparsed_combine_branches_actions = ref []
do =>
_unparsed_combine_branches_actions.value = await get_config 'actions.branch-drop'
export combine_branches_actions = computed =>
parse_config_actions(_unparsed_combine_branches_actions.value, [
['{SOURCE_BRANCH_NAME}', combine_branches_from_branch_name.value],
Expand All @@ -103,4 +97,25 @@ export combine_branches = (###* @type string ### from_branch_name, ###* @type st
combine_branches_from_branch_name.value = from_branch_name

``###* @type {Ref<Commit|null>} ###
export selected_commit = ref null
export selected_commit = ref null

``###* @type {Ref<number|string>} ###
export config_width = ref ''

export init = =>
export refresh_config = =>
global_actions.value = await get_config ''
branch_actions.value = await get_config 'actions.branch'
commit_actions.value = await get_config 'actions.commit'
stash_actions.value = await get_config 'actions.stash'

_unparsed_combine_branches_actions.value = await get_config 'actions.branch-drop'

config_width.value = await get_config 'branch-width'

export vis_v_width = computed =>
if not config_width.value or not Number(config_width.value)
Math.max(2, Math.min(10, Math.round(vis_max_length.value * (-1) * 8 / 50 + 18)))

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