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File metadata and controls

831 lines (563 loc) · 22.1 KB

Block Elements


Blocks are kind of the grouping elements of a system. Other things are laid out inside of Blocks: namely Spans, but also, other blocks. In the markdown, blocks are usually seen as separated by whitespace lines.

// In knockoff2/Block.scala
// See the Block package and imports

trait Block extends BlockSeq {
    The actual content of each block.
  val span     : SpanSeq

    A markdown representation of this block - it may not equal the original
  def markdown : String

    An HTML rendering of the Block element.
  def xml      : Node
    The original source position used to make up this block.
  val position : Position

In many cases, the Block can not contain other blocks.

// In knockoff2/SimpleBlock.scala
package knockoff2

trait SimpleBlock extends Block {
    override def theSeq : Seq[ Block ] = List( this )

In some other cases, the block is a pretty complex thing:

// In knockoff2/ComplexBlock.scala
package knockoff2

trait ComplexBlock extends Block {
    val children : Seq[ Block ]
    val span = new SpanSeq{ def theSeq = children.flatMap( _.span ) }
    def theSeq = children
    def childrenMarkdown = _.markdown ).mkString("\n") + "\n"
    def childrenXML = _.xml )

There are moments when we need to capture a series of blocks as a ComplexBlock without any other real information.

// In knockoff2/GroupBlock.scala
package knockoff2

import scala.xml.{ Node, Group }
import scala.util.parsing.input.{ NoPosition, Position }

class   GroupBlock( val children : Seq[ Block ] )
extends ComplexBlock {
  val position : Position = children.firstOption match {
    case None => NoPosition
    case Some( child ) => child.position
  def markdown = childrenMarkdown
  def xml : Node = Group( _.xml ) )

  override def toString = "GroupBlock(" + markdown + ")"


The BlockSeq adds searching methods over Block elements. It is also the main return type of the KnockOff.parse method.

One of the shorthand filter expressions allows for you to indicate the "BlockType".

// In knockoff2/BlockType.scala
package knockoff2

 * Used to indicate the type of blocks you are interested in when filtering via
 * the BlockSeq.? method.
trait BlockType[T <: Block] { def wrappedClass : Class[ T ] }

case object Paragraphs
extends BlockType[ Paragraph ] { def wrappedClass = classOf[ Paragraph ] }

case object Headers
extends BlockType[ Header ] { def wrappedClass = classOf[ Header ] }

This is used only as a short hand for query expressions.

// In knockoff2/BlockSeq.scala
// See the BlockSeq package and imports

trait BlockSeq extends Seq[ Block ] {
  def theSeq : Seq[ Block ]
  override def length : Int = theSeq.length
  override def elements = theSeq.elements
  override def apply( ii : Int ) = theSeq(ii)

  def toXML : Node = Group( _.xml ) )

   * Returns a BlockSeq that contains only that particular block type.
  def ? [ T <: Block ] ( blockType : BlockType[T] ) : BlockSeq = {
    BlockSeq.fromSeq( filter( blockType.wrappedClass.isInstance( _ ) ) )
  /** Shorthand for the filter method. */
  def ? ( query : Block => Boolean ) : BlockSeq =
    BlockSeq.fromSeq( filter( query ) )

object BlockSeq {
  def fromSeq( seq : Seq[ Block ] ) = new BlockSeq {
    override def theSeq = seq


The text block element that is represented inside a <p> tag. Does not contain any other useful metadata.

Otherwise the paragraph is a simple Block type (does not contain other Blocks).

// In knockoff2/Paragraph.scala
// See the Paragraph package and imports

class Paragraph(
  val span      : SpanSeq,
  val position  : Position
extends SimpleBlock {

  def markdown = span.toMarkdown

    If this paragraph only contains HTMLSpan elements, then just pass that
    information through without a paragraph marker.
  def xml =
    if ( isHTML ) span.toXML else <p>{ span.toXML }</p>
  def isHTML : Boolean = ! span.exists( s => s match {
    case html : HTMLSpan => false
    case t:Text => ! t.content.trim.isEmpty
    case _ => true
  } )
  // See the Paragraph toString, equals, hashCode implementations


Represents an <h1>, <h2>, etc., element in the markdown document.

The header element is a simple Block type, but can contain any kind of SpanSeq.

The markdown representation of the Header should always be the ATX-style headers - # Header #.

// In knockoff2/Header.scala
// See the Header package and imports

class Header(
  val level     : Int,
  val span      : SpanSeq,
  val position  : Position
extends SimpleBlock {

  def markdown = {
    val sb = new StringBuilder
    ( 0 until level ).foreach( _ => sb.append("#") )
    sb.append(" ").append( span.toMarkdown ).append(" ")
    ( 0 until level ).foreach( _ => sb.append("#") )
  def xml = level match {
    case 1 => <h1>{ span.toXML }</h1>
    case 2 => <h2>{ span.toXML }</h2>
    case 3 => <h3>{ span.toXML }</h3>
    case 4 => <h4>{ span.toXML }</h4>
    case 5 => <h5>{ span.toXML }</h5>
    case 6 => <h6>{ span.toXML }</h6>
    case _ => <div class={ "header" + level }>{ span.toXML }</div>

  // See the Header toString, equals, hashCode implementations


When a link is created with the definition like [something][id], that id can be defined later on a string like [id]: url "optional title".

// In knockoff2/LinkDefinition.scala
// See the LinkDefinition package and imports

class LinkDefinition(
  val id        : String,
  val url       : String,
  val title     : Option[ String ],
  val position  : Position
extends SimpleBlock {

  val span = Span.empty

  def xml : Node = Group( Nil )
  def markdown = {
    val sb = new StringBuilder
    sb.append("[").append( id ).append("]: ").append( url ).append(
      title match {
        case None => ""
        // Remember that "This "Title" is Valid" as a single title.
        case Some( titleValue ) => "\"" + titleValue + "\""
  // See the LinkDefinition toString, equals, hashCode implementations


A block quote is really another markdown document, quoted.

// In knockoff2/Blockquote.scala
// See the Blockquote package and imports

class Blockquote(
  val children : BlockSeq,
  val position : Position
extends ComplexBlock {
  def markdown : String = {
    Source.fromString( childrenMarkdown ) l => "> " + l ).mkString("")
  def xml : Elem = <blockquote>{ childrenXML }</blockquote>
  // See the Blockquote toString, equals, hashCode implementations


The code block is a chunk of preformatted text to this system. Note that this means we completely ignore all formatting, and do escaping. This means that sequences like


become this in the output:


This means that in order to inject actual HTML inside the final code, you'll have to write up an HTML code element. This could be seen as a later transformation, say, if you want to inject a series of line numbers via <span> elements.

// In knockoff2/CodeBlock.scala
// See the CodeBlock package and imports

class   CodeBlock( val text : Text, val position : Position )
extends SimpleBlock {

  def this( preformatted : String, position : Position ) =
    this( new Text( preformatted ), position )

  val span = text

  val preformatted = {
    val src = text.markdown
    if ( src.endsWith("\n") ) src else src + "\n"
  lazy val preformattedLines =
    Source.fromString( preformatted ).getLines
  def markdown ={ line =>  "    " + line }.mkString("")
  def xml : Node = <pre><code>{ preformatted }</code></pre>
  // See the CodeBlock toString, equals, hashCode implementations


Represents a <hr/> injected into content. Note that this does not happen to do anything but replace a line of asterixes, underscores, or hyphens.

// In knockoff2/HorizontalRule.scala
// See the HorizontalRule package and imports

class HorizontalRule( val position : Position ) extends SimpleBlock {
  def markdown = "* * *"
  val span = new Text( markdown )
  def xml = <hr/>

  // See the HorizontalRule toString, equals, hashCode implementations

Lists - Unordered, Ordered, Simple, and Complex

Lists in markdown can be simple or complex. It becomes complex when any one of the list items have more than one Block. They are either tagged as ordered or unordered, though the ElementFactory has helper methods to make this decision.

How this might look in code:

val olist = olist(
  oi( para("some text") ),
  oi( para("uno"), para("dos") )

val ulist = ulist(
  ui("list item 1"),
  ui("list item 2")

Note the difference between the list items oi of the olist and the ui of the ulist. This makes discovery of the list much simpler during the parsing process, and prevents you from mistakenly globbing inconsistent lists together.

These codes would be represented as:

  <li><p>some text</p></li>

  <li>list item 1</li>
  <li>list item 2</li>

Only in the simple list case do we let the <li> operate as a simple implicit block container.

In implementation terms, we don't have a single list.


// In knockoff2/ListItem.scala
package knockoff2

import scala.util.parsing.input.Position
import scala.xml.Node

abstract class ListItem(
  val items    : Seq[ Block ],
  val position : Position
extends ComplexBlock {
  val children = new GroupBlock( items )

  def itemPrefix : String
  def markdown : String = {
    if ( children.isEmpty ) return ""

    return (
      ( itemPrefix + children.first.markdown + "  \n" ) +
      children.drop(1).map( "    " + _.markdown + "  \n" ).mkString( "" )
  def xml( complex : Boolean ) : Node = <li>{
    if ( isComplex )
  def xml : Node = xml( isComplex )
  def isComplex = items.length > 1
  def + ( block : Block ) : ListItem
  // See the ListItem toString, equals, hashCode implementation


// In knockoff2/OrderedItem.scala
package knockoff2

import scala.util.parsing.input.Position

class OrderedItem( items : Seq[ Block ], position : Position )
extends ListItem( items, position ) {

  def this( block : Block, position : Position ) =
    this( Seq( block ), position )
  def itemPrefix = "1. "
  def + ( b : Block ) : ListItem =
    new OrderedItem( children ++ Seq(b), children.first.position )


// In knockoff2/UnorderedItem.scala
package knockoff2

import scala.util.parsing.input.Position
class UnorderedItem( items : Seq[ Block ], position : Position )
extends ListItem( items, position ) {
  def this( block : Block, position : Position ) =
    this( Seq( block ), position )
  def itemPrefix = "* "
  def + ( b : Block ) : ListItem =
    new UnorderedItem( children ++ Seq(b), children.first.position )


Lists just contain items, and are either ordered or unordered.

The position of a list is a little spurious: the start of the list should be the position of the first item, however, it's elements may not contain the entire content; whitespace will be missing in complex cases.

// In knockoff2/MarkdownList.scala
package knockoff2

import scala.util.parsing.input.{ NoPosition, Position }

 * @param ordered Alters the output, mostly.
abstract class MarkdownList(
  val items : Seq[ ListItem ]
) extends ComplexBlock {
  val children = items
  val position = children.firstOption match {
    case None => NoPosition
    case Some( child ) => child.position
  def markdown = childrenMarkdown
    Create a new list with the block appended to the last item.
  def + ( block : Block ) : MarkdownList 
  // See the MarkdownList toString, equals, hashCode implementations

class OrderedList( items : Seq[ ListItem ] )
extends MarkdownList( items ) {
  def xml = <ol>{ childrenXML }</ol>
  def + ( item : OrderedItem ) : OrderedList =
    new OrderedList( children ++ Seq(item) )

  def + ( block : Block ) : MarkdownList = new OrderedList(
    children.take( children.length - 1 ) ++ Seq(children.last + block)

class UnorderedList( items : Seq[ ListItem ] )
extends MarkdownList( items ) {
  def xml = <ul>{ childrenXML }</ul>
  def + ( item : UnorderedItem ) : UnorderedList =
    new UnorderedList( children ++ Seq(item) )

  def + ( block : Block ) : MarkdownList = new UnorderedList(
    children.take( children.length - 1 ) ++ Seq(children.last + block)

Block Specification

// In test knockoff2/BlockSuite.scala
package knockoff2

import scala.util.parsing.input.NoPosition
import org.scalatest._
import matchers._

class BlockSuite extends Spec with ShouldMatchers with HasElementFactory {

  val factory = elementFactory
  import factory._

  describe("BlockSeq") {

    it( "should filter Paragraphs and Headers properly with ?" ) {

      val p1 = para( t("p1"), NoPosition )
      val h1 = head( 1, t("h1"), NoPosition )

      val blocks = BlockSeq.fromSeq( List( p1, h1 ) )
      ( blocks ? Paragraphs ) should have length (1)
      assert( ( blocks ? Paragraphs ) contains p1 )
      ( blocks ? Headers ) should have length (1)
      assert( ( blocks ? Headers ) contains h1 )
  describe("MarkdownList") {
    it("should implement simple lists") {
    it("should implement complex lists") {


Block - Package And Imports

// The Block package and imports
package knockoff2

import scala.xml.Node
import scala.util.parsing.input.Position

BlockSeq - Package And Imports

// The BlockSeq package and imports
package knockoff2

import scala.xml.{ Node, Elem, Group }


Paragraph - Package And Imports

// The Paragraph package and imports
package knockoff2

import scala.xml.Elem
import scala.util.parsing.input.Position

Paragraph - toString, equals, hashCode

// The Paragraph toString, equals, hashCode implementations
override def toString = "Paragraph(" + markdown + ")"

override def equals( rhs : Any ):Boolean = rhs match {
  case oth : Paragraph => ( oth canEqual this ) && ( this sameElements oth )
  case _ => false

def canEqual( p : Paragraph ) : Boolean = ( getClass == p.getClass )

def sameElements( p : Paragraph ) : Boolean = {
  ( span == p.span ) &&
  ( position == p.position )

override def hashCode : Int = span.hashCode + position.hashCode


Header - Package And Imports

// The Header package and imports
package knockoff2

import scala.xml.Elem
import scala.util.parsing.input.Position

Header - toString, equals, hashCode

// The Header toString, equals, hashCode implementations
override def toString = "Header(" + markdown + ")"

override def equals( rhs : Any ):Boolean = rhs match {
  case oth : Header => ( oth canEqual this ) && ( this sameElements oth )
  case _ => false

def canEqual( p : Header ) : Boolean = ( getClass == p.getClass )

def sameElements( p : Header ) : Boolean = {
  ( level == p.level ) &&
  ( span == p.span ) &&
  ( position == p.position )

override def hashCode : Int =
  43 + level + span.hashCode + position.hashCode


LinkDefinition - Package And Imports

// The LinkDefinition package and imports
package knockoff2

import scala.xml.{ Node, Group }
import scala.util.parsing.input.Position

LinkDefinition - toString, equals, hashCode

// The LinkDefinition toString, equals, hashCode implementations
override def toString = "LinkDefinition(" + markdown + ")"

override def equals( rhs : Any ):Boolean = rhs match {
  case oth : LinkDefinition => ( oth canEqual this ) && ( this sameElements oth )
  case _ => false

def canEqual( p : LinkDefinition ) : Boolean = ( getClass == p.getClass )

def sameElements( p : LinkDefinition ) : Boolean = {
  ( id == ) &&
  ( url == p.url ) &&
  ( title == p.title ) &&
  ( position == p.position )

override def hashCode : Int =
  43 + id.hashCode + url.hashCode + span.hashCode + position.hashCode


Blockquote - Package And Imports

// The Blockquote package and imports
package knockoff2

import scala.xml.Elem
import scala.util.parsing.input.Position

Blockquote - toString, equals, hashCode

// The Blockquote toString, equals, hashCode implementations
override def toString = "Blockquote(" + markdown + ")"

override def equals( rhs : Any ):Boolean = rhs match {
  case oth : Blockquote => ( oth canEqual this ) && ( this sameElements oth )
  case _ => false

def canEqual( b : Blockquote ) : Boolean = ( getClass == b.getClass )

def sameElements( b : Blockquote ) = {
  ( children sameElements b.children ) &&
  ( position == b.position )

override def hashCode : Int = {
  43 + (
    ( 3 /: children ){
      (sum, child) => { sum + 43 + 3 * child.hashCode }


CodeBlock - Package and Imports

// The CodeBlock package and imports
package knockoff2

import scala.xml.{ Node, Unparsed }
import scala.util.parsing.input.Position

CodeBlock - toString, equals, hashCode

// The CodeBlock toString, equals, hashCode implementations
override def toString = "CodeBlock(" + preformatted + ")"

override def hashCode : Int = preformatted.hashCode

override def equals( rhs : Any ) : Boolean = rhs match {
  case t : CodeBlock => t.canEqual( this ) && ( this sameElements t )
  case _ => false

def sameElements( cb : CodeBlock ) : Boolean = {
  ( cb.preformatted == preformatted ) &&
  ( cb.position == position )

def canEqual( t : CodeBlock ) : Boolean = t.getClass == getClass


HorizontalRule - Package and Imports

// The HorizontalRule package and imports
package knockoff2

import scala.xml.{ Node, Unparsed }
import scala.util.parsing.input.Position

HorizontalRule - toString, equals, hashCode

// The HorizontalRule toString, equals, hashCode implementations
override def toString = "HorizontalRule"

override def hashCode : Int = position.hashCode + 47

override def equals( rhs : Any ) : Boolean = rhs match {
  case t : HorizontalRule => t.canEqual( this ) && ( t.position == position )
  case _ => false

def canEqual( t : HorizontalRule ) : Boolean = t.getClass == getClass


ListItem - toString, equals, hashCode

// The ListItem toString, equals, hashCode implementations
override def toString = "ListItem(" + markdown + ")"

override def hashCode : Int =  {
  ( 11 /: children )( (total, child) => total + 51 + 3 * child.hashCode ) +
  position.hashCode + 47

override def equals( rhs : Any ) : Boolean = rhs match {
  case t : ListItem => t.canEqual( this ) && ( this sameElements t )
  case _ => false

def sameElements( ci : ListItem ) : Boolean = {
  ( children == ci.children ) &&
  ( position == ci.position )

def canEqual( t : ListItem ) : Boolean = t.getClass == getClass


MarkdownList - Package and Imports

// The MarkdownList package and imports
package knockoff2

import scala.xml.{ Node, Unparsed }

MarkdownList - toString, equals, hashCode

// The MarkdownList toString, equals, hashCode implementations
override def toString = "MarkdownList(" + markdown + ")"

override def hashCode : Int = {
  ( 13 /: children )( (total, child) => total + 51 + 3 * child.hashCode ) +
  position.hashCode + 47

override def equals( rhs : Any ) : Boolean = rhs match {
  case t : MarkdownList => t.canEqual( this ) && ( t sameElements this )
  case _ => false

def sameElements( ml : MarkdownList ) : Boolean = {
  ( children sameElements ml.children )

def canEqual( t : MarkdownList ) : Boolean = t.getClass == getClass