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tbg-tools v0.2

If you have version 0.1 download v0.2! There is a huge bug still in v0.1!

The purpose of this program is to quickly look up positions on scaffolds and get some further informations about these positions.

python version = 3.6+


python3 --help

-> shows the different options of the program

Note: if you do not have a lot of RAM available, use the -w option

More options for each program can be found with python3 create -h, python3 search -h ...

create: this has to be used first to create a tbg file

e.g. : python3 create -g example.gff -f example.fa -o example.tbg -t 4 -w -v -hro example.tsv

tbg files are binary files and can not be read by other programs but you can also create a human readable tsv file which will be much larger. The program itself uses the binary tbg files.


e.g. : python3 search -n example.tbg -b snps.tsv -o positions_found.tsv -t 4 -w

Search for positions within the tbg file. When using a bed/tsv file for positions use this pattern:

scaffold1 123551

scaffold1 662234

scaffold2 100123 100160

If a third column exists the region between the second and the third columns will be searched for. The result file is a small portion of the human readable tsv file which only contains the found positions. In this example that would be 100123-100159 but not 100160. If some positions are not found within a gene, they can be written to a rest file (option -r)

Important note:

Bed files start count at 0, gff files at 1. tbg-tools uses the way of the gff file. If you use bed files you have to add 1 to the second and third column. This can be done with a simple awk script:

awk '{$2 = $2 + 1; if ($3!=""){$3 = $3 +1} print}' your_bed_file.bed > new_bed_file.bed


e.g. : python3 convert -n example.tbg -o example.tsv

Converts tbg files to human readable tsv files


e.g. : pop_gen -n example.tbg -o example_results_vcf.tsv -vcf example_vcf_file.vcf -sf example_stats_vcf.tsv -t 4 -v

Uses vcf- or sync-files to search for specific positions. tbg-tools can only lookup SNPs not indels.

human readable file columns:

ScaffID pos base_in_reference coding_base triplett_position coded_AA geneID 4ds >A >T >C >G

scaffID The Id of the scaffold

position The coordinate of the current nucleotide

base in reference The base in the reference genome at this position

coding base The base found in the gene at this position. Is equal to base in reference if the gene is on + strand. Otherwise it is the complementary base.

triplett position Position in the current amino acid. Possible positions are 1, 2 and 3

coded amino acid The amino acid which is coded at this position

gene ID Id of the current gene

4ds True if a change of the nucleotide would not lead to a change of the amino acid. False otherwise

A, T, C, G Last four columns show what would happen if a different amino acid (in order A, T, C, G) would be in this spot.