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Live HTML presentations controlled by the presenter, and viewed by the audience.

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Live HTML presentations controlled by the presenter, and viewed by the audience.

View LiveSlides Website

Website Proposal

LiveSlides Conception

The other day I attended a lectureship at my alma mater, and they had a speaker who used a keynote presentation. In an audience of somewhere over a thousand people, I was seated near the back row directly to the right of the speaker. The keynote presentation was barely visible, only a sliver of the screen could be seen because of my angle. If only I had been sitting ten rows closer, and not behind a Goliath, I might have been able to see the forty inch plasma TV set up at the front of the auditorium for people in my situation. I had an iPad sitting in my lap and thought it would have been great if I could have somehow had the presenter’s presentation in my lap.

This, essentially, is what I want to create: a way for any audience member to view keynote presentations from their own device as they are being presented in real-time.

What is LiveSlides?

LiveSlides is a web based application that can be run from any desktop or mobile device’s browser. The presenter will set up his/her professional presentation via our presentation editor. Once the presenter hits save, he/she will be given a link to share with their audience. The audience members will copy and paste the URL into their web browser and they will automatically be synced with the presenter’s view. When the presenter goes to the next slide the audience’s screens will change in realtime.

In future development I would like to add audio, and video capabilities, so people on the other side of the world will be able to listen/watch the presentation live. I think it would also be beneficial to be able to record the live presentation for playback at a later date.

Why should you invest in LiveSlides?

You should invest in my idea because it is one of a kind. Compared to solutions like GoToWebinar, and, it is light-weight with no software required to install on either user’s end because it is completely written in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Just give your audience a live presentation link and you will be good to go. The presenter controls the slides, and the audience members just watch and listen. These presentations are also SEO friendly and easy to copy and paste into any website.

Did I mention it’s free? We’ll draw the user in with a free version of the website and get them hooked wanting more from their live HTML presentations. While they are getting familiar with the free version we will start to build the paid version, which includes audio/video and recorded playback. The paid service is where you’ll see your return on investment.

I can see it now... Universities and conferences all over the world will be using this product for their professional presentations! Who knows, maybe even the next Steve Jobs will decide to use LiveSlides.


Here is a list of technology I plan to be using throughout this project to help meet our deadline with a fully functional web application. This list may adjust as needs progress throughout the project.

Target Audience

Diane Gordon

  • Age: 65
  • Occupation: Radio Host
  • Salary: $1,000,000
  • Technology: Firefox

Diane hosts a radio show to give financial advice to anyone who will listen. LiveSlides would be helpful to those who listen to Diane’s show because she could easily set up her slides for listeners to view as she speaks live on the radio. When we implement the voiceover and video into the web application, Diane would be able to use the paid version on her website so people could view the presentation after the fact, similar to the videos she currently has except it would be more visually appealing and easier to follow along.

Troy Schwartz

  • Age: 54
  • Occupation: Photographer
  • Salary: $60,000
  • Technology: Safari

Troy hosts seminars and workshops for photographers and designers like himself so he can help others excel. Naturally, LiveSlides would be a useful tool for his tech-savvy audience members to use while participating in his workshops. Once the paid version has been implemented, people who are unable to attend his seminars in person would be able to join in too.

Alex Cook

  • Age: 25
  • Occupation: Gospel Preacher
  • Salary: $40,000
  • Technology: Chrome

Alex seeks to serve his local congregation by helping them better understand the Bible. He sometimes uses visual aids such as whiteboards/chalkboards, but would like to transition to a more modern type of visual aid, such as a powerpoint or keynote presentation. Since the lighting in the auditorium is not ideal for a projector, some of the more elderly members have a difficult time viewing the slides on the screen. LiveSlides would be an ideal solution for teachers like Alex.

Tricia Reed

  • Age: 85
  • Occupation: Retired
  • Salary: n/a
  • Technology: IE9

As a member of the Church, Raymond listens to sermons on a regular basis as an audience member in order to continue to learn and grow as a Christian. LiveSlides would be a useful tool for Tricia, as an older audience member with dimming eyesight, because it would help her better view any slide presentations from her mobile device.

Project Schedule

Week 1

  • Research project
  • Create proposal
  • Kick off meeting
  • Get proposal approval

Week 2

  • Develop site structure
  • Weekly report
  • Create site wireframe
  • Get site structure approval
  • Get wireframe approval

Week 3

  • Design application interface
  • Weekly report
  • Get interface design approval

Week 4

  • Build site structure with semantic HTML
  • Style interface with CSS
  • Basic user interaction with JavaScript
  • Weekly report
  • Get approval to launch Alpha

Week 5

  • Install necessary frameworks
  • Create some basic but live example
  • Weekly report
  • Get approval to move forward

Week 6

  • Build the presentation syncer
  • Start building presentation builder
  • Weekly report
  • Get approval to launch Beta

Week 7

  • Finish the presentation builder
  • Weekly report
  • Get approval to move forward

Week 8

  • User testing
  • Bug fixes & final adjustments
  • Weekly report
  • Get approval to move to Production

Pricing Breakdown

Total Pricing is based on a $31.00 hourly rate.

Item # Description Hours Total
1 Documentation 60 hrs $1,860.00
2 Weekly Meetings 34 hrs $1,054.00
3 Design 85 hrs $2,635.00
4 Development 141 hrs $4,371.00
Grand Total $9,920.00

Other Resources


Live HTML presentations controlled by the presenter, and viewed by the audience.






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