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Table Of Contents

1. Introduction

The main purpose of this PSR is to provide a complete and formal definition of the PHPDoc standard. This PSR deviates from its predecessor, the de-facto PHPDoc Standard associated with phpDocumentor 1.x, to provide support for newer features in the PHP language and to address some of the shortcomings of its predecessor.

This document SHALL NOT:

  • Describe a standard for implementing annotations via PHPDoc. Although it does offer versatility which makes it possible to create a subsequent PSR based on current practices. See chapter 5.3 for more information on this topic.
  • Describe best practices or recommendations for Coding Standards on the application of the PHPDoc standard. This document is limited to a formal specification of syntax and intention.

2. Conventions Used In This Document

The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119.

3. Definitions

  • "PHPDoc" is a section of documentation which provides information on aspects of a "Structural Element".

    It is important to note that a PHPDoc and a DocBlock are two separate entities. The DocBlock is the combination of a DocComment, which is a type of comment, and a PHPDoc entity. It is the PHPDoc entity that contains the syntax as described in this specification (such as the description and tags).

  • "Structural Element" is a collection of Programming Constructs which MAY be preceded by a DocBlock. The collection contains the following constructs:

    • require(_once)
    • include(_once)
    • class
    • interface
    • trait
    • function (including methods)
    • property
    • constant
    • variables, both local and global scope.

    It is RECOMMENDED to precede a "Structural Element" with a DocBlock where it is defined and not with each usage. It is common practice to have the DocBlock precede a Structural Element but it MAY also be separated by an undetermined number of empty lines.


    /** @var int $int This is a counter. */
    $int = 0;
    // there should be no docblock here


     * This class acts as an example on where to position a DocBlock.
    class Foo
        /** @var string|null $title contains a title for the Foo */
        protected $title = null;
         * Sets a single-line title.
         * @param string $title A text for the title.
         * @return void
        public function setTitle($title)
            // there should be no docblock here
            $this->title = $title;

    It is NOT RECOMMENDED to use compound definitions for Constants or Properties, since the handling of DocBlocks in these situations can lead to unexpected results. If compound statement is used each element SHOULD have a preceding DocBlock.


      class Foo
           * @var string Should contain a description
           * @var string Should contain a description

    An example of use that falls beyond the scope of this Standard is to document the variable in a foreach explicitly; several IDEs use this information to assist their auto-completion functionality.

    This Standard does not cover this specific instance, as a foreach statement is considered to be a "Control Flow" statement rather than a "Structural Element".

    /** @var \Sqlite3 $sqlite */
    foreach ($connections as $sqlite) {
        // there should be no docblock here
  • "DocComment" is a special type of comment which MUST

    • start with the character sequence /** followed by a whitespace character
    • end with */ and
    • have zero or more lines in between.

    In the case where a DocComment spans multiple lines, every line MUST start with an asterisk (*) that SHOULD be aligned with the first asterisk of the opening clause.

    Single line example:

    /** <...> */

    Multiline example:

       * <...>
  • "DocBlock" is a "DocComment" containing a single "PHPDoc" structure and represents the basic in-source representation.

  • "Tag" is a single piece of meta information regarding a "Structural Element" or a component thereof.

  • "Type" is the determination of what type of data is associated with an element. This is commonly used when determining the exact values of arguments, constants, properties and more.

    See Appendix A for more detailed information about types.

  • "FQSEN" is an abbreviation for Fully Qualified Structural Element Name. This notation expands on the Fully Qualified Class Name and adds a notation to identify class/interface/trait members and re-apply the principles of the FQCN to Interfaces, Traits, Functions and global Constants.

    The following notations can be used per type of "Structural Element":

    • Namespace: \My\Space
    • Function: \My\Space\myFunction()
    • Constant: \My\Space\MY_CONSTANT
    • Class: \My\Space\MyClass
    • Interface: \My\Space\MyInterface
    • Trait: \My\Space\MyTrait
    • Method: \My\Space\MyClass::myMethod()
    • Property: \My\Space\MyClass::$my_property
    • Class Constant: \My\Space\MyClass::MY_CONSTANT

    A FQSEN has the following ABNF definition:

    FQSEN    = fqnn / fqcn / constant / method / property  / function
    fqnn     = "\" [name] *("\" [name])
    fqcn     = fqnn "\" name
    constant = (fqnn "\" / fqcn "::") name
    method   = fqcn "::" name "()"
    property = fqcn "::$" name
    function = fqnn "\" name "()"
    name     = (ALPHA / "_") *(ALPHA / DIGIT / "_")

4. Basic Principles

  • A PHPDoc MUST always be contained in a "DocComment"; the combination of these two is called a "DocBlock".

  • A DocBlock MUST directly precede a "Structural Element"

5. The PHPDoc Format

The PHPDoc format has the following ABNF definition:

PHPDoc             = [summary] [description] [tags]
summary            = *CHAR (2*CRLF)
description        = 1*(CHAR / inline-tag) 1*CRLF ; any amount of characters
                                                 ; with inline tags inside
tags               = *(tag 1*CRLF)
inline-tag         = "{" tag "}"
tag                = "@" tag-name [":" tag-specialization] [tag-details]
tag-name           = (ALPHA / "\") *(ALPHA / DIGIT / "\" / "-" / "_")
tag-specialization = 1*(ALPHA / DIGIT / "-")
tag-details        = *SP (SP tag-description / tag-signature )
tag-description    = 1*(CHAR / CRLF)
tag-signature      = "(" *tag-argument ")"
tag-argument       = *SP 1*CHAR [","] *SP

Examples of use are included in chapter 5.4.

5.1. Summary

A Summary MUST contain an abstract of the "Structural Element" defining the purpose. It is RECOMMENDED for Summaries to span a single line or at most two, but not more than that.

A Summary MUST end with two sequential line breaks, unless it is the only content in the PHPDoc.

If a Description is provided, then it MUST be preceded by a Summary. Otherwise the Description will be considered the Summary, until the end of the Summary is reached.

Because a Summary is comparable to a chapter title, it is beneficial to use as little formatting as possible. As such, contrary to the Description (see next chapter), no recommendation is done to support a mark-up language. It is explicitly left up to the implementing application whether it wants to support this or not.

5.2. Description

The Description is OPTIONAL but SHOULD be included when the "Structural Element", which this DocBlock precedes, contains more operations, or more complex operations, than can be described in the Summary alone.

Any application parsing the Description is RECOMMENDED to support the Markdown mark-up language for this field so that it is possible for the author to provide formatting and a clear way of representing code examples.

Common uses for the Description are (amongst others):

  • To provide more detail than the Summary on what this method does.
  • To specify of what child elements an input or output array, or object, is composed.
  • To provide a set of common use cases or scenarios in which the "Structural Element" may be applied.

5.3. Tags

Tags provide a way for authors to supply concise meta-data regarding the succeeding "Structural Element". Each tag starts on a new line, followed by an at-sign (@) and a tag-name, followed by white-space and meta-data (including a description).

If meta-data is provided, it MAY span multiple lines and COULD follow a strict format, and as such provide parameters, as dictated by the type of tag. The type of the tag can be derived from its name.

For example:

@param string $argument1 This is a parameter.

The above tag consists of a name ('param') and meta-data ('string $argument1 This is a parameter.') where the meta-data is split into a "Type" ('string'), variable name ('$argument') and description ('This is a parameter.').

The description of a tag MUST support Markdown as a formatting language. Due to the nature of Markdown, it is legal to start the description of the tag on the same or the subsequent line and interpret it in the same way.

Thus, the following tags are semantically identical:

 * @var string This is a description.
 * @var string This is a
 *    description.
 * @var string
 *    This is a description.

A variation of this is where, instead of a description, a tag signature is used; in most cases the tag will in fact be an "Annotation". The tag signature is able to provide the annotation with parameters regarding its operation.

If a tag signature is present, then there MUST NOT be a description present in the same tag.

The meta-data supplied by tags could result in a change of actual runtime behavior of the succeeding "Structural Element", in which case the term "Annotation" is commonly used instead of "Tag".

5.3.1. Tag Name

Tag names indicate what type of information is represented by this tag, or in case of annotations, which behaviour must be injected into the succeeding "Structural Element".

In support of annotations, it is allowable to introduce a set of tags designed specifically for an individual application or subset of applications (and thus not covered by this specification).

These tags, or annotations, MUST provide a namespace by either

  • prefixing the tag name with a PHP-style namespace, or by
  • prefixing the tag name with a single vendor-name followed by a hyphen.

Example of a tag name prefixed with a php-style namespace (the prefixing slash is OPTIONAL):


Note: The PHPDoc Standard DOES NOT make assumptions on the meaning of a tag unless specified in this document or subsequent additions or extensions.

This means that you CAN use namespace aliases as long as a prefixing namespace element is provided. Thus the following is legal as well:


Your own library or application may check for namespace aliases and make a FQCN from this; this has no impact on this standard.

Important: Tools using the PHPDoc Standard MAY interpret namespaces that are registered with that application and apply custom behaviour.

Example of a tag name prefixed with a vendor name and hyphen:

@phpdoc-event transformer.transform.pre

Tag names that are not prefixed with a vendor or namespace MUST be described in the Tag Catalog PSR and/or any official addendum.

5.3.2. Tag Specialization

In order to provide a method by which to provide nuance to the tags defined in this standard, but without expanding the base set, a tag specialization MAY be provided after the tag name by adding a colon followed by a string that provides a more nuanced description of the tag. The list of supported tag specializations is not maintained in the Tag Catalog PSR, as it may change over time. The Tag Catalog PSR meta document may contain a series of recommendations on a per-tag name basis, but projects are free to choose their own tag specializations if applicable.

Important: Tools using the PHPDoc Standard MAY interpret tag specializations that are registered with/understood by that application and apply custom behaviour, but are only expected to implement the preceding tag name as defined in the Tag Catalog PSR.

For example:

@see:unit-test \Mapping\EntityTest::testGetId

The above tag consists of a name ('see') and tag specialization ('unit-test'), and thus defines a relation to the unit test for the proceeding method.

5.3.3. Tag Signature

Tag signatures are commonly used for annotations to supply additional meta-data specific to the current tag.

The supplied meta-data can influence the behavior of the owning annotation and as such influence the behavior of the succeeding "Structural Element".

The contents of a signature are to be determined by the tag type (as described in the tag-name) and fall beyond the scope of this specification. However, a tag-signature MUST NOT be followed by a description or other form of meta-data.

5.4. Examples

The following examples serve to illustrate the basic use of DocBlocks; it is advised to read through the list of tags in the Tag Catalog PSR.

A complete example could look like this:

 * This is a Summary.
 * This is a Description. It may span multiple lines
 * or contain 'code' examples using the _Markdown_ markup
 * language.
 * @see Markdown
 * @param int        $parameter1 A parameter description.
 * @param \Exception $e          Another parameter description.
 * @\Doctrine\Orm\Mapper\Entity()
 * @return string
function test($parameter1, $e)

It is also allowed to omit the Description:

 * This is a Summary.
 * @see Markdown
 * @param int        $parameter1 A parameter description.
 * @param \Exception $parameter2 Another parameter description.
 * @\Doctrine\Orm\Mapper\Entity()
 * @return string
function test($parameter1, $parameter2)

Or even omit the tags section as well (though it is not encouraged, as you are missing information on the parameters and return value):

 * This is a Summary.
function test($parameter1, $parameter2)

A DocBlock may also span a single line:

/** @var \ArrayObject $array */
public $array = null;

Appendix A. Types


A Type has the following ABNF definition:

type-expression  = type *("|" type) *("&" type)
type             = class-name / keyword / array
array            = (type / array-expression) "[]"
array-expression = "(" type-expression ")"
class-name       = ["\"] label *("\" label)
label            = (ALPHA / %x7F-FF) *(ALPHA / DIGIT / %x7F-FF)
keyword          = "array" / "bool" / "callable" / "false" / "float" / "int" / "iterable" / "mixed" / "null" / "object" /
keyword          = "resource" / "self" / "static" / "string" / "true" / "void" / "$this"


When a "Type" is used, the user will expect a value, or set of values, as detailed below.

When the "Type" consists of multiple types, then these MUST be separated with either the vertical bar sign (|) for union type or the ampersand (&) for intersection type. Any interpreter supporting this specification MUST recognize this and split the "Type" before evaluating.

Union type example:

@return int|null

Intersection type example:

@var \MyClass&\PHPUnit\Framework\MockObject\MockObject $myMockObject


The value represented by "Type" can be an array. The type MUST be defined following the format of one of the following options:

  1. unspecified: no definition of the contents of the represented array is given. Example: @return array

  2. specified containing a single type: the Type definition informs the reader of the type of each array value. Only one type is then expected for each value in a given array.

    Example: @return int[]

    Please note that mixed is also a single type and with this keyword it is possible to indicate that each array value contains any possible type.

  3. specified as containing multiple types: the Type definition informs the reader of the type of each array value. Each value can be of any of the given types. Example: @return (int|string)[]

Valid Class Name

A valid class name is seen based on the context where this type is mentioned. Thus this may be either a Fully Qualified Class Name (FQCN) or a local name if present in a namespace.

The element to which this type applies is either an instance of this class or an instance of a class that is a (sub-)child to the given class.

Due to the above nature, it is RECOMMENDED for applications that collect and shape this information to show a list of child classes with each representation of the class. This would make it obvious for the user which classes are acceptable as type.


A keyword defines the purpose of this type. Not every element is determined by a class but still worthy of classification to assist the developer in understanding the code covered by the DocBlock.


Most of these keywords are allowed as class names in PHP and can be hard to distinguish from real classes. As such, the keywords MUST be lowercase, as most class names start with an uppercase first character, and you SHOULD NOT use classes with these names in your code.

There are more reasons to not name classes with the names of these keywords, but that falls beyond the scope of this specification.

The following keywords are recognized by this PSR:

  1. bool: the element to which this type applies only has state TRUE or FALSE.

  2. int: the element to which this type applies is a whole number or integer.

  3. float: the element to which this type applies is a continuous, or real, number.

  4. string: the element to which this type applies is a string of binary characters.

  5. object: the element to which this type applies is the instance of an undetermined class.

  6. array: the element to which this type applies is an array of values.

  7. iterable: the element to which this type applies is an array or Traversable object per the definition of PHP.

  8. resource: the element to which this type applies is a resource per the definition of PHP.

  9. mixed: the element to which this type applies can be of any type as specified here. It is not known at compile time which type will be used.

  10. void: this type is commonly only used when defining the return type of a method or function, indicating "nothing is returned", and thus the user should not rely on any returned value.

    Example 1:

     * @return void
    function outputHello()
        echo 'Hello world';

    In the example above, no return statement is specified and thus the return value is not determined.

    Example 2:

     * @param bool $quiet when true 'Hello world' is echo-ed.
     * @return void
    function outputHello($quiet)
        if ($quiet) {
        echo 'Hello world';

    In this example, the function contains a return statement without a given value. Because there is no actual value specified, this also qualifies as type void.

  11. null: the element to which this type applies is a NULL value or, in technical terms, does not exist.

    A big difference compared to void is that this type is used in any situation where the described element may at any given time contain an explicit NULL value.

    Example 1:

     * @return null
    function foo()
        echo 'Hello world';
        return null;

    This type is commonly used in conjunction with another type to indicate that it is possible that nothing is returned.

    Example 2:

     * @param bool $create_new When true returns a new stdClass.
     * @return stdClass|null
    function foo($create_new)
        if ($create_new) {
            return new stdClass();
        return null;
  12. callable: the element to which this type applies is a pointer to a function call. This may be any type of callable as per the definition of PHP.

  13. false or true: the element to which this type applies will have the value TRUE or FALSE. No other value will be returned from this element.

  14. self: the element to which this type applies is of the same class in which the documented element is originally contained.


    Method c is contained in class A. The DocBlock states that its return value is of type self. As such, method c returns an instance of class A.

    This may lead to confusing situations when inheritance is involved.

    Example (previous example situation still applies):

    Class B extends class A and does not redefine method c. As such, it is possible to invoke method c from class B.

    In this situation, ambiguity may arise as self could be interpreted as either class A or B. In these cases, self MUST be interpreted as being an instance of the class where the DocBlock containing the self type is written.

    In the examples above, self MUST always refer to class A, since it is defined with method c in class A.

    Due to the above nature, it is RECOMMENDED for applications that collect and shape this information to show a list of child classes with each representation of the class. This would make it obvious for the user which classes are acceptable as type.

  15. static: the element to which this type applies is of the same class in which the documented element is contained, or, when encountered in a subclass, is of type of that subclass instead of the original class.

    This keyword behaves the same way as the keyword for late static binding (not the static method, property, nor variable modifier) as defined by PHP.

  16. $this: the element to which this type applies is the same exact instance as the current class in the given context. As such, this type is a stricter version of static, because the returned instance must not only be of the same class but also the same instance.

    This type is often used as return value for methods implementing the Fluent Interface design pattern.