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File metadata and controls

280 lines (176 loc) · 7.3 KB

Install Composer

ubiquity utilizes Composer to manage its dependencies. So, before using, you will need to make sure you have Composer installed on your machine.

Install Ubiquity-devtools

Download the Ubiquity-devtools installer using Composer.

composer global require phpmv/ubiquity-devtools

Test your recent installation by doing:

Ubiquity version


You can get at all times help with a command by typing: Ubiquity help followed by what you are looking for.

Example :

Ubiquity help project

Project creation

Create the quick-start projet with UbiquityMyAdmin interface (the -a option)

Ubiquity new quick-start -a

Directory structure

The project created in the quick-start folder has a simple and readable structure:

the app folder contains the code of your future application:

 ├ cache
 ├ config
 ├ controllers
 ├ models
 └ views


Go to the newly created folder quick-start and start the build-in php server:

Ubiquity serve

Check the correct operation at the address



If port 8090 is busy, you can start the server on another port using -p option.

Ubiquity serve -p=8095


Goto admin interface by clicking on the button UbiquityMyAdmin:


The web application UbiquityMyAdmin saves time in repetitive operations.


We go through it to create a controller.

Go to the controllers part, enter DefaultController in the controllerName field and create the controller:


The controller DefaultController is created:


We can then edit app/controllers/DefaultController file in our favorite IDE:

namespace controllers;
 * Controller DefaultController
class DefaultController extends ControllerBase{
     public function index(){}

Add the traditional message, and test your page at

class DefaultController extends ControllerBase{

    public function index(){
        echo 'Hello world!';


For now, we have not defined routes, Access to the application is thus made according to the following scheme: controllerName/actionName/param

The default action is the index method, we do not need to specify it in the url.



The routing is defined with the annotation @route and is not done in a configuration file: it's a design choice.

The automated parameter set to true allows the methods of our class to be defined as sub routes of the main route /hello.

namespace controllers;
 * Controller DefaultController
 * @route("/hello","automated"=>true)
class DefaultController extends ControllerBase{

    public function index(){
        echo 'Hello world!';


Router cache


No changes on the routes are effective without initializing the cache. Annotations are never read at runtime. This is also a design choice.

We can use the web tools for the cache re-initialization:

Go to the Routes section and click on the re-init cache button


The route now appears in the interface:


We can now test the page by clicking on the GET button or by going to the address

Action & route with parameters

We will now create an action (sayHello) with a parameter (name), and the associated route (to): The route will use the parameter name of the action:

Go to the Controllers section:

  • click on the + button associated with DefaultController,
  • then select Add new action in.. item.


Enter the action information in the following form:


After re-initializing the cache with the orange button, we can see the new route hello/to/{name}:


Check the route creation by going to the Routes section:


We can now test the page by clicking on the GET button:


We can see the result:


We could directly go to SMITH address to test

Action, route parameters & view

We will now create an action (information) with tow parameters (title and message), the associated route (info), and a view to display the message: The route will use the two parameters of the action.

In the Controllers section, create another action on DefaultController:


Enter the action information in the following form:



The view checkbox is used to create the view associated with the action.

After re-initializing the cache, we now have 3 routes:


Let's go back to our development environment and see the generated code:

public function information($title,$message='nothing'){

We need to pass the 2 variables to the view:

public function information($title,$message='nothing'){

And we use our 2 variables in the associated twig view:

<div>{{message | raw}}</div>

We can test our page at start/Ubiquity is quiet simple It's obvious
