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File metadata and controls

229 lines (161 loc) · 6.09 KB

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This part is accessible from the webtools, so if you created your project with the -a option or with the create-project command..


From the webtools, activate the commands part,


or go directly to

Commands list

Activate the Commands tab to get the list of existing devtools commands.


Command info

It is possible to get help on a command (which produces a result equivalent to Ubiquity help cmdName).


Command execution

Clicking on the run button of a command displays a form to enter the parameters (or executes it directly if it takes none).


After entering the parameters, the execution produces a result.


Commands suite

Return to My commands tab: It is possible to save a sequence of commands (with stored parameters), and then execute the same sequence:

Suite creation

Click on the add command suite


Add the desired commands and modify the parameters:


The validation generates the suite:


Commands suite execution

Clicking on the run button of the suite executes the list of commands it contains:


Custom command creation

Click on the Create devtools command button.


Enter the characteristics of the new command:

  • The command name
  • The command value: name of the main argument
  • The command parameters: In case of multiple parameters, use comma as separator
  • The command description
  • The command aliases: In case of multiple aliases, use comma as separator



Custom commands are created in the app/commands folder of the project.


The generated class:

namespace commands;

use Ubiquity\devtools\cmd\commands\AbstractCustomCommand;
use Ubiquity\devtools\cmd\ConsoleFormatter;
use Ubiquity\devtools\cmd\Parameter;

class CreateArray extends AbstractCustomCommand {

 protected function getValue(): string {
     return 'jsonValue';

 protected function getAliases(): array {
     return array("createarray","arrayFromJson");

 protected function getName(): string {
     return 'createArray';

 protected function getParameters(): array {
     return ['f' => Parameter::create('fLongName', 'The f description.', [])];

 protected function getExamples(): array {
     return ['Sample use of createArray'=>'Ubiquity createArray jsonValue'];

 protected function getDescription(): string {
     return 'Creates an array from JSON and save to file';

 public function run($config, $options, $what, ...$otherArgs) {
     //TODO implement command behavior
     echo ConsoleFormatter::showInfo('Run createArray command');

The CreateArray command implemented:

namespace commands;

use Ubiquity\devtools\cmd\commands\AbstractCustomCommand;
use Ubiquity\devtools\cmd\ConsoleFormatter;
use Ubiquity\devtools\cmd\Parameter;
use Ubiquity\utils\base\UFileSystem;

class CreateArray extends AbstractCustomCommand {

 protected function getValue(): string {
     return 'jsonValue';

 protected function getAliases(): array {
     return array(

 protected function getName(): string {
     return 'createArray';

 protected function getParameters(): array {
     return [
         'f' => Parameter::create('filename', 'The filename to create.', [])

 protected function getExamples(): array {
     return [
         'Save an array in test.php' => "Ubiquity createArray \"{\\\"created\\\":true}\" -f=test.php"

 protected function getDescription(): string {
     return 'Creates an array from JSON and save to file';

 public function run($config, $options, $what, ...$otherArgs) {
     echo ConsoleFormatter::showInfo('Run createArray command');
     $array = \json_decode($what, true);
     $error = \json_last_error();
     if ($error != 0) {
         echo ConsoleFormatter::showMessage(\json_last_error_msg(), 'error');
     } else {
         $filename = self::getOption($options, 'f', 'filename');
         if ($filename != null) {
             UFileSystem::save($filename, "<?php\nreturn " . var_export($array, true) . ";\n");
             echo ConsoleFormatter::showMessage("$filename succefully created!", 'success', 'CreateArray');
         } else {
             echo ConsoleFormatter::showMessage("Filename must have a value!", 'error');

Custom command execution

The new command is accessible from the devtools, as long as it is in the project:

Ubiquity help createArray


Ubiquity createArray "{\"b\":true,\"i\":5,\"s\":\"string\"}" -f=test.php
