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File metadata and controls

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Authentication & Authorization

User authentication is one of the critical parts of almost every web application. PHPLucidFrame provides a flexible way of identifying and checking user authentication. There is a configuration variable available in /inc/config.php - $lc_auth. You can set up your authentication components corresponding to your user data table to load it. :

 * Auth Module Configuration
# $lc_auth: configuration for the user authentication
# This can be overidden by defining $lc_auth in /inc/site.config.php
$lc_auth = array(
    'table' => '', // table name, for example, user
    'fields' => array(
        'id'    => '',  // PK field name, for example, user_id
        'role'  => ''   // User role field name, for example, user_role
    'permissions'  => array(
        // permissions allowed
        // role name => array of permission names
        // For example,
        // 'admin' => array('post-list', 'post-add', 'post-edit', 'post-delete'),
        // 'editor' => array('post-list', 'post-add', 'post-edit') // editor is not allowed for post deletion
        // If you store permissions in your db, implement auth_permissions($role) in /app/helpers/auth_helper.php
        // to return the permission list from your db

According to the sample database /db/schema.sample.php,

  1. $lc_auth['table'] would be user.
  2. $lc_auth['fields']['id'] would be id (i.e.,
  3. $lc_auth['fields']['role'] would be role (i.e., user.role).

Encrypting Passwords

Encrypting passwords are always required in every secured web application. When user data are inserted in user registration process, it is advisable to encrypt user input password using the core function _encrypt(). :

$theEncryptedPassword = _encrypt($theUserInputPassword);

When validating user input password in log-in process, you should also use _encrypt() to check it against the encrypted password stored in the database.

Logging In and Logging Out

Upon user login form handling of the user inputs, you could query and get the authenticate user id and then you could pass it to auth_create(). :


It will load all of data from the table configured in $lc_auth for the given authenticated user and make it available as an object accessible from _app('auth'). You can also get it from auth_get().

If you already have all of your user data, you can pass it to auth_create() as second argument. It is useful for multiple table joined result of your user data. The configuration in $lc_auth works only for one table. :

auth_create($theUserID, $theUserDataObject);

Besides the user data result available as properties in the returning auth object from _app('auth'), it also contains session id, token and permissions:

  • _app('auth')->sessId - The session id for the current session returning from session_id().
  • _app('auth')->token - The generated token of the authentication object
  • _app('auth')->permissions - The permissions allowed according to the defined role and perms in $lc_auth.

Sometimes, you may need to update the auth object for the user data changes, for example, user’s name changed. For that case, you can use auth_set() by passing the updated user data object. :

$auth = _app('auth');
$auth->fullname = $theUpdatedFullName;

The function auth_clear() is available for use to destroy the current session and to allow user signed out.

Checking Anonymous User or Logged-in User

PHPLucidFrame provides an easy way to check if the user is anonymous or logged-in. :

if (auth_isAnonymous()) {
    // do something

// or

if (auth_isLoggedIn()) {
    // do something

Access Control with Permissions and User Roles

You might assign specific permissions to each user role in the configuration $lc_auth['fields']['role'] and $lc_auth['perms'] to fine tune the security, use and administration of the site.

PHPLucidFrame allows you to check the authenticate user is belong to a particular user role by using auth_role() or multiple user roles by using auth_roles(), for example, :

if (auth_role('editor')) {
    // if user is editor, do something
} else {
    // redirect to the access-denied page

if (auth_roles('admin', 'editor')) {
    // if user is admin or editor, do something
} else {
    // redirect to the access-denied page

And it also allows you to check the user is accessible to a particular page or section by using auth_can(), for example, :

if (auth_can('content-delete')) {
    // if user has permission to delete content, do content delete

if (auth_can('content-delete')) {
    // if user is denied to delete content

You could define custom wrapper functions in /app/helpers/auth_helper.php for checking the user roles, for example, :

 * Check if the current logged-in user is admin or not
function auth_isAdmin() {
    return auth_role('admin');

 * Check if the current logged-in user is editor or not
function auth_isEditor() {
    return auth_role('editor');

You can also check the URL route path or name to prevent the user from being accessed to a page or a function. You can implement this as middleware. The following middleware will be invoked in all routes under /admin except /admin/login and /admin/logout :

// app/middleware/auth.php

$baseDir = _cfg('baseDir'); // Let says _cfg('baseDir') is '/admin'

_middleware(function () {
    if (auth_isAnonymous()) {
        flash_set('You are not authenticated. Please log in.', '', 'error');
        _redirect$baseDir . '/login');
})->on('startWith', $baseDir)
    ->on('except', array($baseDir . 'login', $baseDir . 'logout'));

The following example is to allow post delection for admin only. :

// app/middleware/auth.php

_middleware(function () {
    if (!auth_role('admin')) {
})->on('equal', 'post_delete');

The following example is to allow users section (all routes containing a URI segment "users") for admin only. :

_middleware(function () {
    if (!auth_role('admin')) {
})->on('contain', 'users');

Working with Permissions in Your Database

Sometimes, you may have user roles and permissions (ACL) in your database. Let's say for example, you have the following data structure in your database.


id name
1 Admin
2 Editor


id role_id name
1 1 post-create
2 1 post-update
3 1 post-delete
4 2 post-create
5 2 post-update


id role_id username
1 1 admin
2 2 dummy

You would need to add this function in /app/helpers/auth_helper.php to override auth_permissions() in /lib/helpers/auth_helper.php. The function should return the list of permissions by the given role id. :

* Get the permissions of a particular role
* @param string|int $role The user role name or id
* @return array|null Array of permissions of the role
function auth_permissions($role)
    $result = db_select('role_permission')
        ->where()->condition('role_id', $role)

    return array_column($result, 'name');

Then, set role_id to $lc_auth['fields']['role'] in /inc/config.php. :

# $lc_auth: configuration for the user authentication
# This can be overidden by defining $lc_auth in /inc/site.config.php
$lc_auth = array(
    'table' => '', // table name, for example, user
    'fields' => array(
        'id'    => 'id',  // PK field name, for example, user_id
        'role'  => 'role_id'   // User role field name, for example, user_role
    'permissions'  => array(
        // permissions allowed
        // role name => array of permission names
        // For example,
        // 'admin' => array('post-list', 'post-add', 'post-edit', 'post-delete'),
        // 'editor' => array('post-list', 'post-add', 'post-edit') // editor is not allowed for post deletion
        // If you store permissions in your db, implement auth_permissions($role) in /app/helpers/auth_helper.php
        // to return the permission list from your db

Since you use the role_id field for $lc_auth['fields']['role'], you will have to use role id when calling auth_role() or auth_roles() :

if (auth_role(2)) {
    // if user is editor, do something
} else {
    // redirect to the access-denied page

if (auth_roles(1, 2)) {
    // if user is admin or editor, do something
} else {
    // redirect to the access-denied page