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List with Pagination

Listings with pagination are required in most of applications. PHPLucidFrame provides two ways of creating listings - with AJAX and without AJAX. There are two configuration variables in /app/inc/site.config.php which will be used here. :

# $lc_pageNumLimit: number of page numbers to be shown in pager
$lc_pageNumLimit = 10;
# $lc_itemsPerPage: number of items per page in pager
$lc_itemsPerPage = 15;

For every grow-in-size and data-centric web application, displaying a reasonable number of records per page has always been a crucial part. PHPLucidFrame provides a quick, easy and handy way to paginate data to cure headaches of developers. LucidFrame offers a class Pager for pagination to make building paginated queries easier.

We start by getting the number of total records which is expected by the class Pager. :

# Count query for the pager
$totalCount = db_count('post')
    ->where()->condition('deleted', null)

Once we retrieved the number of total records, we can create an instance from the Pager class. There is a helper function _pager() to create a Pager instance. By default, the field name page is used in query string for the current page number. We can customize it by passing the name to the function such as _pager('p').

The instance looks for the number of records per page $lc_itemsPerPage and the number of page limit $lc_pageNumLimit. The total number of records has to be set to the instance as well. If we use images for navigation arrows, we can set the image directory path to the imagePath property of the instance, but we can also make them from CSS.

To incorporate AJAX functionality into pagination, you can make it easily by setting the ajax property to true. The calculate() method has to be invoked to calculate offset. :

# Prerequisite for the Pager
$pager = _pager()
    ->set('itemsPerPage', _cfg('itemsPerPage'))     // $lc_itemsPerPage
    ->set('pageNumLimit', _cfg('pageNumLimit'))     // $lc_pageNumLimit
    ->set('total', $totalCount)                     // the total record count fetched earlier
    ->set('ajax', true)                             // flag as AJAX-enabled list
    ->set('imagePath', WEB_ROOT . 'images/pager/')  // optional; if you use images for pagination
    ->calculate()                                   // required to calculate offset

However, you can minimize your code when you don't need to customize your pagination settings. The following one-line is equivalent to a couple of lines aforementioned. :

# Prerequisite for the Pager
$pager = pager_ajax($totalCount);

Then, we can use $pager->get('offset') and $pager->get('itemsPerPage') in our query LIMIT clause. :

$qb = db_select('post', 'p')
    ->where()->condition('p.deleted', null)
    ->orderBy('p.created', 'DESC')
    ->limit($pager->get('offset'), $pager->get('itemsPerPage'));

Finally, we call $pager->display() where we want to appear the pager. By default, the pager will be displayed using <table class="pager"> tag, however, we can easily change it to <ul> or <div> by setting $pager->set('htmlTag', '<ul>') or $pager->set('htmlTag', '<div>'). The default output HTML will look like: :

<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" class="pager">
            <td class="first-disabled">
            <td class="prev-disabled">
                <label>« Prev</label>
            <td class="pages">
                <span class="currentPage">1</span>
                <span><a href="">2</a></span>
            <td class="next-enabled">
                <a href="">
                    <label>Next »</label>
            <td class="last-enabled">
                <a href="">

If we use imagePath, the output HTML will be generated with <img /> tag. The following images have to be available in our imagePath:

  1. end.png
  2. end_disabled.png
  3. next.png
  4. next_disabled.png
  5. previous.png
  6. previous_disabled.png
  7. start.png
  8. start_disabled.png :

    <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" class="pager">
                <td class="first-disabled"><img … /></td>
                <td class="prev-disabled"><img … /></td>
                <td class="pages">
                    <span class="currentPage">1</span>
                    <span><a href="">2</a></span>
                <td class="next-enabled">
                    <a href=""><img … /></a>
                <td class="last-enabled">
                    <a href=""><img … /></a>

If we use $pager->set('htmlTag', '<ul>'), the output will look like: :

<ul class="pager">
    <li class="first-disabled">
    <li class="prev-disabled">
        <label>« Prev</label>
    <li class="pages">
        <span class="currentPage">1</span>
        <span><a href="">2</a></span>
    <li class="next-enabled">
        <a href="">
            <label>Next »</label>
    <li class="last-enabled">
        <a href="">

If we use $pager->set('htmlTag', '<div>'), the output will look like: :

<div class="pager">
    <div class="first-disabled">
    <div class="prev-disabled">
        <label>« Prev</label>
    <div class="pages">
        <span class="currentPage">1</span>
        <span><a href="">2</a></span>
    <div class="next-enabled">
        <a href="">
            <label>Next »</label>
    <div class="last-enabled">
        <a href="">

We can adjust and extend the default pager CSS in /css/base.css according to our needs or we can write it in our own.

Create an AJAX Listing Page

According to the framework-recommended page structure, you could have the following structure for your listing page. :

            |-- index.php
            |-- list.php
            |-- view.php

In /app/post/index.php, :

$pageTitle = _t('Posts');

_app('title', $pageTitle);
_app('view')->addData('pageTitle', $pageTitle);

In your /app/post/view.php you need to add an empty HTML container which AJAX will respond HTML to. :

    <a href="<?php echo _url(_cfg('baseDir') . '/post/setup') ?>" class="button mini green"><?php echo _t('Add New Post'); ?></a>

<div id="list"></div> <!-- The list will be displayed here -->

Create a small javascript snippet in your /app/js/app.js. :

/** app/js/app.js */
LC.Page.Post = {
    List : {
        url : LC.Page.url(LC.vars.baseDir + '/post'), /* mapping directory */
        /* Initialize the post listing page */
        init : function() {
                url: LC.Page.Post.List.url,

Call the script at the end of /app/post/view.php :

    <a href="<?php echo _url(_cfg('baseDir') . '/post/setup') ?>" class="button mini green"><?php echo _t('Add New Post'); ?></a>

<div id="list"></div>

<script type="text/javascript">
    $(function() {

Finally you have to write /app/post/list.php to request and respond by AJAX. In the script, query, paginate and display your data. :

/** app/post/list.php */

$get = _get();

# Count query for the pager
$rowCount = db_count('post')
    ->where()->condition('deleted', null)

# Prerequisite for the Pager
$pager = pager_ajax($rowCount);

$qb = db_select('post', 'p')
        ->condition('p.deleted', null)
    ->orderBy('p.created', 'DESC')
    ->limit($pager->get('offset'), $pager->get('itemsPerPage'));

<?php if ($qb->getNumRows()) { ?>
    <?php while ($row = $qb->fetchRow()) { ?>
        <p class="post">
                <a href="<?php echo _url('post', array($row->id, $row->slug)); ?>"><?php echo $row->title; ?></a>
            <p><?php echo $b->body; ?></p>
                <a href="<?php echo _url('post', array($row->id, $row->slug)); ?>" class="button mini green"><?php echo _t('Read More'); ?></a>
    <?php } // while end ?>

    <!-- display the pager where you want to appear -->
    <div class="pager-container"><?php $pager->display() ?></div>

<?php } else { ?>
    <div class="no-record"><?php echo _t('There is no record.') ?></div>
<?php } ?>

Create an AJAX Listing Page with jQuery Dialog Form

Sometimes you need to add/edit an entity in a list page. PHPLucidFrame provides a convenient way to integrate a modal dialog with a form for adding or editing an entity of the list. The following would be the page structure. :

            |-- action.php
            |-- index.php
            |-- list.php
            |-- view.php

In /app/category/index.php :

$pageTitle = _t('Categories');

_app('title', $pageTitle);
_app('view')->addData('pageTitle', $pageTitle);

In /app/category/view.php you need to add an empty HTML container which AJAX will respond HTML to. :

<h4><?php echo $pageTitle; ?></h4>

    <button type="button" class="button mini green" id="btn-new">
        <?php echo _t('Add New Category'); ?>
    </button> <!-- #btn-new is a default button ID to launch the modal; you can change to any ID but require to configure LC.List.init() in js -->

<div id="list"></div>

After then, you need to add HTML for jQuery modal dialog. :

<!-- Category Entry Form -->
<div id="dialog-category" class="dialog" title="<?php echo _t('Category'); ?>">
    <form method="post" id="form-category"> <!-- form id is required to make it working -->
        <div class="message error"></div>
        <input type="hidden" id="id" name="id" />
        <table class="form fluid">
                <td class="label">
                    <?php echo _t('Name'); ?>
                    <span class="required">*</span>
                <td class="label-separator">:</td>
                <td class="entry">
                    <input type="text" name="name" id="name" class="lc-form-input fluid-100" />
                <td colspan="2">
                <td class="entry">
                    <button type="submit" class="button jqbutton submit large green" id="btn-save" name="btn-save">
                        <?php echo _t('Save') ?>
                    <button type="button" class="button jqbutton large" id="btn-cancel" name="btn-cancel">
                        <?php echo _t('Cancel') ?>
                    </button> <!-- #btn-cancel is a default button ID to close the modal dialog -->
        <?php form_token(); ?>

Create a small javascript snippet in your /app/js/app.js. :

LC.Page.Category = {
    url : LC.Page.url(LC.vars.baseDir + '/category'), /* mapping directory */

    /* Initialize the Category page */
    init : function() {
            url: LC.Page.Category.url, // This will call /app/category/list.php
            formModal: '#dialog-category', // HTML id for the modal used in the view
            formId: 'form-category', // HTML id for the form used in the view
            editCallback: LC.Page.Category.edit, // define below
            // see more options at

    /* Initialize the list */
    list: function() {

    /* Callback to set values when the dialog is open to edit an existing entry */
    edit : function($form, $data) {

Call the script at the end of /app/category/view.php :

    $(function() {

In /app/category/list.php, :


list($qb, $pager, $total) = db_findWithPager('category', array('deleted' => null), array('name' => 'asc'));

if ($qb->getNumRows()): ?>
    <table class="list table">
        <tr class="label">
            <td class="table-left" colspan="2"><?php echo _t('Actions'); ?></td>
        $data = array();
        while ($row = $qb->fetchRow()):
            <?php $data[$row->id] = $row; # data for the modal dialog form ?>
                <td class="table-left actions col-action">
                    <a href="#" class="edit edit-ico" title="Edit" rel="<?php echo $row->id; ?>">
                        <span><?php echo _t('Edit'); ?></span>
                    </a> <!-- ".table .actions .edit" is a default class hierarchy for edit button action -->
                <td class="col-action">
                    <a href="#" class="delete delete-ico" title="Delete" rel="<?php echo $row->id; ?>">
                        <span><?php echo _t('Delete'); ?></span>
                    </a> <!-- ".table .actions .default" is a default class hierarchy for delete button action -->
                <td class="colName">
                    <?php echo $row->name; ?>
        <?php endwhile; ?>

    <div class="pager-container"><?php $pager->display(); ?></div>

    <?php _addFormData('form-category', $data); # the first parameter is the form ID for the form in the modal dialog defined in the view ?>
<?php else: ?>
    <div class="no-record"><?php echo _t('There is no item found. Click "Add New Category" to add a new category.'); ?></div>
<?php endif;

Lastly, add create/edit/delete handling code in /app/category/action.php because, by default, the form in the modal will be submitted to it. :


$table = 'category';
$success = false;

if (_isHttpPost()) {
    $post = _post();

    if (isset($post['action']) && $post['action'] == 'delete' && !empty($post['id'])) {
        # DELETE category
        if (db_delete($table, array('id' => $post['id']))) {
            $success = true;
    } else {
        # NEW/EDIT
        $validations = array(
            'name' => array(
                'caption'       => _t('Name'),
                'value'         => $post['name'],
                'rules'         => array('mandatory'),
                'parameters'    => array($post['id'])

        if (form_validate($validations)) {
            $data = array(
                'name' => $post['name']

            if (db_save($table, $data, $post['id'])) {
                $success = true;
        } else {
            form_set('error', validation_get('errors'));

    if ($success) {
        form_set('success', true);
        form_set('callback', 'LC.Page.Category.list()'); # Ajax callback


Create a Generic Listing Page without AJAX

Sometimes, you may not want to use AJAX list. You can easily disable LucidFrame AJAX pagination option. In this case, you don’t need to have /app/post/list.php like in the above example. :

            |-- index.php
            |-- view.php

Retrieve your data in index.php and then render your HTML in /app/post/view.php. You don’t need to write Javascript in this case. :

/** app/post/index.php */

$pageTitle = _t('Latest Posts');
$view = _app('view');

_app('title', $pageTitle);

# Count query for the pager
$totalCount = db_count('post')
    ->where()->condition('deleted', null)

# Prerequisite for the Pager
$pager = _pager()
    ->set('itemsPerPage', _cfg('itemsPerPage'))     // $lc_itemsPerPage
    ->set('pageNumLimit', _cfg('pageNumLimit'))     // $lc_pageNumLimit
    ->set('total', $totalCount)                     // the total record count fetched earlier
    ->set('ajax', false);                           // optional; trun off AJAX (it is default)
    ->set('imagePath', WEB_ROOT . 'images/pager/')  // optional; if you use images for pagination
    ->calculate()                                   // required to calculate offset

# OR just one-line
// $pager = pager_ordinary();

$qb = db_select('post', 'p')
        ->condition('p.deleted', null)
    ->orderBy('p.created', 'DESC')
    ->limit($pager->get('offset'), $pager->get('itemsPerPage'));

# Pass data to the view layer
$view->data = array(
    'pageTitle'     => $pageTitle,
    'totalCount'    => totalCount
    'pager'         => $pager,
    'qb'            => $qb,

Finally, your view.php will look like this: :

<!-- app/post/view.php -->

<h3><?php echo $pageTitle; ?></h3>
<div id="list">
    <?php if ($totalCount) { ?>
        <?php while ($row = $qb->fetchRow()) { ?>
            <p class="post">
                    <a href="<?php echo _url('post', array($row->id, $row->slug)) ?>"><?php echo $row->title; ?></a>
                <p><?php echo $b->body; ?></p>
                    <a href="<?php echo _url('post', array($row->id, $row->slug)) ?>" class="button mini green"><?php echo _t('Read More'); ?></a>
        <?php } // while end ?>
        <!-- display the pager where you want to appear -->
        <div class="pager-container clearfix">
            <?php $pager->display(); ?>
            <div class="pager-records"><?php echo _t('Total %d records', $totalCount); ?></div>
    <?php } else { ?>
        <div class="no-record"><?php echo _t('There is no record.'); ?></div>
    <?php } ?>

Customize Pagination Display

As of version 3.0, you can pass a callack function name to the display() method of Pager instance, for example, :

<?php $pager->display('pager_custom') ?>

You need to define your custom pager function pager_custom() in /app/helpers/pager_helper.php. The function will receive an array parameter. :

function pager_custom($result)
    # The outermost container must have "lc-pager" class for AJAX pagination
    // render HTML output for your custom pagination

The parameter to pager_custom() will have this array structure: :

    [offset] => xx
    [thisPage] => xx
    [beforePages] => Array()
    [afterPages] => Array()
    [firstPageEnable] => xx
    [prePageEnable] => xx
    [nextPageNo] => xx
    [nextPageEnable] => xx
    [lastPageNo] => xx
    [lastPageEnable] => xx
    [url] => xx
    [ajax] => 1 or 0

Here is an example to render boostrap-styled pagination: :

function pager_bootstrap($result)
    # The outermost container must have "lc-pager" class for AJAX pagination
    <ul class="pagination lc-pager">
        <li class="first">
            <?php if ($result['firstPageEnable']): ?>
                <a href="<?php echo _url($result['url']) ?>" rel="<?php echo $result['firstPageNo'] ?>"><?php echo _t('First') ?></a>
            <?php else: ?>
                <span><?php echo _t('First') ?></span>
            <?php endif ?>

        <li class="prev">
            <?php if ($result['prePageEnable']): ?>
                <a href="<?php echo _url($result['url']) ?>" rel="<?php echo $result['prePageNo'] ?>">«</a>
            <?php else: ?>
            <?php endif ?>

        <?php if (!empty($result['beforePages'])): ?>
            <?php foreach ($result['beforePages'] as $pg): ?>
                    <?php if ($result['ajax']): ?>
                        <a href="<?php echo _url($result['url']) ?>" rel="<?php echo $pg ?>"><?php echo $pg ?></a>
                    <?php else: ?>
                        <a href="<?php echo _url($result['url'], array($this->pageQueryStr => $pg)) ?>" rel="<?php echo $pg ?>"><?php echo $pg ?></a>
                    <?php endif ?>
            <?php endforeach; ?>
        <?php endif ?>

        <li class="active">
            <a href="#"><?php echo $result['thisPage'] ?></a>

        <?php if (!empty($result['afterPages'])): ?>
            <?php foreach ($result['afterPages'] as $pg): ?>
                    <?php if ($result['ajax']): ?>
                        <a href="<?php echo _url($result['url']) ?>" rel="<?php echo $pg ?>"><?php echo $pg ?></a>
                    <?php else: ?>
                        <a href="<?php echo _url($result['url'], array($this->pageQueryStr => $pg)) ?>" rel="<?php echo $pg ?>"><?php echo $pg ?></a>
                    <?php endif ?>
            <?php endforeach; ?>
        <?php endif ?>

        <li class="next">
            <?php if ($result['nextPageEnable']): ?>
                <a href="<?php echo _url($result['url']) ?>" rel="<?php echo $result['nextPageNo'] ?>">»</a>
            <?php else: ?>
            <?php endif ?>

        <li class="last">
            <?php if ($result['lastPageEnable']): ?>
                <a href="<?php echo _url($result['url']) ?>" rel="<?php echo $result['lastPageNo'] ?>"><?php echo _t('Last') ?></a>
            <?php else: ?>
                <span><?php echo _t('Last') ?></span>
            <?php endif ?>


- PHPLucidFrame 3.0 included a pagination helper pager_bootstrap() in /app/helpers/pager_helper.php. You can use it to display boostrap-styled pagination or you can see the code as reference for your custom pagination callback function.