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File metadata and controls

144 lines (105 loc) · 6.21 KB

The View

As of version 3.0.0, PHPLucidFrame added a default global View object for managing your layout file, rendering variables to your views, including head scripts/styles, loading your view templates. The View object is available by calling _app('view').

Creating View

A view is a visual output representation to user and is simply a web page, or a page fragment. You can create a view by placing a file view.php in a particular page directory, for example, a single post page{id} or http://localhost/acme/post/{id} may look like the below directory structure: :

        |-- index.php
        |-- view.php <--

The view.php generally should contain HTML between <body> and </body>. This may include header and footer fragments. But the header and footer may be also put into the layout file. See Layout File section.

Passing Data To view

You can pass data to your view by using the addData() method of the View object. You can get the View object using $view = _app('view') and set data using $view->addData('name', $value) in a particular index.php. For example, /app/post/index.php may look like this :

$id = _get('id');
$view = _app('view');

$post = db_findOrFail('post', $id);

_app('title', $blog->title);

$view->addData('pageTitle', $post->title); // This will be available as $pageTitle in view
$view->addData('post', $post); // This will be available as $post in view

Alternatively, you can pass an array of data to view by directly assigning to the data property of the View object. :

$view->data = array(
    'pageTitle' => $post->title,
    'post'      => $post,

Nested Views

Views may also be nested. You can include another view in a view. Let's say for example, you have a view (fragement) to show recent posts in single post page. :

        |-- index.php
        |-- recent-posts.php <--
        |-- view.php

You can include recent-posts.php in view.php like this :

<?php _app('view')->block('recent-posts') ?>

If recent-posts.php is needed to include in more than one page, you can move the file into /app/inc/tpl/ and _app('view')->block('recent-posts') will automatically look for the file in that directory when it is not found in the current directory.

A new option to return html from the block() method is added since version 3.1. You can provide thrid parameter to the method. :

$html = _app('view')->block('recent-posts', $data, true)
echo $html;

Layout File

Since verion 3.0, layout mode is enabled by default ($lc_layoutMode = true in /inc/config.php). The default layout file is configured as $lc_layoutName = 'layout' which points to app/inc/tpl/layout.php.

Basically a layout file would have the below structure. :

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title><?php echo _title() ?></title>
    <link rel="canonical" href="<?php echo _canonical() ?>" />
    <?php _hreflang() ?>
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1" />
    <?php _metaSeoTags() ?>
    <link rel="shortcut icon" href="<?php echo _img('favicon.ico'); ?>" type="image/x-icon" />
    <?php _css('base.css') ?>
    <?php _css('base.' . _lang() . '.css') ?>  <!-- you may not need this if your site doesn't have multi-languages ->
    <?php _css('responsive.css') ?>
    <?php _css('jquery.ui') ?>
    <?php _app('view')->headStyle() ?> <!-- styles added by a particular page ->
    <?php _js('jquery') ?>
    <?php _js('jquery.ui') ?>
    <?php _script() ?> <!-- this is required for global JS variables -->
    <?php _js('LC.js') ?>
    <?php _app('view')->headScript() ?>  <!-- scripts added by a particular page ->
    <?php _js('app.js') ?>
            <!-- your header stuffs -->
            <?php _app('view')->load() ?> <!-- This injects a particular view template here -->
            <!-- your footer stuffs -->


- You can check /app/inc/tpl/layout.php.

You may have a separate layout file for a particular page, let's say for example, you have a login page which have a different layout other than the rest pages of the site. You can create a new layout file /app/inc/tpl/layout_login.php.

You can set the new layout name for login page in /app/login/index.php such as :

_app('view')->layout = 'layout_login';

Then, the login page will use layout_login.php whereas the other pages use layout.php.

Stylesheets & Scripts In Head

You may include stylesheets and scripts for a particular page rather than globally including in the layout file. Then you can use addHeadStyle() and addHeadScript() of the View object in index.php :

/** app/post/index.php */

# If locally stored files
$view->addHeadStyle('select2.min.css');  // app/assets/css/select2.min.css or assets/css/select2.min.css
$view->addHeadScript('select2.min.css'); // app/assets/js/select2.min.css or assets/js/select2.min.css

# If CDN

Alternatively, you can use the helper functions - _addHeadStyle() and _addHeadScript(). :

/** app/post/index.php */

# If locally stored files
_addHeadStyle('select2.min.css');  // app/assets/css/select2.min.css or assets/css/select2.min.css
_addHeadScript('select2.min.css'); // app/assets/js/select2.min.css or assets/js/select2.min.css

# If CDN