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File metadata and controls

493 lines (391 loc) · 30.1 KB

File Helper

PHPLucidFrame provides a basic file upload handling using generic form and AsynFileUploader that can be used in AJAX form.

File Upload Form and File Handling

PHPLucidFrame provides a basic file upload handling using generic form. First of all, you could define maximum file upload size, upload directory and required dimension (if image upload). :

# /inc/constants.php
define('MAX_FILE_UPLOAD_SIZE', 20); // in MB

define('PHOTO_DIR', FILE . 'photos/'); // assuming that you have this directory
define('WEB_PHOTO_DIR', WEB_ROOT . 'files/photos/');

# /app/inc/site.config.php
// $lc_photoDimensions - desired width and height for the uploaded photos
$lc_photoDimensions = array('400x300', '200x150'); // 3 photos will be uploaded according to the defined dimensions

Since 1.6, a new configuration variable $lc_imageFilterSet is added. :

# $lc_imageFilterSet – Default image filter setting that applies to image upload
$lc_imageFilterSet = array(
    'maxDimension' => '800x600', // or null for client original image size to keep, but not recommended
    'resizeMode'   => FILE_RESIZE_BOTH,
    'jpgQuality'   => 75

The uploaded images will be stored under the following directories according to the above configuration: :

            /400x300  <- 400x300 thumbnails
            /200x150  <- 200x150 thumbnails
            |-- xxxxxx.jpg <- primary/original images according to $lc_imageFilterSet[maxDimension]
            |-- ………
            |-- xxxxxx.jpg


- The upload directory must be writable.

Generic File Upload

According to the framework-recommended page structure, you could have the following structure for your file uploading page: :

        |-- action.php
        |-- index.php
        |-- view.php

Your /app/photo/index.php will look like this: :

/** app/photo/index.php */

$view = _app('view');

$pageTitle = _t('Photo Uploader');
_app('title', $pageTitle);

// You could have query here to retrieve the existing file upload data from db

$view->data = array(
    'pageTitle' => $pageTitle

Here is how your /app/photo/view.php will go: :

<!-- app/photo/view.php -->
<form method="post" name="form-upload" id="form-upload" enctype="multipart/form-data" class="no-ajax">
    <?php if ($msg = flash_get()) { ?>
        <?php echo $msg; ?>
    <?php } else { ?>
        <div class="message error"></div>
    <?php } ?>
    <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="form">
            <td class="label"><?php echo _t('Photo'); ?></td>
            <td class="labelSeparator">:</td>
            <td class="entry">
                <input type="file" name="photo" id="photo" />
            <td colspan="2"></td>
            <td class="entry">
                <button type="submit" id="btn-upload" name="btn-upload"><?php echo _t('Upload'); ?></button>
    <?php form_respond('form-upload', validation_get('errors')); ?>


- You will have to add class="no-ajax" and enctype="multipart/form-data" to the form tag because this file upload process needs normal HTTP request. - action.php has to be included explicitly.

Finally, you need the form upload process handling in /app/photo/action.php like below: :

/** app/photo/action.php */

if (_isHttpPost()) {
    $photo = $_FILES['photo'];

    $validations = array(
        'photo' => array(
            'caption'       => _t('Photo'),
            'value'         => $photo,
            'rules'         => array('mandatory', 'fileExtension', 'fileMaxSize'),
            'extensions'    => array('jpg', 'jpeg', 'png', 'gif'),
            'maxSize'       => MAX_FILE_UPLOAD_SIZE,
            'messages'      => array(
                'mandatory' => _t('Please select a photo.')

    if (form_validate($validations)) {
        $file = _fileHelper();

        // set image dimension to resize
        $file->set('dimensions', _cfg('photoDimension'));

        // set file upload directory; this should be defined in /inc/constants.php
        $file->set('uploadDir', PHOTO_DIR); // optional; default to `/files/tmp/`

        // image resize mode:
        // FILE_RESIZE_BOTH (by default) - resize to the fitted dimension to the given dimension
        // FILE_RESIZE_WIDTH - resize to the given width, but height is aspect ratio of the width
        // FILE_RESIZE_HEIGHT - resize to the given height, but width is aspect ratio of the height
        $file->set('resize', FILE_RESIZE_BOTH);

        $uploads = $file->upload($photo);
        $upload will return in the format:
            'name'              => 'Name of the input element',
            'fileName'          => 'The uploaded file name',
            'originalFileName'  => 'The original file name',
            'extension'         => 'The selected and uploaded file extension',
            'dir'               => 'The uploaded directory',
        if ($uploads) {
            $data = array(
                'image' => $uploads['fileName'];

            if (db_save('your_table', $data)) {
                form_set('success', true);
                flash_set(_t('The photo has been uploaded.'));

                _redirect(); // or _redirect('self')
                // redirect to the current page itself
                // and will show the flash message set above.
        } else {
            $error = $file->getError();
            Validation::addError('photo', $error['message']);

            form_set('error', validation_get('errors'));
    } else {
        form_set('error', validation_get('errors'));

AsynFileUploader (Asynchronous File Uploader)

The file helper in the previous section is not compatible with AJAX form. Since version 1.3, PHPLucidFrame added a new feature "AsynFileUploader" that helps you to upload a file in smarter way with instant preview and that is compatible with AJAX form.

Firstly, you can have a few image-related configurations in /app/inc/site.config.php as described in the previous section File Upload Form and File Handling.

Create an instance of the class AsynFileUploader in /app/photo/index.php and pass it to view. For example, see /app/example/asyn-file-uploader/index.php.:

/** app/photo/index.php */

$view = _app('view');

$pageTitle = _t('AsynFileUploader');
_app('title', $pageTitle);

# The constructor argument
# string/array The input file name or The array of property/value pairs
$photo = _asynFileUploader('photo');

# Button caption; default to "Choose File"
$photo->setCaption('Choose Image');

# Max file upload size; default to 10MB

# Image dimension to resize
# $lc_photoDimensions could be defined in /app/inc/site.config.php (see in the previous section).
# This is not required for the non-image file uploads

# Allowed file extensions; default to any file
$photo->setExtensions(array('jpg', 'jpeg', 'png', 'gif'));

# The file uploaded directory; default to /files/tmp
# PHOTO_DIR could be defined in /app/inc/site.config.php (see in the previous section).

# The button #btnSubmit will be disabled while the upload is in progress

# The uploaded file name is displayed or not below the file upload button; default is true

# The uploaded file name is allowed to delete or not; default is true;
# The delete icon will be displayed when it is true

# The OnUpload hook which could be defined in /app/helpers/file_helper.php
# This hook runs when the file is uploaded (See The onUpload hook section)

# The OnDelete hook which could be defined in /app/helpers/file_helper.php
# This hook runs when the file is delete (See The onDelete hook section)

// You could have query here to retrieve the existing file upload data from db

# If there is any previously uploaded file, set it using setValue()
# @see /app/example/asyn-file-uploader/index.php
# @see /app/example/asyn-file-uploader/view.php
if (!empty($image)) {
    $photo->setValue($image->pimgFileName, $image->pimgId);

$view->data = array(
    'pageTitle' => $pageTitle,
    'photo' => $photo

Call the instance method html() at where you want to display the file uploader. Normally it is in your view layer, for example, /app/example/asyn-file-uploader/view.php. :

<form id="form-async-upload" method="post">
    <div class="message error"></div>
    <div class="table">
        <div class="row">
            <?php $photo->html() ?>
        <div class="row">
            <input type="submit" id="btn-upload" name="btn-upload" value="<?php echo _t('Submit'); ?>" class="button green" />
    <?php form_token(); ?>

As the form In the above coding is attached to AJAX and the form action attribute is not explicitly defined, it will submit to action.php in the same level directory when the button #btn-upload is clicked, for example, /app/example/asyn-file-uploader/action.php.

The following is an example code for the possible action.php where you will have to use the name which you provided to the AsynFileUploader constructor in the previous code example, i.e., photo. LucidFrame automatically adds some additional file upload information upon form submission that you can get them from the POST array. See the code below. :

/** app/photo/action.php */

if (_isHttpPost()) {
    $post = _post();

    $validations = array(
        'photo' => array(
            'caption' => _t('Image') ,
            'value' => $post['photo'],
            'rules' => array('mandatory') ,

    if (form_validate($validations) === true) {

        // # You can get the uploaded file information as below
        // $post['photo']            = The uploaded file name saved in disk
        // $post['photo-id']         = The ID in database related to the previously uploaded file
        // $post['photo-dimensions'] = (Optional) Array of dimensions used to resize the images uploaded
        // $post['photo-dir']        = The directory where the file(s) are saved, encoded by base64_encode()
        // $post['photo-fileName']   = The same value of $post['photo']
        // $post['photo-anyKey']     = if you set it using AsynFileUploader->setHidden('anyKey', 'anyValue')

        // ## Do database operation here ###
        $data = array(
            'image' => $post['photo'];

        if (db_save('your_table', $data)) {
            form_set('success', true);
            form_set('message', _t('The photo has been saved.'));
    } else {
        form_set('error', validation_get('errors'));


PHP Hooks for AsynFileUploader

There are some available hooks to be run during file handling process of AsynFileUploader.

The onUpload hook

The hook is to do database operation regarding to the uploaded files and it runs just after file is uploaded. It can be defined in /app/helpers/file_helper.php and the hook function name has to be given in the method call setOnUpload(). The two arguments will be passed to your function.

Argument Type Description
Argument 1 array

The array of the following keys of the uploaded file information:

  • name Name of the input element
  • fileName The uploaded file name
  • originalFileName The original file name
  • extension The selected and uploaded file extension
  • dir The uploaded directory
Argument 2 array

The POSTed information:

  • {name} Array of the file names uploaded and saved in drive
  • {name}-id Optional array of the database value IDs (if a file have previously been uploaded)
  • {name}-dimensions Optional array of the file dimensions in WxH (it will not be available if it is not an image file)
  • {name}-{field_name} Optional hidden values

If you set the name "photo" to the AsynFileUploader constructor, the keys will be photo, photo-id and photo-dimensions. If you set AsynFileUploader->setHidden('key', 'value'), you can get it here using photo-key.

The hook must return an array of IDs.

For example, assuming that post table has image field which stores an uploaded image file name, that field will be updated when a new image is uploaded for an existing post by using onUpload hook as below: :

// app/post/index.php
$post = db_find('post', $id);

$image = _asynFileUploader('image');
$image->setHidden('postId', $post->id); // This will be available to the second argument (array) to post_imageUpload() as key "image-postId"
if ($post->image) {
    $image->setValue($post->image, $post->id);

// app/helpers/file_helper.php
function post_imageUpload($file, $post)
    if (isset($post['image-postId']) && $post['image-postId']) {
        # Save new file names in db
        db_update('post', array(
            'id' => $post['image-postId'],
            'image' => $file['fileName']
        ), $useSlug = false);

        return $post['photo-postId'];

    return 0;

The onDelete hook

This hook is to do database operation regarding to the deleted files. It runs when delete button is clicked and just after file is deleted. It can be defined in /app/helpers/file_helper.php and the hook function name has to be given in the method call setOnDelete(). An argument will be passed to your function:

Argument Type Description
Argument 1 mixed The ID related to the file deleted to delete from the database table.

For example, assuming that post table has image field which stores an uploaded image file name, that field will be nulled when the image is deleted by using onDelete hook as below: :

// app/post/index.php
$post = db_find('post', $id);

$image = _asynFileUploader('image');
if ($post->image) {
    $image->setValue($post->image, $post->id);
    // The second arugment to setValue() will be avaialble to the onDelete hook post_imageDelete()

// app/helpers/file_helper.php
function post_imageDelete($id)
    if ($id) {
        return db_update('post', array(
            'id' => $id,
            'image' => null,

    return false;

Javascript Hooks for AsynFileUploader

Besides the server-side hooks, there are some available javascript hooks to be run during file handling process of AsynFileUploader. They are afterUpload, afterDelete and onError. Each can be defined using LC.AsynFileUploader.addHook(name, hook, function) where the parameters are:

Argument Type Description
name string The name you given for AsynFileUploader.
hook string The hook name afterUpload, afterDelete and onError.
function function The callback function to be called

The afterUpload hook

The hook runs just after file is uploaded. It can be defined using LC.AsynFileUploader.addHook(yourInputName, 'afterUpload', callback). The following two arguments name and file will be passed to your callback function.

Argument Type Description
name string The input element name you given for AsynFileUploader
file object The uploaded file information. string The file input name string The HTML id for the file browsing button
file.value string The uploaded file name
file.savedId mixed The ID in the database related to the uploaded file (if any)
file.fileName string The original file name to be displayed
file.extension string The uploaded file extension
file.url string The actual file URL
file.caption string The caption if the uploaded file is image

The afterDelete hook

The hook runs just after file is deleted. It can be defined using LC.AsynFileUploader.addHook(yourInputName, 'afterDelete', callback). The following two arguments name and data will be passed to your callback function.

Argument Type Description
name string The input element name you given for AsynFileUploader
data object The uploaded file information. string The file input name
data.success boolean true if file deletion succeeded; otherwise false
data.error string The error message if file deletion failed mixed The ID deleted from database
data.value string The file name deleted from hard drive

The onError hook

The hook runs when the file upload fails with error. It can be defined using LC.AsynFileUploader.addHook(yourInputName, 'onError', callback). The two arguments name and error will be passed to your callback function.

Argument Type Description
name string The input element name you given for AsynFileUploader
error object The error object string The HTML ID which is generally given the validation key option in PHP
error.plain string The error message in plain format
error.html mixed The error message in HTML format


- If you defined this, the error message will not be shown until you code to show the error message in the callback function. - See the example code in /app/example/asyn-file-uploader/index.php