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Mine Monero cryptocurrency for a user selected cause or chairty.

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Ni kune donas multajn donacojn (We together give many gifts.)

     hiveFive.Life is not a charity. It is an open-source project (a potential future corporation) dedicated to driving as much money to charity, science, research, crowdfunding campaigns, or whatever causes our users-base desires, as possible. Though in the future we may become a for-profit institution one thing is for sure, any money either donated directly to one of our causes through us, or any profits we receive as a result of our users mining on will be donated in full (100%) to the charities of choice.


You can find the actively developed version of the demo here:
(warning this may be broken at anytime)



     This projects ultimate goal is to raise and donate as much money to the causes that our users select as possible.


     My wife and I moved to Houston, TX in July of 2016. I had been interested in crypto-currencies for several years at that point, I had owned a few Bitcoin at one point, and was a quiet HODLer of BTC and LTC. About a year after moving to Texas, in August of 2017, hurricane Harvey struck Houston. About two days after the devastating flooding began, I began receiving messages from friends asking how they could help. One friend in particular's father and brother were loading boats, food, and supplies from North Carolina on the back of their family truck and bringing them the 16 hour drive to Houston to help the volunteers. I gave them as good of directions as I could to help them avoid flooded roads and to get them across the flooded bayous to the epicenter, where help was needed the most.
     The actions taken by so many of my friends, and the spirit of everyone involved in the Harvey recovery really affected me, and got me thinking. How can I make it easier for people to contribute to causes and charities that have such an effect on peoples lives in these types of disasters?
     In mid-late 2017 I started to hear a lot about Monero, mostly due to a few talks from John Mcafee on YouTube, and after buying my first couple units of the currency I started to read the news more. More and more, I heard stories of this awful little "malware" called CoinHive that allowed you to mine Monero using JavaScript, in the web-browser.
     I know it's cliche but, that's when it hit me, zero effort donations to charity. Nearly everyone in the developed world has excess computing power literally at their fingertips. What if we could turn that power into money for those who need it most? A site that you can visit and simply press play, and change the world. That is the vision behind HiveFive.Life.


     To achieve our "what" we will need to spend a lot of money, hiring developers, marketing, and generally running a business. However, we do not want to use the money that was set aside for the causes in order to fund our own self-interest. So we will instead give users points for every accepted hash and these points can be used to purchase special offers from our affiliates and sponsors. The money earned from our users cashing in those points and purchasing the deals from our affiliates will be the funds that will pay for our continued existence. Meaning that we can guarantee that the funds raised for the causes will always go to the causes 100% in full.

The Plan

Alpha Demo (February 2018)

     The plan is to release an alpha demo sometime mid-February 2018. This is when we will start trying to drive community support for the project and attempt to reach out to developers in the crypto community in general. Developers, developers, developers!!!
      The alpha demo release is meant to be a proof-of-concept and minimum-viable-product. This will probably be the stage where we move the demo to its own hosting platform and off of my portfolio websites hosting. Despite being called a demo release we will be donating any funds collected to the selected causes.

Working JavaScript miner that can mine in browser with minimum effort to the user.
      COMPLETE - MERGED TO MAIN BRANCH - For this we chose the CoinHive Miner due to the excellent available documentation and it was very easy to set-up given the sort timeline.
Working Polling mechanism that allows the users to vote on which cause should receive funds.
      COMPLETE - MERGED TO MAIN BRANCH - For the poll we chose a simple AJAX poll system that has multiple measures to keep people honest. We have also chosen not to limit the amount of times asingle person can vote in this poll for a number of reasons, mostly to prevent cheating, if you can vote as many times as you want anyway then there is less incentive to cheat. Spam has been removed as a possibility by adding the CoinHive CAPTCHA to the poll, the users can vote as many" width="10" height="10" /> A community area where users can suggest causes and HiveFive can show proof of donation in order to drive community support.

Beta Demo (June 2018)

      The Beta Demo will focus on the users and forward facing features such as user management and UI.

Complete UI overhaul to something less bare and more elegant.
Some sort of user management system.

Initial Public Demo Release (November 2018)

      The Initial Public Demo Release is currently set for November of 2018. It is still referred to as a Demo release because at this point the is no sustainable business model. This release is set to lay the groundwork for the business model to become sustainable.

Integrate User-Management system with CoinHive User-Management to track how much crypto each user mines.
Credit users points (look @ at other crypt-currencies such as Doge-Coin to use as points) for each crypto they mine.
Built preliminary structures for affiliate marketing system.

Style Guidlines

     Our current style (or lack thereof) is for demo purposes only. However it is important that we keep the style consistent throughout the site. This helps with identifying potential bugs. It also serves as a tool to help identify places where functionality can be improved by displaying information in a consistent manor.

Color Pallet     

     Our style consist of a five color Honeybee pallet, "Sweet Corn" #FFE57A, "Black Magic" #362A0B, "Turbo" #FFC920, "Golden Brown" #865E00, and "Grandis" #FFCF6E.

  1. "Black Magic" #362A0B is the primary background color throughout the site and therefore should be used sparingly outside of it's use as a background color.
  2. "Sweet Corn" #FFE57A should be used as the primary text color throughout the site.
  3. "Turbo" #FFC920 is the primary accent color and is primarily used for borders, or where emphasis should be provided.
  4. "Golden Brown" #865E00 is a soft secondary accent and should be used sparingly throughout the site.
  5. "Grandis" #FFCF6E is a soft secondary accent and should be used sparingly throughout the site.


Body Text: Googles "Roboto" font imported from Google Fonts. Header Text: Googles "Roboto Black" font imported from Google Fonts.

Design Elements     

     In this section we will go over the sections of the website as well as each sections purpose, terminology, and elements. This will allow for easier and more accurate communication when discussing which changes and improvements should be applied to which area.

Main Page

     The idea behind the Main Page is to take the Google approach, except instead of the logo and a search-bar, the first thing you see when you go to the site is our logo and a "play" button so the users can immediately dive mining, removing as much resistance to our end goal (generating money for the causes) as possible.

The Miner Status Bar

Miner Status Bar
     The miner status bar is, for now, a temporary fixture for demo purposes and to prove the miner is working for debugging purposes. The end goal of the website is to have as clean of an index page as possible, we don't want the users to have to think about their computer specs and how to improve their hash rate, we want it to be easy.


Miner Status Bar
     Not the best logo, I have to admit that, but something I sketched up in about 15 minutes. Oh well, It is a decent placeholder for now.


Miner Status Bar
     The purpose of the mining equalizer is to give the users feedback on their mining without directly showing them stats. We don't want to discourage users to not mine because the hash rate on a particular machine is better than the one they are using. Since we want everyone mining no matter what, this animation fulfills several purposes:

  1. Provides the necessary feedback that the miner is functional.
  2. Speeds up and slows down relative to the total hash rate.
  3. Flashes from "Sweet Corn" #FFE57A to "Turbo" #FFC920 in the event that a hash was accepted.

     In the future I would like to add the following functionality:

  1. Expand the number of layers dependent on the number of threads in use.
  2. Any other ideas are welcome
Footer Navigation

Miner Status Bar
     This element is pretty straightforward, navigation at the bottom for easier navigation on mobile. All buttons should have a "Black Magic" #362A0B background, a 1px "Turbo" #FFC920 border, and the default "Sweet Corn" #FFE57A font color.