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Workshop Notes

Steven Clontz edited this page Mar 9, 2024 · 3 revisions

@StevenClontz is running a workshop at STDC 2024 on the $\pi$-Base. Here are some notes in leiu of slides.

Making a GitHub account

Contributing to the $\pi$-Base requires a free GitHub account:

I maintain as a handbook for mathematicians using GitHub which you can use as an optional reference.

Email your username to me at during the workshop and I'll add you as a contributor to pi-base/data (no commitment).

Tour of the site

Simple way to contribute: review!

Reviewing can be done by just reading a "pull request", checking it against the pi-Base app, and clicking green buttons, all in your web browser.

Sample reviews:

Another way: add content!

A little more involved, using, but still acheivable in your web browser without memorizing command-line incantations.

Sample contribution:

Dead-simplest way to contribute: use the site and talk about it everywhere!

Clone this wiki locally