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Python 3

  • CGI(Common Gateway Interface) : When Client requested for data, server has to send the data back to Web Application. CGI is a standard/regulation for the language differences. CGI has to restart the application process everytime there's a new request, and this tend to be a huge burden for script language since it takes more time to execute. This is the reason for WSGI came out (only for python)
  • WSGI(Web Server Gateway Interface): Django and Flask are not web servers, and web servers don't support Python. Therefore, there has to be a "interpreter" between those two, and that is WSGI. But it is syncronized, which made it quite slow and hard to comprehensive many data. gunicorn is often used.
  • ASGI(Asynchronous Server Gateway Interface) : FastAPI with Uvicorn succeed to make the gateway interface process asynchronous, solving problems of WSGI.

Django, Flask, FastAPI are web framework, and gunicorn, uvicorn are web server.

Django vs Flask vs FastAPI

  • Django has a lot of third party apps but it's way heavier.
  • Flask is for simple applications but it could be more difficult when you add more third party apps.
  • FastAPI is very fast and easy to code. However the quantity of third party apps is quite low.

Managing Memory

  • references counting: 얼마나 쓰고있는지 확인
  • cyclic garbage collector: A와 B가 서로를 refer하고 있을때 이것을 감지하는 역할.
    • Explicitly: collect method in gc module
  • references counting 이 0 가 되면 deallocate한다.
  • del 로 explicit deallocation 가능


  • it wraps another function or class. (extending)
  • Multiple decorators, or adding parameters are also fine.
  • It seems very similar concept to currying.
def my_decorator(func):
    def wrapper():
        print("Before function call")
        print("After function call")
    return wrapper

def say_hello():

# Calling the function
  • advanced:
def repeat(num_times):
    def decorator_repeat(func):
        def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
            for _ in range(num_times):
                result = func(*args, **kwargs)
            return result
        return wrapper
    return decorator_repeat

def greet(name):
    print(f"Hello {name}")

greet("Alice")  # prints "Hello Alice" three times

GIL(Global Interpreter Lock) - using CPython

  • Enables to have multithread by synchronizing threads to be executed only one native thread per bytecode. → due to this, python cannot achieve true parallel using GIL.
  • This LOCK is necessary because CPython's memory management is not thread-safe. (CPython? interpreter)
  • The GIL can be a significant bottleneck for multi-threaded programs because only one thread can execute at a time, even on multi-core processors. This makes CPU-bound programs written in Python difficult to scale across multiple cores or processors. For CPU-bound tasks, Python's multiprocessing module can be used to take full advantage of multiple cores, as it sidesteps the GIL by using subprocesses instead of threads.
    • Multiple Core → multiprocessing module
    • asyncio module
    • Numba module
    • PyPy interpreter

Error handle in python:

  • try: exception.
    x = 1 / 0
except ZeroDivisionError as e:
    print(f"An error occurred: {e}")
    print("This will run no matter what.")

is vs ==

  • is: identity(in memory, same reference) vs ==: same value

@Static method vs @Class method

  • static method의 경우 부모 클래스의 클래스 속성 값을 가져오지만 class method의 경우 cls인자를 활용하여 현재 클래스의 클래스 속성을 가져온다.
class Person:
    default= "John"

     def __init__(self): = self.default

    def class_person(cls):
        return cls()

    def static_person():
        return Person()

class WhatPerson(Person):
    default = "Anna"
person1 = WhatPerson.class_person()    # return John
person2 = WhatPerson.static_person()   # return Anna