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Performance Analysis

This chapter describes different tools that can be utilized for measuring the computational performance of PICLas.

Extrae and Paraver

Extra is a performance instrumentation tool that generates Paraver trace files that is distributed under LGPL-2.1 License and can be downloaded from Paraver is a performance analysis GUI for visualizing the code tracing data: They are part of the BSC tool set that is found under

`wxparavwer` can simply be downloaded as pre-compiled binary file as it is only used for viewing the results.


See the README and INSTALL file in the git repository of the package.


Code Instrumentation

Tested with extrae version 3.8.3

In PICLas, the extrae code instrumentation for the very basic modules is already implemented, see the in-code statements, e.g.,

#ifdef EXTRAE
CALL extrae_eventandcounters(int(9000001), int8(1))

! Initialization

#ifdef EXTRAE
CALL extrae_eventandcounters(int(9000001), int8(0))

which spans the complete initialization phase. Other regions are the field and particle modules (pure DG, PIC, DSMC, etc.) and the instrumentation is activated by setting the PICLas compile flag


in the cmake settings.

Examples that are already instrumented are

name: tab:ExtraeInstrumentation
|                 Function                | Intger Value |                            Source                            |
|             :--------------:            | :----------: |                 :--------------------------:                 |
|              Initialization             |       1      |                     `./src/piclaslib.f90`                    |
|              Load Balancing             |       2      |              `./src/loadbalance/loadbalance.f90`             |
|         Write State file to .h5         |       3      |                `./src/io_hdf5/hdf5_output.f90`               |
|    Field Solver (HDG with CG solver)    |       4      |                      `./src/hdg/hdg.f90`                     |
|             Particle Solver             |       5      | `./src/timedisc/timedisc_TimeStepPoissonByBorisLeapfrog.f90` |
|              Particle Push              |       5      |          `./src/timedisc/timedisc_TimeStep_BGK.f90`          |
|           `PerformTracking()`           |      50      |       `./src/particles/tracking/particle_tracking.f90`       |
|     `CALL UpdateNextFreePosition()`     |      51      |          `./src/timedisc/timedisc_TimeStep_BGK.f90`          |
| `CALL BGK_DSMC_main()`  or `BGK_main()` |      52      |          `./src/timedisc/timedisc_TimeStep_BGK.f90`          |
|                 Analysis                |       6      |                  `./src/analyze/analyze.f90`                 |

Tracing the code

Load the required Modules

On the target system, the extrae software packages must be installed and loaded via, e.g.,

module load extrae

Create and extrae.xml in the simulation directory

Create a shell script (must be executable) with the following content


export EXTRAE_CONFIG_FILE=/path/to/extrae.xml


where the path to the directory containing the extrae.xml file must be inserted.

`LD_PRELOAD` might only required when no user-defined instrumentation is used. If `PICLAS_EXTRAE=ON` is used during
compilation, the line with `LD_PRELOAD` can be commented out or removed.

Furthermore, a configuration file extrae.xml is required that defines which hardware counters, which should be traced

<?xml version='1.0'?>

<trace enabled="yes"

  <openmp enabled="no" ompt="no">
    <locks enabled="no" />
    <taskloop enabled="no" />
    <counters enabled="yes" />

  <pthread enabled="no">
    <locks enabled="no" />
    <counters enabled="yes" />

  <counters enabled="yes">
    <cpu enabled="yes" starting-set-distribution="1">
      <set enabled="yes" domain="all" changeat-time="0">
      <set enabled="no" domain="all" changeat-time="0">
        <sampling enabled="no" period="1000000000">PAPI_TOT_CYC</sampling>

    <network enabled="no" />

    <resource-usage enabled="no" />

    <memory-usage enabled="no" />

  <storage enabled="no">
    <trace-prefix enabled="yes">TRACE</trace-prefix>
    <size enabled="no">5</size>
    <temporal-directory enabled="yes">/scratch</temporal-directory>
    <final-directory enabled="yes">/gpfs/scratch/bsc41/bsc41273</final-directory>

  <buffer enabled="yes">
    <size enabled="yes">5000000</size>
    <circular enabled="no" />

  <trace-control enabled="yes">
    <file enabled="no" frequency="5M">/gpfs/scratch/bsc41/bsc41273/control</file>
    <global-ops enabled="no"></global-ops>

  <others enabled="yes">
    <minimum-time enabled="no">10M</minimum-time>
    <finalize-on-signal enabled="yes"
      SIGUSR1="no" SIGUSR2="no" SIGINT="yes"
      SIGQUIT="yes" SIGTERM="yes" SIGXCPU="yes"
      SIGFPE="yes" SIGSEGV="yes" SIGABRT="yes"
    <flush-sampling-buffer-at-instrumentation-point enabled="yes" />

  <sampling enabled="no" type="virtual" period="50m" variability="10m" />

  <dynamic-memory enabled="no" />

  <input-output enabled="no" />

  <syscall enabled="no" />

  <merge enabled="no"


Here, the MPI library with PAPI_TOT_INS and PAPI_TOT_CYC counters are traced. Note that the path to the extrae directory is defined under


User functions

This section is experimental!

Compile the code with


and supply the names of the functions that are exclusively traced in a file user-functions.dat containing the hash and name of each function in a comma-separated list, e.g.,


where the hash is acquired via

nm -a bin/piclas_extrae | grep -in timedisc

or from the lib via nm -a lib/ if the function is in the shared library. To use the user-functions.dat file in extrae, add the following block to the extrae.xml file.

<user-functions enabled="yes" list="/absolute/path/to/user-functions.dat" exclude-automatic-functions="no">
  <counters enabled="yes" />

where the absolute path to user-functions.dat is supplied.

Run the application

Run the application and convert the output to Paraver format

The extrae instrumented executable has a different name, which ends on `_extrae`

Execute mpirun and pass the script

mpirun -np 32 piclas_extrae parameter.ini

The following command can be appended to the submit script directly after mpirun.

Convert the Extrae output for Paraver

The tracing output stored in TRACE.mpits is then converted to a Paraver file via

${EXTRAE_HOME}/bin/mpi2prv -f TRACE.mpits -o tracing.prv


/opt/hlrs/non-spack/performance/extrae/3.7.1-mpt-2.23-gcc-9.2.0/bin/mpi2prv -f TRACE.mpits -o pilcas.32ranks.prv

or using mpirun

mpirun -np 64  ${EXTRAE_HOME}/bin/mpimpi2prv -f TRACE.mpits -o tracing.prv

which will create a file containing the tracing events (.prv), list of registered events (.pcf) and cluster topology description (.row).

Analysing the results with Paraver

Tested with wxparaver version 4.9.2

Open Paraver


and load a trace file for Paraver

  • Open the .prv file via File -> Load Trace and the possible quantities are already shown under Workspaces, e.g., Useful+MPI+PAPI ....

  • To view one of these properties, go to Hints -> Useful -> Useful Duration, which opens a separate window displaying the data.

  • It shows the MPI ranks vs. the wall time and shows the calculation time for each trace, i.e., how much of the wall time was actually spent for calculation (the useful part of the simulation).

  • On the bottom left go to Files & Window Properties and select Window Properties.

  • Under Properties Mode, change the value from Basic to Full and select the drop down box

    • Have a look at the field values -> ... -> 9000001 (piclas directives instrumented by hand) to see if they have been correctly used
    • Filter -> Events -> Event type and set Function to =
    • Filter -> Events -> Event type and set Types to 9000001
    • Filter -> Events -> Event value and set Function to =
    • Filter -> Events -> Event value and set Values to 1

    here, the actual tracing event number has to be used as defined in {ref}sec:code-instrumentation, e.g., 1 as for int8(1). For a list of pre-defined settings, see {ref}tab:ExtraeInstrumentation

  • Right-click into window *Useful Duration @ .prv -> View -> Event Flags to activate the user-instrumented events from {ref}sec:code-instrumentation

To synchronize the views between different windows, e.g., Useful Duration and MPI call or simply two windows Useful Duration that each display a different Event value to show where a function instrumentation starts and ends

  • Right-click into window *Useful Duration @ .prv -> Synchronize -> [ ] 1 (select a group)
  • Right-click into window *MPI call @ .prv -> Synchronize -> [ ] 1 (select a group)

Intel® VTune™

Intel® VTune™ is a performance analysis tool with GUI for applications running on x86 systems for Linux and Windows developed by Intel®.

VTune Installation

Download the Intel VTune Profiler Source files for Linux and extract the files:

A user guide can be found here:

Install VTune via the command line script (or the GUI installer)

sudo ./

The installed environment is meant to run in a bash shell. The GUI can be started by

source /opt/intel/vtune_profiler_2020.0.0.605129/

Compile PICLas with "-g" to produce debugging information in the operating system's native format, which is required for detailed analysis performed by VTune.

Batch jobs

VTune can also be run in batch mode without the GUI. For a list of available options, see

vtune -help


vtune -help collect

To run a simulation with 10 MPI threads and collect data, simply run

mpirun -np 10 vtune -collect memory-consumption -trace-mpi -result-dir ~/intel/vtune/projects/feature_branch/r0001mc ~/piclas/ parameter.ini

and specify where the output data of vtune should be collected.


In the Vtune GUI, set the path to the executable, the parameters (parameter.ini DSMC.ini) and the working directory (where the executable is run).

Hit the "Start" button and wait. The piclas std-out is dumped directly into the shell where vtune-gui was launched. The output can be redirected to a shell that is displayed in VTune by Setting: Options → General → "Product output window"


Valgrind is a complete suite of tools for debugging/profiling licenced under GPL. The complete documentation can be found here.

Installation of Valgrind

Valgrind is provided through the repository of all major Linux distributions. Install it with the package manager of your choice.

Execution of Valgrind

Valgrind is composed of individual tools, each tailered to debug or profil a specific aspect. All tools need PICLas compiled with "-g" to produce debugging information in the operating system's native format.


Callgrind tracks the call graph and duration for each function.

valgrind --tool=callgrind ./piclas parameter.ini

The output file can be opened with KCacheGrind or converted using gprof2dot. The options -n PERCENTAGE, --node-thres=PERCENTAGE / -e PERCENTAGE, --edge-thres=PERCENTAGE eliminate nodes/edges below this threshold [default: 0.5].

gprof2dot -n0 -e0 ./callgrind.out.1992 -f callgrind >
dot -Tpng -o out.png

In both cases, make sure you have GraphViz installed.


Memcheck keeps track of every allocated memory and shows memory leaks or invalid accesses to memory/pointers. Run it with

valgrind --leak-check=full --show-leak-kinds=all --track-origins=yes -s --suppressions=/share/openmpi/openmpi-valgrind.supp ./piclas parameter.ini

OpenMPI handles its memory independently, so memcheck will always report memory leaks due to OpenMPI. Using the provided suppressions hides these falls flags. Combining memcheck with the GCC sanitize flag should provide full memory coverage.


Massif keeps track of the current memory usage as well as the overall heap usage. It helps finding code segments that hold on to memory after they should. Run it with

valgrind --tool=massif ./piclas parameter.ini

The output file can be opened with massif-visualizer.


DHAT tracks memory allocations and inspects every memory access to a block. It is exceptionally useful to find code segments where memory is allocated unused or rapidly re-allocated. Run it with

valgrind --tool=dhat ./piclas parameter.ini

Afterwards, open //usr/lib/valgrind/dh_view.html in a web browser and load the output file.