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207 lines (177 loc) · 9.33 KB

Style Guide

  • Why do we need a style guide?
    • It creates a unified appearance and coding structure
    • It makes the code more understandable and therefore important information is understood more easily
    • It forces the developers to think more actively about their work
  • General rules
    • Coding language: English
    • A maximum of 132 characters are allowed per line (incl. Comments)
    • Indentation: 2 spaces (no tabs!)
    • Line breaks in comments -> the following line must be indented appropriately
    • Comments of modules and input-/output variables: Doxygen style
    • Comments of preprocessor directives in C-Style

Header of Functions and Subroutines

Function calls must always supply the variable name of optional arguments. Always use USE statements with ONLY


this accounts for variables and function/subroutines. An exception are the initialization and finalization routines.

!> \brief Fills the solution array U with a initial solution.
!> Fills the solution array U with a initial solution provided by the ExactFunc subroutine through interpolation. Function is
!> specified with the IniExactFunc paramter.
USE MOD_Equation_Vars ,ONLY: IniExactFunc
USE MOD_Exactfunc     ,ONLY: ExactFunc
USE MOD_Mesh_Vars     ,ONLY: nElems
INTEGER,INTENT(IN)              :: NLoc                                      !< Polynomial degree of solution 
REAL,INTENT(IN)                 :: xGP(3,    0:NLoc,0:NLoc,0:NLoc,nElems)    !< Coordinates of Gauss-points
REAL,INTENT(OUT)                :: U(1:PP_nVar,0:NLoc,0:NLoc,0:NLoc,nElems)  !< Solution array
INTEGER                         :: i,j,k,iElem

! Evaluate the initial solution at the nodes and fill the solution vector U. 
DO iElem=1,nElems
  DO k=0,NLoc; DO j=0,NLoc; DO i=0,NLoc
    CALL ExactFunc(IniExactFunc,0.,xGP(1:3,i,j,k,iElem),U(:,i,j,k,iElem))

The separators !==== and !---- are exactly 132 characters long (here they have been shortened for visualization purposes).


  • Preprocessor variables: PP_$var


    Note that

    • USE MOD_Preproc cannot be used with ONLY because the pro-processor flags sometimes result in constants and not variables
    • PP_N and other pre-processor variables that may be constants cannot be assigned in ASSOCIATE constructs
  • Counters: the counting variable (lower case) + description (the first character is capital case)

    DO iVar=1,PP_nVar
  • Variables generally begin with a capital letter (composite words also)

  • Dimension allocations must be specified by giving both a lower and an upper boundary

  • When using single characters: small at the beginning when using composite words otherwise in capital letters. Both is possible when purely single characters are used. Exceptions are allowed in special cases, but they are not recommended.

    hTilde, TildeH, (Elem%U)

Functions and Control Structures

  • User-defined functions and subroutines should carry meaning in their name. If their name is composed of multiple words, they are to be fused together without underscores (_) and the first letter of each words should be capital.

    GetParticleWeight(), isChargedParticle()

    An exception to this rule is the usage of underscores (_) for shared memory arrays, where _Shared indicates that the property is available to all processors on the same shared-memory domain (generally a node). Furthermore, the words Get, get, Is, is, Do, do indicate the intention of the function/subroutine in supplying or acquiring specific properties or values. User-defined functions and subroutines should not, in general, be named in all-capital letters.

  • FORTRAN intrinsics generally in capital letters

    ALLOCATE(), DO, MAX(), SQRT(), INT(), etc.
  • END-X is to be separated by a space

  • For loops and IF statements etc. comments are to be inserted at the end (and in-between, e.g. when ELSE IF is used)

    DO iVar=1,PP_nVar
      IF (a.EQ.b) THEN
      ELSE ! a.NE.b
      END IF ! a.EQ.b
    END DO ! PP_nVar

Workflow Description

Additionally to the header description, a short workflow table of contents at the beginning of the subroutine or function is required for longer subroutines in which multiple tasks are completed. Example:

! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
! MAIN STEPS        []=FV only
! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
! 1.  Filter solution vector
! 2.  Convert volume solution to primitive
! 3.  Prolong to face (fill U_master/slave)
! 4.  ConsToPrim of face data (U_master/slave)
![5.] Second order reconstruction for FV
! 6.  Lifting
! 7.  Volume integral (DG only)
![8.] FV volume integral
! 9.  IF EDDYVISCOSITY: Prolong muSGS to face and send from slave to master
! 10. Fill flux (Riemann solver) + surface integral
! 11. Ut = -Ut
! 12. Sponge and source terms
! 13. Perform overintegration and apply Jacobian
! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Furthermore, the steps are required to be found at the appropriate position within the code. It is not allowed to just incorporate the corresponding number of the step within the code.

! (0. Nullify arrays)
! NOTE: UT and U are nullified in DGInit, and Ut is set directly

! 1. Filter the solution vector if applicable, filter_pointer points to cut-off
IF(FilterType.GT.0) CALL Filter_Pointer(U,FilterMat)

! 2. Convert Volume solution to primitive
CALL ConsToPrim(PP_N,UPrim,U)

! X. Update mortar operators and neighbour connectivity for the sliding mesh
CALL PrepareSM()

! 3. Prolong the solution to the face integration points for flux computation
! --------------------------------------------------------------
! General idea: The slave sends its surface data to the master
! where the flux is computed and sent back to the slaves.
! Steps:
! (these steps are done for all slave MPI sides and then for all remaining sides):
! 3.1)  Prolong solution to faces and store in U_master/slave. 
!       Use them to build mortar data (split into 2/4 smaller sides).
![3.2)] The information which element is a DG or FV subcells element is stored 
!       in FV_Elems per element.
![3.3)] The reconstruction of slopes over element interfaces requires, 
!       besides U_slave and FV_Elems_slave, some more information that 
!       has to be transmitted from the slave to the master MPI side.
! 3.4)  Finish all started MPI communications (after step 2. due to latency hiding)

! Step 3 for all slave MPI sides
! 3.1) Prolong solution to faces and store in U_master/slave.
!      Use them to build mortar data (split into 2/4 smaller sides).
CALL StartReceiveMPIData(U_slave,DataSizeSide,1,nSides,MPIRequest_U(:,SEND),SendID=2) ! Receive MINE / U_slave: slave -> master
CALL StartReceiveSM_MPIData(PP_nVar,U_MorRot,MPIRequestSM_U,SendID=2) ! Receive MINE / U_slave: slave -> master
CALL ProlongToFaceCons(PP_N,U,U_master,U_slave,L_Minus,L_Plus,doMPISides=.TRUE.)
CALL U_MortarCons(U_master,U_slave,doMPISides=.TRUE.)
CALL U_MortarConsSM(U_master,U_slave,U_MorStat,U_MorRot,doMPISides=.TRUE.)
CALL StartSendMPIData(   U_slave,DataSizeSide,1,nSides,MPIRequest_U(:,RECV),SendID=2) ! SEND YOUR / U_slave: slave -> master
CALL StartSendSM_MPIData(   PP_nVar,U_MorRot,MPIRequestSM_U,SendID=2) ! SEND YOUR / U_slave: slave -> master
! 3.2) The information which element is a DG or FV subcells element is stored
!      in FV_Elems per element.
CALL FV_Elems_Mortar(FV_Elems_master,FV_Elems_slave,doMPISides=.TRUE.)
CALL StartExchange_FV_Elems(FV_Elems_slave,1,nSides,MPIRequest_FV_Elems(:,SEND),MPIRequest_FV_Elems(:,RECV),SendID=2)
#endif /* FV_ENABLED */

Special Rules

CALL Allocate_Shared()

Subroutine calls for Allocate_Shared() must be placed in a single line, i.e., no line break is allowed due to the compile flag PICLAS_DEBUG_MEMORY, which changes the number of arguments of the call for this routine by adding a debugging parameter.

USE MOD_Preproc

Using variables via USE MOD_Preproc, ONLY: PP_N is not possible due to the compile flag PICLAS_POLYNOMIAL_DEGREE, which switches the polynomial degree between a constant values, e.g., 1, 2, 3 .. or the default value of N. Therefore, the ONLY statement is not allowed here.