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455 lines (339 loc) · 26.8 KB

Plasma Wave (PIC, Poisson's Equation)

The setup considers a 1D plasma oscillation, which is a common and simple electrostatic PIC benchmark {cite}Birdsall1991, {cite}Hockney1988,{cite}Jacobs2006b. In PICLas it can be simulated either with the full Maxwell solver (DGSEM) or with the Poisson solver (HDGSEM), where the latter is chosen for this this tutorial. In this setup, electrons oscillate around the almost immobile ions, which creates a fluctuating electric field.

Before beginning with the tutorial, copy the pic-poisson-plasma-wave directory from the tutorial folder in the top level directory to a separate location

cp -r $PICLAS_PATH/tutorials/pic-poisson-plasma-wave .
cd pic-poisson-plasma-wave

Mesh Generation with HOPR (pre-processing)

Before the actual simulation is conducted, a mesh file in the correct HDF5 format has to be supplied. The mesh files used by piclas are created by supplying an input file hopr.ini with the required information for a mesh that has either been created by an external mesh generator or directly from block-structured information in the hopr.ini file itself. Here, a block-structured grid is created directly from the information in the hopr.ini file. To create the .h5 mesh file, simply run

hopr hopr.ini

This creates the mesh file plasma_wave_mesh.h5 in HDF5 format and is depicted in {numref}fig:plasma-wave-mesh. Alternatively, if you do not want to run hopr yourself, you can also use the provided mesh.

The size of the simulation domain is set to [$2\pi\times0.2\times0.2$] m$^{3}$ and is defined by the single block information in the line, where each node of the hexahedral element is defined

Corner         =   (/0.,0.,0.,,6.2831,0.,0.,,6.2831, ... /)

The number of mesh elements for the block in each direction can be adjusted by changing the line

nElems         = (/60,1,1/)                ! number of elements in each direction (x,y,z)

Each side of the block has to be assigned a boundary index, which corresponds to the boundaries defined in the next steps

BCIndex        = (/5,3,2,4,1,6/)

The field boundaries can directly be defined in the hopr.ini file (contrary to the particle boundary conditions, which are defined in the parameter.ini). Periodic boundaries always have to be defined in the hopr.ini.

!=============================================================================== !
!=============================================================================== !
BoundaryName = BC_periodicx+ ! Periodic (+vv1)
BoundaryType = (/1,0,0,1/)   ! Periodic (+vv1)
BoundaryName = BC_periodicx- ! Periodic (-vv1)
BoundaryType = (/1,0,0,-1/)  ! Periodic (-vv1)
BoundaryName = BC_periodicy+ ! Periodic (+vv2)
BoundaryType = (/1,0,0,2/)   ! Periodic (+vv2)
BoundaryName = BC_periodicy- ! Periodic (-vv2)
BoundaryType = (/1,0,0,-2/)  ! Periodic (-vv2)
BoundaryName = BC_periodicz+ ! Periodic (+vv3)
BoundaryType = (/1,0,0,3/)   ! Periodic (+vv3)
BoundaryName = BC_periodicz- ! Periodic (-vv3)
BoundaryType = (/1,0,0,-3/)  ! Periodic (-vv3)

VV = (/6.2831 , 0.  , 0./)   ! Displacement vector 1 (x-direction)
VV = (/0.     , 0.2 , 0./)   ! Displacement vector 2 (y-direction)
VV = (/0.     , 0.  , 0.2/)  ! Displacement vector 3 (z-direction)

In this case a fully periodic setup is chosen by defining periodic boundaries on all six sides of the block, reflecting each positive and negative Cartesian coordinate. In x-direction,

BoundaryName = BC_periodicx+ ! Periodic (+vv1)
BoundaryType = (/1,0,0,1/)   ! Periodic (+vv1)
BoundaryName = BC_periodicx- ! Periodic (-vv1)
BoundaryType = (/1,0,0,-1/)  ! Periodic (-vv1)

where for each of the six boundaries, a name BoundaryName and a type BoundaryType must be defined (in this order). The boundary name can be chosen by the user and will be used again in the parameter.ini. The first "1" in BoundaryType corresponds to the type "periodic" and the last entry, here, either "1" or "-1" corresponds to the first periodic vector that is defined via VV=(/6.2831 , 0. , 0./) that handles periodicity in the x-direction and gives the orientation on the boundary for the vector. Note that each periodic boundary must have one positive and one negative corresponding boundary for the same periodic vector.

name: fig:plasma-wave-mesh
width: 700px

Mesh with $60\times1\times1$ elements and a size of [$2\pi\times0.2\times0.2$] m$^{3}$.

PIC Simulation with PICLas

Install piclas by compiling the source code as described in Chapter {ref}userguide/installation:Installation and make sure to set the correct compile flags


or simply run the following command from inside the build directory


to configure the build process and run make afterwards to build the executable. For this setup, we have chosen the Poisson solver and selected the three-stage, third-order low-storage Runge-Kutta time discretization method. An overview over the available solver and discretization options is given in Section {ref}sec:solver-settings. To run the simulation and analyse the results, the piclas and piclas2vtk executables have to be run. To avoid having to use the entire file path, you can either set aliases for both, copy them to your local tutorial directory or create a link to the files via.

ln -s $PICLAS_PATH/build/bin/piclas
ln -s $PICLAS_PATH/build/bin/piclas2vtk

The simulation setup is defined in parameter.ini. For a specific electron number density, the plasma frequency of the system is given by


which is the frequency with which the charge density of the electrons oscillates, where $\varepsilon_{0}$ is the permittivity of vacuum, $e$ is the elementary charge, $n_{e}$ and $m_{e}$ are the electron density and mass, respectively. For the standard PIC method, the plasma frequency yields the smallest time step that has to be resolved numerically. The Debye length


where $\varepsilon_{0}$ is the permittivity of vacuum, $k_{B}$ is the Boltzmann constant, $e$ is the elementary charge and $T_{e}$ and $n_{e}$ are the electron temperature and density, respectively, gives a spatial resolution constraint. In this test case, however, the electron temperature is not the defining factor for the spatial resolution because of the 1D nature of the setup. Therefore, the resolution that is required is dictated by the gradient of the electric potential solution, i.e., the electric field, which accelerates the charged particles and must be adequately resolved. The restriction on the spatial resolution is simply the number of elements (and polynomial degree $N$) that are required to resolve the physical properties of the PIC simulation. If the temporal and spatial constraints are violated, the simulation will not yield physical results and might even result in a termination of the simulation.

The physical parameters for this test case are summarized in {numref}tab:pic_poisson_plasma_wave_phys.

name: tab:pic_poisson_plasma_wave_phys
|             Property            |            Value           |
| ------------------------------- |  :-----------------------: |
| electron number density $n_{e}$ |     $\pu{8e11 m^{-3}}$     |
|      electron mass $m_{e}$      |   $\pu{9.1093826E-31 kg}$  |
|    ion number density $n_{i}$   |     $\pu{8e11 m^{-3}}$     |
|         ion mass $m_{i}$        |  $\pu{1.672621637E-27 kg}$ |
|  electron/ion charge $q_{i,e}$  | $\pm\pu{1.60217653E-19 C}$ |

General numerical setup

The general numerical parameters are selected by the following

! =============================================================================== !
! =============================================================================== !
N             = 5  ! Polynomial degree of the DG method (field solver)

! =============================================================================== !
! =============================================================================== !
MeshFile      = plasma_wave_mesh.h5 ! Relative path to the mesh .h5 file

! =============================================================================== !
! General
! =============================================================================== !
ProjectName       = plasma_wave ! Project name that is used for naming state files
ColoredOutput     = F           ! Turn ANSI terminal colors ON/OFF
doPrintStatusLine = T           ! Output live of ETA
TrackingMethod   = refmapping

where, among others, the polynomial degree $N$, the path to the mesh file MeshFile, project name and the option to print the ETA to the terminal output in each time step.

The temporal parameters of the simulation are controlled via

! =============================================================================== !
! =============================================================================== !
ManualTimeStep  = 5e-10 ! Fixed pre-defined time step only when using the Poisson solver. Maxwell solver calculates dt that considers the CFL criterion
tend            = 40e-9 ! Final simulation time
Analyze_dt      = 4e-9  ! Simulation time between analysis
IterDisplayStep = 50    ! Number of iterations between terminal output showing the current time step iteration

where the time step for the field and particle solver is set via ManualTimeStep, the final simulation time tend, the time between restart/checkpoint file output Analyze_dt (also the output time for specific analysis functions) and the number of time step iterations IterDisplayStep between information output regarding the current status of the simulation that is written to std.out. The remaining parameters are selected for the field and particle solver as well as run-time analysis.

Boundary conditions

As there are no walls present in the setup, all boundaries are set as periodic boundary conditions for the field as well as the particle solver. The particle boundary conditions are set by the following lines

! =============================================================================== !
! PARTICLE Boundary Conditions
! =============================================================================== !
Part-nBounds              = 6             ! Number of particle boundaries
Part-Boundary1-SourceName = BC_periodicx+ ! Name of 1st particle BC
Part-Boundary1-Condition  = periodic      ! Type of 1st particle BC
Part-Boundary2-SourceName = BC_periodicx- ! ...
Part-Boundary2-Condition  = periodic      ! ...
Part-Boundary3-SourceName = BC_periodicy+ ! ...
Part-Boundary3-Condition  = periodic      ! ...
Part-Boundary4-SourceName = BC_periodicy- ! ...
Part-Boundary4-Condition  = periodic      ! ...
Part-Boundary5-SourceName = BC_periodicz+ ! ...
Part-Boundary5-Condition  = periodic      ! ...
Part-Boundary6-SourceName = BC_periodicz- ! ...
Part-Boundary6-Condition  = periodic      ! ...

Part-nPeriodicVectors = 3 ! Number of periodic boundary (particle and field) vectors

Part-FIBGMdeltas = (/6.2831 , 0.2 , 0.2/) ! Cartesian background mesh (bounding box around the complete simulation domain)
Part-FactorFIBGM = (/60     , 1   , 1/)   ! Division factor that is applied t the "Part-FIBGMdeltas" values to define the dx, dy and dz distances of the Cartesian background mesh

where, the number of boundaries Part-nBounds (6 in 3D cuboid) is followed by the names of the boundaries (given by the hopr.ini file) and the type periodic. Furthermore, the periodic vectors must be supplied and the size of the Cartesian background mesh Part-FIBGMdeltas, which can be accompanied by a division factor (i.e. number of background cells) in each direction given by Part-FactorFIBGM. Here, the size and number of cells of the background mesh correspond to the actual mesh.

Field solver

The settings for the field solver (HDGSEM) are given by

! =============================================================================== !
! Field Solver: HDGSEM
! =============================================================================== !
epsCG                 = 1e-6 ! Stopping criterion (residual) of iterative CG solver (default that is used for the HDGSEM solver)
maxIterCG             = 1000 ! Maximum number of iterations
IniExactFunc          = 0    ! Initial field condition. 0: zero solution vector

where epsCG sets the abort residual of the CG solver, maxIterCG sets the maximum number of iterations within the CG solver and IniExactFunc set the initial solution of the field solver (here 0 says that nothing is selected).

The numerical scheme for tracking the movement of all particles throughout the simulation domain can be switched by

! =============================================================================== !
! Particle Solver
! =============================================================================== !
TrackingMethod    = refmapping  ! Particle tracking method

The PIC parameters for interpolation (of electric fields to the particle positions) and deposition (mapping of charge properties from particle locations to the grid) are selected via

! =============================================================================== !
! PIC: Interpolation/Deposition
! =============================================================================== !
PIC-DoInterpolation       = T                 ! Activate Lorentz forces acting on charged particles
PIC-Interpolation-Type    = particle_position ! Field interpolation method for Lorentz force calculation

PIC-Deposition-Type            = shape_function_adaptive ! Particle-field coupling method. shape_function_adaptive determines the cut-off radius of the shape function automatically
PIC-shapefunction-dimension    = 1                       ! Shape function specific dimensional setting
PIC-shapefunction-direction    = 1                       ! Shape function specific coordinate direction setting
PIC-shapefunction-alpha        = 4                       ! Shape function specific parameter that scales the waist diameter of the shape function
PIC-shapefunction-adaptive-DOF = 10                      ! Scaling factor for the adaptive shape function radius (average number of DOF that are within the shape function sphere in case of a Cartesian mesh)

where the interpolation type PIC-Interpolation-Type = particle_position is currently the only option for specifying how electro(-magnetic) fields are interpolated to the position of the charged particles. For charge and current deposition, a polynomial shape function with the exponent PIC-shapefunction-alpha of the type PIC-Deposition-Type = shape_function_adaptive is selected. The size of the shape function radius relative to the element size can be scaled via PIC-shapefunction-adaptive-DOF. The higher this value is, the more field DOF are within the shape function sphere. This increases the accuracy of the deposition method at the cost of computational resources. The dimension PIC-shapefunction-dimension, here 1D and direction PIC-shapefunction-direction, are selected specifically for the one-dimensional setup that is simulated here. The different available deposition types are described in more detail in Section {ref}sec:PIC-deposition.

Particle solver

For the treatment of particles, the maximum number of particles Part-maxParticleNumber that each processor can hold has to be supplied and the number of particle species Part-nSpecies that are used in the simulation (created initially or during the simulation time through chemical reactions).

! =============================================================================== !
! PARTICLE Emission
! =============================================================================== !
Part-maxParticleNumber    = 4000 ! Maximum number of particles (per processor/thread)
Part-nSpecies             = 2    ! Number of particle species

The inserting (sometimes labelled emission or initialization) of particles at the beginning or during the course of the simulation is controlled via the following parameters. Here, only the parameters for the electrons are shown, however, the parameters for the ions are set analogously and included in the supplied parameter.ini. For each species, the mass (Part-SpeciesX-MassIC), charge (Part-SpeciesX-ChargeIC) and weighting factor (Part-SpeciesX-MacroParticleFactor) have to be defined.

! -------------------------------------
! Electrons 1
! -------------------------------------
Part-Species1-ChargeIC            = -1.60217653E-19 ! Electric charge of species #1
Part-Species1-MassIC              = 9.1093826E-31   ! Rest mass of species #1
Part-Species1-MacroParticleFactor = 5e8             ! Weighting factor for species #1
Part-Species1-nInits              = 1               ! Number of initialization/emission regions for species #1

The number of initialization sets is defined by Part-Species1-nInits, where each initialization set is accompanied by a block of parameters that starts from Part-Species1-Init1-SpaceIC up to Part-Species1-Init1-VeloVecIC and are preceded by the corresponding -InitX counter. In this example we have a single initialization set per species definition. The Part-Species1-Init1-SpaceIC = sin_deviation flag defines the type of the initialization set, here, the distribution the particles equidistantly on a line and sinusoidally dislocates them (representing an initial stage of a plasma wave in 1D). Each type of the initialization set might have a different set of parameters and an overview is given in Section {ref}sec:particle-initialization-and-emission.

Part-Species1-Init1-ParticleNumber        = 400           ! Number of simulation particles for species #1 and initialization #1
Part-Species1-Init1-maxParticleNumber-x   = 400           ! Number of simulation particles in x-direction for species #1 and initialization #1
Part-Species1-Init1-SpaceIC               = sin_deviation ! Sinusoidal distribution is space
Part-Species1-Init1-velocityDistribution  = constant      ! Constant velocity distribution
Part-Species1-Init1-maxParticleNumber-y   = 1             ! Number of particles in y
Part-Species1-Init1-maxParticleNumber-z   = 1             ! Number of particles in z
Part-Species1-Init1-Amplitude             = 0.01          ! Specific factor for the sinusoidal distribution is space
Part-Species1-Init1-WaveNumber            = 2.            ! Specific factor for the sinusoidal distribution is space
Part-Species1-Init1-VeloIC                = 0.            ! Velocity magnitude [m/s]
Part-Species1-Init1-VeloVecIC             = (/1.,0.,0./)  ! Normalized velocity vector

To calculate the number of simulation particles of, e.g. electrons, defined by Part-Species1-Init1-ParticleNumber, the given number density $n_{e}$ in {numref}tab:pic_poisson_plasma_wave_phys, the selected weighting factor $w_{e}$ and the volume of the complete domain ($V=2\pi\cdot0.2\cdot0.2\pu{m^{3}}$) are utilized.

$$ N_{e,sim} = \frac{n_{e} V}{w_{e}} $$

In this case, however, the number of particles are pre-defined and the weighting factor is derived from the above equation. The extent of dislocation is controlled by Part-Species1-Init1-Amplitude, which is only set for the electron species as the ion species is not dislocated (they remain equidistantly distributed). The parameter Part-Species1-Init1-WaveNumber sets the number of sine wave repetitions in the x-direction of the domain. In case of the SpaceIC=sin_deviation, the number of simulation particles must be equal to the multiplied values given in Part-Species1-Init1-maxParticleNumber-x/y/z as this emission type allows distributing the particles not only in one, but in all three Cartesian coordinates, which is not required for this 1D example.

Analysis setup

Finally, some parameters for run-time analysis are chosen by setting them T (true). Further, with TimeStampLength = 13, the names of the output files are shortened for better postprocessing. If this is not done, e.g. Paraview does not sort the files correctly and will display faulty behaviour over time.

! =============================================================================== !
! Analysis
! =============================================================================== !
TimeStampLength         = 13 ! Reduces the length of the timestamps in filenames for better postprocessing
CalcCharge               = T ! writes rel/abs charge error to PartAnalyze.csv
CalcPotentialEnergy      = T ! writes the potential field energy to FieldAnalyze.csv
CalcKineticEnergy        = T ! writes the kinetic energy of all particle species to PartAnalyze.csv
PIC-OutputSource         = T ! writes the deposited charge (RHS of Poisson's equation to XXX_State_000.0000XXX.h5)
CalcPICTimeStep          = T ! writes the PIC time step restriction to XXX_State_000.0000XXX.h5 (rule of thumb)
CalcPointsPerDebyeLength = T ! writes the PIC grid step restriction to XXX_State_000.0000XXX.h5 (rule of thumb)
CalcTotalEnergy          = T ! writes the total energy of the system to PartAnalyze.csv (field and particle)

The function of each parameter is given in the code comments. Information regarding every parameter can be obtained from running the command

piclas --help "CalcCharge"

where each parameter is simply supplied to the help module of piclas. This help module can also output the complete set of parameters via piclas --help or a subset of them by supplying a section, e.g., piclas --help "HDG" for the HDGSEM solver.

Running the code

The command

./piclas parameter.ini | tee std.out

executes the code and dumps all output into the file std.out. To reduce the computation time, the simulation can be run using the Message Passing Interface (MPI) on multiple cores, in this case 4

mpirun -np 4 piclas parameter.ini | tee std.out

If the run has completed successfully, which should take only a brief moment, the contents of the working folder should look like

4.0K drwxrwxr-x  4.0K Jun 28 13:07 ./
4.0K drwxrwxr-x  4.0K Jun 25 23:56 ../
8.0K -rw-rw-r--  5.8K Jun 28 12:51 ElemTimeStatistics.csv
120K -rw-rw-r--  113K Jun 28 12:51 FieldAnalyze.csv
4.0K -rw-rw-r--  2.1K Jun 26 16:49 hopr.ini
8.0K -rw-rw-r--  5.0K Jun 28 13:07 parameter.ini
156K -rw-rw-r--  151K Jun 28 12:51 PartAnalyze.csv
 32K -rw-rw-r--   32K Jun 26 16:43 plasma_wave_mesh.h5
1.6M -rw-rw-r--  1.6M Jun 28 12:44 plasma_wave_State_000.000000000.h5
1.6M -rw-rw-r--  1.6M Jun 28 12:45 plasma_wave_State_000.000000004.h5
1.6M -rw-rw-r--  1.6M Jun 28 12:45 plasma_wave_State_000.000000008.h5
1.6M -rw-rw-r--  1.6M Jun 28 12:46 plasma_wave_State_000.000000012.h5
1.6M -rw-rw-r--  1.6M Jun 28 12:47 plasma_wave_State_000.000000016.h5
1.6M -rw-rw-r--  1.6M Jun 28 12:48 plasma_wave_State_000.000000020.h5
1.6M -rw-rw-r--  1.6M Jun 28 12:49 plasma_wave_State_000.000000024.h5
1.6M -rw-rw-r--  1.6M Jun 28 12:50 plasma_wave_State_000.000000028.h5
1.6M -rw-rw-r--  1.6M Jun 28 12:50 plasma_wave_State_000.000000032.h5
1.6M -rw-rw-r--  1.6M Jun 28 12:51 plasma_wave_State_000.000000036.h5
1.6M -rw-rw-r--  1.6M Jun 28 12:51 plasma_wave_State_000.000000040.h5
 72K -rw-rw-r--   71K Jun 28 12:51 std.out

Multiple additional files have been created, which are are named Projectname_State_Timestamp.h5. They contain the solution vector of the equation system variables at each interpolation nodes at the given time, which corresponds to multiples of Analyze_dt. If these files are not present, something went wrong during the execution of piclas. In that case, check the std.out file for an error message.

After a successful completion, the last lines in this file should look as shown below:

Sys date  :    03.07.2021 14:34:26
EFFICIENCY: SIMULATION TIME PER CALCULATION in [s]/[Core-h]: [ 2.38587E-06 sec/h ]
Timestep  :    5.0000000E-10
#Timesteps :    8.0000000E+01
WRITE STATE TO HDF5 FILE [plasma_wave_State_000.000000040.h5] ...DONE  [.008s]
#Particles :    8.0000000E+02
PICLAS FINISHED! [           60.42 sec ] [     0:00:01:00]

Visualization (post-processing)

To visualize the solution, the State-files must be converted into a format suitable for ParaView, VisIt or any other visualisation tool for which the program piclas2vtk is used.

The parameters for piclas2vtk are stored in the parameter.ini file under

! =============================================================================== !
! piclas2vtk
! =============================================================================== !
NVisu         = 10 ! Polynomial degree used for the visualization when the .h5 file is converted to .vtu/.vtk format. Should be at least N+1
VisuParticles = T  ! Activate the conversion of particles from .h5 to .vtu/.vtk format. Particles will be displayed as a point cloud with properties, such as velocity, species ID, etc.

where NVisu is the polynomial visualization degree on which the field solution is interpolated. Depending on the used polynomial degree N and subsequently the degree of visualization NVisu, which should always be higher than N, the resulting electric potential $\Phi$ and its derivative the electric field strength E might show signs of oscillations. This is because the PIC simulation is always subject to noise that is influenced by the discretization (number of elements and polynomial degree as well as number of particles) and is visible in the solution as this is a snapshot of the current simulation.

Additionally, the flag VisuParticles activates the output of particle position, velocity and species to the vtk-files.

Run the command

./piclas2vtk parameter.ini plasma_wave_State_000.000000*

to generate the corresponding vtk-files, which can then be loaded into the visualisation tool.

The electric potential field can be viewed, e.g., by opening plasma_wave_Solution_000.000000040.vtu and plotting the field Phi along the x-axis, which should look like the following

name: fig:plasma-wave-results
width: 700px

Resulting electric potential and field.