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File metadata and controls

134 lines (97 loc) · 7.22 KB

Best Practices

The following collection of best practice guidelines are intended to prevent bugs and improve the computational performance.


The general rules can be summarized as follows:

  1. The first rule of MPI is: You do not send subsets of arrays, only complete continuous data ranges.
  2. The second rule of MPI is: You do not send subsets of arrays, only complete continuous data ranges.
  3. Third rule of MPI: Someone sends non-continuous data, the simulation is over.
  4. Fourth rule: Only two processors to a single send-receive message.
  5. Fifth rule: Only one processor access (read or write) to a shared memory region.

Please also read the general implementation information and, e.g., mappings used for elements, sides and nodes in the chapter {ref}developerguide/mpi:MPI Implementation.

Shared Memory Windows

The following principles should always be considered when using shared memory windows

  • Only the node root process initializes the shared memory array

    ! Allocate the shared memory window
    CALL Allocate_Shared((/nUniqueGlobalNodes/), NodeVolume_Shared_Win, NodeVolume_Shared)
    ! Lock the window
    CALL MPI_WIN_LOCK_ALL(0, NodeVolume_Shared_Win, IERROR)
    ! Set pointer
    NodeVolume => NodeVolume_Shared
    ! Only CN root nullifies
    IF (myComputeNodeRank.EQ.0) NodeVolume = 0.0
    ! This sync/barrier is required as it cannot be guaranteed that the zeros have been
    ! written to memory by the time the MPI_REDUCE is executed (see MPI specification).
    ! Until the Sync is complete, the status is undefined, i.e., old or new value or utter
    ! nonsense.
  • When all processes on a node write exclusively to their separate region in the shared memory array, using designated elements IDs which are assigned to a single process only

    ! Get offset
    ! J_N is only built for local DG elements. Therefore, array is only filled for elements on the same compute node
    offsetElemCNProc = offsetElem - offsetComputeNodeElem
    ! Allocate shared array
    CALL Allocate_Shared((/nComputeNodeElems/),ElemVolume_Shared_Win,ElemVolume_Shared)
    ! Calculate element volumes
    DO iElem = 1,nElems
      !--- Calculate and save volume of element iElem
      DO k=0,PP_N; DO j=0,PP_N; DO i=0,PP_N
        ElemVolume_Shared(CNElemID) = ElemVolume_Shared(CNElemID) + wGP(i)*wGP(j)*wGP(k)*J_N(1,i,j,k)
    END DO
  • When all processes on a node write to all regions in the shared memory array, an additional local array is required, which has to be reduced to the shared array at the end

    CALL Allocate_Shared((/nSpecies,4,nSurfSample,nSurfSample,nComputeNodeSurfTotalSides/),SampWallImpactEnergy_Shared_Win,SampWallImpactEnergy_Shared)
    CALL MPI_WIN_LOCK_ALL(0,SampWallImpactEnergy_Shared_Win,IERROR)
    IF (myComputeNodeRank.EQ.0) SampWallImpactEnergy_Shared = 0.
    CALL BARRIER_AND_SYNC(SampWallImpactEnergy_Shared_Win,MPI_COMM_SHARED)
    SampWallImpactEnergy = 0.
    SampWallImpactEnergy(SpecID,1,SubP,SubQ,SurfSideID) = SampWallImpactEnergy(SpecID,1,SubP,SubQ,SurfSideID) + ETrans * MPF
    CALL MPI_REDUCE(SampWallImpactEnergy,SampWallImpactEnergy_Shared,MessageSize,MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION,MPI_SUM,0,MPI_COMM_SHARED,IERROR)
    CALL BARRIER_AND_SYNC(SampWallImpactEnergy_Shared_Win,MPI_COMM_SHARED)
  • When possible, never read from the shared memory array in a round robin manner, as shown in this commit [eaff78c]. Split the work and then use MPI_REDUCE or MPI_ALLREDUCE. Instead of

    CNVolume = SUM(ElemVolume_Shared(:))

    where all processes traverse over the same memory addresses, which slows down the computation, use

    offsetElemCNProc = offsetElem - offsetComputeNodeElem
    CNVolume = SUM(ElemVolume_Shared(offsetElemCNProc+1:offsetElemCNProc+nElems))

    to split the operations and use MPI to distribute the information among the processes.

  • Atomic MPI operations on shared memory

    • Example 1: Store the min/max extent when building the CN FIBGM [6350cc2]

    • Example 2: Use atomic MPI operations to read/write from contested shared memory [772c371]

    • The main idea is to access and change parts of a shared array with multiple processes to, e.g., sum up numbers from different processes and guarantee that in the end the sum is correct without having a predefined order in which the numbers are added to the entry in the shared array.

      In the example in [772c371], get the memory window while bypassing local caches

      CALL MPI_FETCH_AND_OP(ElemDone,ElemDone,MPI_INTEGER,0,INT(posElem*SIZE_INT,MPI_ADDRESS_KIND),MPI_NO_OP,ElemInfo_Shared_Win,iError)

      Flush only performs the pending operations (getting the value)

      CALL MPI_WIN_FLUSH(0,ElemInfo_Shared_Win,iError)

      Using MPI_REPLACE makes sure that the correct value is written in the end by one of the processes in an undefined order.

      CALL MPI_WIN_FLUSH(0,ElemInfo_Shared_Win,iError)


Before running a simulation, check out the HLRS Wiki pages Batch System PBSPro (Hawk).


Always use user-defined striping in the simulation case folders that are on the work spaces as the default stiping setting (dynamic striping) has caused massive problems in the past. Add the following code to your submit script

# Set fixed striping to avoid problems with the progressive Lustre file layout
# - Region 1 [0, 1GiB): Stripe-Size=1 MiB, Stripe-Count=1
#lfs setstripe -c 1 -S 1M $PBS_O_WORKDIR
# - Region 2 [1GiB, 4GiB): Stripe-Size=1 MiB, Stripe-Count=4
#lfs setstripe -c 4 -S 1M $PBS_O_WORKDIR
# - Region 3 [4 GiB, EOF): Stripe-Size=4 MiB, Stripe-Count=8
lfs setstripe -c 8 -S 4M $PBS_O_WORKDIR

Note that the correct line should be commented in and the other lines should be commented out, all depending on the size of your output files. Also consider the stripe settings for large mesh files just to be sure.

Species-zero bug

It has repeatedly occurred that particles with species index zero have been produced on hawk. This might be due to the output to .h5, which could reflect the previous section regarding the striping settings, but could also lie deeper the Lustre file system itself. If this problem occurs, the corrupted particles must be removed from the .h5 file by hand if a restart from such a corrupted file is performed in order to prevent piclas from crashing.