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Boundary Conditions - Field Solver

Boundary conditions are defined in the mesh creation step in the hopr.ini file and can be modified when running PICLas in the corresponding parameter.ini file. In the hopr.ini file, which is read by the hopr executable, a boundary is defined by

BoundaryName = BC_Inflow   ! BC index 1 (from  position in the parameter file)
BoundaryType = (/4,0,0,0/) ! (/ Type, curveIndex, State, alpha /)

where the name of the boundary is directly followed by its type definition, which contains information on the BC type, curving, state and periodicity. This can be modified in the parameter.ini file, which is read by the piclas executable via

BoundaryName = BC_Inflow ! BC name in the mesh.h5 file
BoundaryType = (/5,0/)   ! (/ Type, State /)

In this case the boundary type is changed from 4 (in the mesh file) to 5 in the simulation.

Maxwell's Equations

The boundary conditions used for Maxwell's equations are defined by the first integer value in the BoundaryType vector (consisting of the Type and State) and include, periodic, Dirichlet, Silver-Mueller, perfectly conducting, symmetry and reference state boundaries as detailed in the following table.

(/Type,State/) Type State
(/1,1/) periodic 1: positive direction of the 1st periodicity vector
(/1,-1/) periodic -1: negative (opposite) direction of the 1st periodicity vector
(/2,2/) Dirichlet 2: Coaxial waveguide
(/2,22/) Dirichlet 22: Coaxial waveguide BC (boundary condition or exact flux)
(/2,3/) Dirichlet 3: Resonator
(/2,4/) Dirichlet 4: Electromagnetic dipole (implemented via RHS source terms and shape function deposition)
(/2,40/) Dirichlet 40: Electromagnetic dipole without initial condition (implemented via RHS source terms and shape function deposition)
(/2,41/) Dirichlet 41: Pulsed Electromagnetic dipole (implemented via RHS source terms and shape function deposition)
(/2,5/) Dirichlet 5: Transversal Electric (TE) plane wave in a circular waveguide
(/2,7/) Dirichlet 7: Special manufactured Solution
(/2,10/) Dirichlet 10: Issautier 3D test case with source (Stock et al., div. correction paper), domain [0;1]^3
(/2,12/) Dirichlet 12: Plane wave
(/2,121/) Dirichlet 121: Pulsed plane wave (infinite spot size) and temporal Gaussian
(/2,14/) Dirichlet 14: Gaussian pulse is initialized inside the domain (usually used as initial condition and not BC)
(/2,15/) Dirichlet 15: Gaussian pulse with optional delay time tDelayTime
(/2,16/) Dirichlet 16: Gaussian pulse which is initialized in the domain and used as a boundary condition for t>0
(/2,50/) Dirichlet 50: Initialization and BC Gyrotron - including derivatives
(/2,51/) Dirichlet 51: Initialization and BC Gyrotron - including derivatives (nothing is set for z>eps)
(/3,0/) SM 1st order absorbing BC (Silver-Mueller) - Munz et al. 2000 / Computer Physics Communication 130, 83-117 with fix
of div. correction field for low B-fields that only set the correction fields when ABS(B)>1e-10
(/5,0/) SM 1st order absorbing BC (Silver-Mueller) - Munz et al. 2000 / Computer Physics Communication 130, 83-117
(/6,0/) SM 1st order absorbing BC (Silver-Mueller) - Munz et al. 2000 / Computer Physics Communication 130, 83-117 with fix
of div. correction field for low B-fields that only set the correction fields when B is significantly large compared to E
(/4,0/) PEC Perfectly electric conducting surface (Munz, Omnes, Schneider 2000, pp. 97-98)
(/10,0/) Symmetry Symmetry BC (perfect MAGNETIC conductor, PMC)
(/20,0/) Ref Use state that is read from .h5 file and interpolated to the BC

Dielectric -> type 100?

Poisson's Equation

The boundary conditions used for Maxwell's equations are defined by the first integer value in the BoundaryType vector (consisting of the Type and State) and include, periodic, Dirichlet (via pre-defined function, zero-potential or RefState), Neumann and reference state boundaries as detailed in the following table.

(/Type,State/) Type State
(/1,1/) periodic 1: positive direction of the 1st periodicity vector
(/1,-1/) periodic -1: negative (opposite) direction of the 1st periodicity vector
(/2,0/) Dirichlet 0: Phi=0
(/2,2/) Dirichlet 2: Automatic adjustment for Phi to meet const. input power, see {ref}sec:fixed-coupled-power
(/2,1001/) Dirichlet 1001: linear potential y-z via Phi = 2340y + 2340z
(/2,101/) Dirichlet 101: linear in z-direction: z=-1: 0, z=1, 1000
(/2,103/) Dirichlet 103: dipole
(/2,104/) Dirichlet 104: solution to Laplace's equation: Phi_xx + Phi_yy + Phi_zz = 0
(/2,200/) Dirichlet 200: Dielectric Sphere of Radius R in constant electric field E_0 from book: John David Jackson, Classical Electrodynamics
(/2,300/) Dirichlet 300: Dielectric Slab in z-direction of half width R in constant electric field E_0:
adjusted from CASE(200)
(/2,301/) Dirichlet 301: like CASE=300, but only in positive z-direction the dielectric region is assumed
(/2,400/) Dirichlet 400: Point Source in Dielectric Region with
epsR_1 = 1 for x $<$ 0 (vacuum)
epsR_2 != 1 for x $>$ 0 (dielectric region)
(/4,0/) Dirichlet zero-potential (Phi=0)
(/5,1/) Dirichlet 1: use RefState Nbr 1 and $\cos(\omega t)$ function (for details see {ref}sec:ref-state-bcs)
(/6,1/) Dirichlet 1: use RefState Nbr 1 and $\cos(\omega t)+1$ function that does not switch sign (for details see {ref}sec:ref-state-bcs)
(/7,1/) Dirichlet 1: use LinState Nbr 1, linear function for Phi, see {ref}sec:linear-potential
(/8,1/) Dirichlet 8: Assign BC to EPC group nbr. 1 (different BCs can be assigned the same EPC), see {ref}sec:electric-potential-condition
(/10,0/) Neumann zero-gradient (dPhi/dn=0)
(/11,0/) Neumann q*n=1
(/20,1/) FPC 1: Assign BC to FPC group nbr. 1 (different BCs can be assigned the same FPC), see {ref}sec:floating-boundary-condition
(/50,0/) Dirichlet {ref}sec:bias-voltage-for-dc (0: this number has no meaning)
(/51,1/) Dirichlet {ref}sec:bias-voltage-for-ac (1: use RefState Nbr 1, see {ref}sec:ref-state-bcs)
(/52,1/) Dirichlet {ref}sec:bias-voltage-for-ac-and-cpp (1: use RefState Nbr 1, see {ref}sec:ref-state-bcs) and {ref}sec:fixed-coupled-power
(/60,1/) Dirichlet {ref}sec:fixed-coupled-power for $\Phi=A\cos(\omega t)$ (1: use RefState Nbr 1, see {ref}sec:ref-state-bcs)


RefState boundaries

For each boundary of type 5 (reference state boundary RefState), e.g., by setting the boundary in the parameter.ini file

BoundaryName = BC_WALL ! BC name in the mesh.h5 file
BoundaryType = (/5,1/) ! (/ Type, State/)

the corresponding RefState number must also be supplied in the parameter.ini file (here 1) and is selected from its position in the parameter file. Each RefState is defined in the parameter.ini file by supplying a value for the voltage an alternating frequency for the cosine function (a frequency of 0 results in a fixed potential over time) and phase shift

RefState = (/-0.18011, 1.0, 0.0/) ! RefState Nbr 1: Voltage, Frequency and Phase shift

This yields the three parameters used in the cosine function

$$\Phi(t)=A\cos (2\pi f t + \psi)$$

where A=-0.18011 is the amplitude, t is the time, f=1 is the frequency and psi=0 is the phase shift.

Similar to boundary type 5 is type 6, which simply uses a cosine function that always has the same sign, depending on the amplitude A

$$\Phi(t)=\frac{A}{2}(\cos (2\pi f t + \psi)+1)$$


Linear potential function

A linear function that ramps the electric potential from 0 V to a user-defined value can be applied to a boundary via

BoundaryName = BC_WALL ! BC name in the mesh.h5 file
BoundaryType = (/7,1/) ! 1: 1st LinState

Additionally, this specific boundary condition requires a starting position LinPhiBasePoint and a direction along which the potential varies LinPhiNormal. The distance along which the potential varies as well as the final value are defined by LinPhiHeight and LinPhi, respectively. Coordinates below and above this distance are simply set to 0 V and the defined value, respectively. The example below creates a linear ramp from 0 V to 1000 V starting at 1 mm in z-direction and ramps the value over 10 mm in the same direction.

LinPhiBasePoint = (/0. , 0. , 1e-3/)
LinPhiNormal    = (/0. , 0. , 1.0/)
LinPhiHeight    = 10e-3
LinPhi          = 1000.

The linear potential uses the same functionality as RefState, hence, when two different functions are to be defined use the following example

BoundaryName    = BC_right
BoundaryType    = (/7,1/)          ! 7: Dirichlet with linear ramp 1st LinState
LinPhiBasePoint = (/0. , 0. , 0./) ! 1st LinState
LinPhiNormal    = (/1. , 0. , 0./) ! 1st LinState
LinPhiHeight    = 1.0              ! 1st LinState
LinPhi          = 1e3              ! 1st LinState

BoundaryName    = BC_left
BoundaryType    = (/7,2/)          ! 7: Dirichlet with linear ramp 2nd LinState
LinPhiBasePoint = (/0. , 0. , 0./) ! 2nd LinState
LinPhiNormal    = (/1. , 0. , 0./) ! 2nd LinState
LinPhiHeight    = 1.0              ! 2nd LinState
LinPhi          = 0.0              ! 2nd LinState


Floating boundary condition (FPC)

A floating boundary condition (FPC) can be used to model a perfect electric conducting surface. The surface can carry a charge $Q$, which might change over time. however, the requirement is that the surface yields a closed surface integral in 3D (or 2D with periodic/symmetric boundaries in the 3rd dimension). One or more FPCs can be set via

BoundaryName = BC_FPC_1 ! BC name in the mesh.h5 file
BoundaryType = (/20,1/) ! 20: activate FPC, 1: Index of the FPC group to which this BC belongs (1st group)

BoundaryName = BC_FPC_2 ! BC name in the mesh.h5 file
BoundaryType = (/20,2/) ! 20: activate FPC, 2: Index of the FPC group to which this BC belongs (2nd group)

For this boundary condition, the charge assigned to each FPC and the resulting potential are written to FieldAnalyze.csv automatically, e.g., "007-FPC-Charge-BCState-001" and "008-FPC-Voltage-BCState-001", where BCState corresponds to the ID of the FPC. If the particle boundary condition is set to open (or species-swap), then each impacting charged particle that is removed there, will be added to the accumulated charge on that FPC.


Electric potential condition (EPC)

Grounded surfaces with a specific resistance between the ground and the surface can be modelled as equipotential surfaces, where charged particles are removed and their charge is accumulated over each time step and a voltage is calculated from from the resistance of the surface and the resulting electric current via


where $U$ is the voltage different to ground (0V), $R$ is the resistance assigned to the surface, $I$ is the electric current and $dQ$ the amount of charge that is removed in each time step $dt$. The boundary is activated by setting one or more EPC

BoundaryName = BC_EPC_1 ! BC name in the mesh.h5 file
BoundaryType = (/8,1/)  ! 8: activate EPC, 1: Index of the EPC group to which this BC belongs (1st group)

BoundaryName = BC_EPC_2 ! BC name in the mesh.h5 file
BoundaryType = (/8,2/)  ! 8: activate EPC, 2: Index of the EPC group to which this BC belongs (2nd group)

The resulting current $I$ and voltage $U$ are automatically written to FieldAnalyze.csv, e.g., "007-EPC-Current-BCState-001" and "008-EPC-Voltage-BCState-001".


Power control

An automatic adjustment of a DC electric potential to ensure that a fixed power absorbed by the charged particles of the system is achieved, requires the following parameters

BoundaryName = BC_WALL ! BC name in the mesh.h5 file
BoundaryType = (/2,2/) ! all BCs with this type will be adjusted to the same electric potential that is adjusted over time

For an AC boundary the parameters are the following

BoundaryName = BC_WALL  ! BC name in the mesh.h5 file
BoundaryType = (/60,1/) ! applicable to one BC with this BCType. The BCState=1 corresponds to the RefState number

Additionally, a starting value for the potential $\Phi$ (or amplitude $A$ in the case of AC), lower and upper boundaries and a relaxation factor are required as well as the target input power, which is set via

CoupledPowerPotential = (/10. , 1000. , 2000./) ! lower, starting and maximum values for the electric potential
CoupledPowerRelaxFac  = 0.05  ! the new potential is updated by 5% in each time step
CoupledPowerTarget    = 1e-10 ! target power of 1e-10 Watt

The values in CoupledPowerPotential correspond to the lower boundary, the starting value and the upper boundary, respectively. When a simulation is restarted from a state file, the last known value of the BC will be used instead of the starting value, which is only applied when starting a fresh simulation from scratch. Note that in the case of an AC boundary, the amplitude defined in the RefState will be overwritten with the initial value given in CoupledPowerPotential.

There are three models implemented by which the power control adjusts the electric potential (or peak potential in case of AC)

CoupledPowerMode = 3 ! 1: instantaneous power (default value), 2: moving average, 3: integrated and averaged over 1 cycle
CoupledPowerFrequency = 13.56e6 ! Frequency with which the coupled power voltage is adapte

where CoupledPowerMode selects the model and CoupledPowerFrequency defines the adaption frequency and corresponding period over which the power is integrated but only when model 3 is used. Model 1 uses the instantaneously determined absorbed power that inherently oscillates, model 2 uses an averaged value (that is reset during every load balance or normal restart event) and model 3 integrated the power linearly between particle analysis steps and adjusts the power after each period of the user-defined frequency CoupledPowerFrequency.

Zero potential enforcement

It is important to note that when no Dirichlet boundary conditions are selected by the user, the code automatically enforces mixed boundaries on either Neumann or periodic boundaries. Depending on the simulation domain, the direction with the largest extent is selected and on those boundaries an additional Dirichlet boundary condition with $\phi=0$ is enforced to ensure convergence of the HDG solver. The boundary conditions selected by the user are only altered at these locations and not removed. The information regarding the direction that is selected for this purpose is printed to std.out with the following line

 |      Zero potential side activated in direction (1: x, 2: y, 3: z) |        1 |  OUTPUT |

To selected the direction by hand, simply supply the desired direction via

HDGZeroPotentialDir = 1

with 1: x-, 2: y-, 3: z-direction.


Bias Voltage DC

A bias voltage develops if charged particles impact on an electrode that is connected via capacitor to a matching box. Hence, if there is an overhead of electrons impacting on the electrode, a negative bias voltage arises, which counters the flow of electrons to that boundary. This feature only works when PARTICLES=ON is enabled and Poisson's equation is solved PICLAS_EQNSYSNAME=poisson. The following parameters are required

UseBiasVoltage              = T       ! Activate bias voltage model
BiasVoltage-NPartBoundaries = 2       ! Nbr of particle boundaries where the ion excess is measured
Biasvoltage-PartBoundaries  = (/1,2/) ! Particle boundary index of where the ion excess is measured
BiasVoltage-Frequency       = 3e9     ! Frequency with which the bias voltage is adapted
BiasVoltage-Delta           = 1.0     ! Voltage difference used for adapting the bias voltage

where UseBiasVoltage switches the modell on/off, BiasVoltage-NPartBoundaries defines the number of boundaries over which the total electric charge is summarized, Biasvoltage-PartBoundaries specifies the indices of the particle boundaries where the total electric charge is summarized, e.g., the powered and the grounded electrode., BiasVoltage-Frequency is the frequency with which the bias voltage is updated by the voltage difference BiasVoltage-Delta.

Additionally, the field boundary must be defined

BoundaryName = BC_left  ! BC name in the mesh.h5 file
BoundaryType = (/50,0/) ! Dirichlet with 0V initial BC

where the value 50 is used for for pure DC boundaries. Furthermore, the bias voltage model relies on the functionality of the integral particle flux measurement on the corresponding boundaries, see BoundaryParticleOutput (BPO) in Section {ref}sec:integral-surface-variables. The definition of BPO variables must include at least the ones above, e.g.

CalcBoundaryParticleOutput  = T
BPO-NPartBoundaries         = 2
BPO-PartBoundaries          = (/1,2/)
BPO-NSpecies                = 3
BPO-Species                 = (/2,3,4/)

where the defined species information must consider all relevant charged particle species that affect the bias voltage.


Bias Voltage AC

If an AC potential boundary is coupled with a bias potential, the BoundaryType has to be changed as compared with the previous section

BoundaryName = BC_left  ! BC name in the mesh.h5 file
BoundaryType = (/51,1/) ! Dirichlet with 0V initial BC

Furthermore, a RefState must be defined, which specifies the parameters for the $cos(\omega t)$ function, for details, see {ref}sec:ref-state-bcs. Note that this BC is only implemented with zero crossing.


Bias Voltage AC and Fixed coupled power

If an AC potential boundary is coupled with a bias potential and an automatic adjustment of the AC amplitude to ensure that a fixed power to the system is achieved, the BoundaryType has to be changed as compared with the previous section

BoundaryName = BC_left  ! BC name in the mesh.h5 file
BoundaryType = (/52,1/) ! Dirichlet with 0V initial BC

where a RefState must be defined, which specifies the parameters for the $cos(\omega t)$ function, for details, see {ref}sec:ref-state-bcs. Note that this BC is only implemented with zero crossing. For details on the power coupling, see {ref}sec:fixed-coupled-power.

Dielectric Materials

Dielectric material properties can be considered by defining regions (or specific elements) in the computational domain, where permittivity and permeability constants for linear isotropic non-lossy dielectrics are used. The interfaces between dielectrics and vacuum regions must be separated by element-element interfaces due to the DGSEM (Maxwell) and HDG (Poisson) solver requirements, but can vary spatially within these elements.

The dielectric module is activated by setting

DoDielectric = T

and specifying values for the permittivity $\varepsilon_{R}$ and permeability $\mu_{R}$ constants

DielectricEpsR = X
DielectricMuR = X

Furthermore, the corresponding regions in which the dielectric materials are found must be defined, e.g., simple boxes via

xyzDielectricMinMax  = (/0.0 , 1.0 , 0.0 , 1.0 , 0.0 , 1.0/)

for the actual dielectric region (vector with 6 entries yielding $x$-min/max, $y$-min/max and $z$-min/max) or the inverse (vacuum, define all elements which are NOT dielectric) by

xyzPhysicalMinMaxDielectric = (/0.0 , 1.0 , 0.0 , 1.0 , 0.0 , 1.0/)

Spherical regions can be defined by setting a radius value

DielectricRadiusValue = X

and special pre-defined regions (which also consider spatially varying material properties) may also be used, e.g.,

DielectricTestCase = FishEyeLens

where the following pre-defined cases are available as given in table {numref}tab:dielectric_test_cases

name: tab:dielectric_test_cases
  |            Option            |   Additional Parameters   |                                         Notes                                          |
  | :--------------------------: | :-----------------------: | :------------------------------------------------------------------------------------: |
  |        `FishEyeLens`         |           none            | function with radial dependence: $\varepsilon_{r}=n_{0}^{2}/(1 + (r/r_{max})^{2})^{2}$ |
  |           `Circle`           | `DielectricRadiusValue`,  |             Circular dielectric in x-y-direction (constant in z-direction)             |
  |                              | `DielectricRadiusValueB`, |             with optional cut-out radius DielectricRadiusValueB along the              |
  |                              |  `DielectricCircleAxis`   |                           axis given by DielectricCircleAxis                           |
  | `DielectricResonatorAntenna` |  `DielectricRadiusValue`  |            Circular dielectric in x-y-direction (only elements with $z>0$)             |
  |          `FH_lens`           |           none            |          specific geometry (`SUBROUTINE SetGeometry` yields more information)          |

For the Maxwell solver (DGSEM), the interface fluxes between vacuum and dielectric regions can either be conserving or non-conserving, which is selected by

DielectricFluxNonConserving = T

which uses non-conserving fluxes. This is recommended for improved simulation results, as described in {cite}Copplestone2019b. When particles are to be considered in a simulation, these are generally removed from dielectric materials during the emission (inserting) stage, but may be allowed to exist within dielectrics by setting

DielectricNoParticles = F

which is set true by default, hence, removing the particles.

Dielectric Zones

Regions or zones (corresponding to zones as defined by hopr) can also be used to define dielectrics. In this case, the number of zones must be supplied

DielectricNbrOfZones = 8

and a vector of the same size for the corresponding zone IDs, $\varepsilon_{R}$ and $\mu_{R}$ for each zone, respectively

DielectricZoneID     = (/9   , 10  , 11  , 12  , 13  , 14  , 15  , 16/)
DielectricZoneEpsR   = (/2.0 , 2.0 , 2.0 , 2.0 , 2.0 , 2.0 , 2.0 , 2.0/)
DielectricZoneMuR    = (/1.0 , 1.0 , 1.0 , 1.0 , 1.0 , 1.0 , 1.0 , 1.0/)

Note that this method cannot be used in combination with any other way of defining dielectrics.