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How to run

With make:

make test

With cargo:

cargo build -p tarantool-module-test-runner
cargo test

Under the hood

When running cargo test some of the steps would be as you would expect:

  • Unit tests and integration tests defined with #[test] macro
  • Doc tests - code in documentation

But also it would execute our custom test runner which main fn is defined in tests/ Then the steps would be the following:

  1. Test runner starts tarantool with run_tests.lua script as an argument
  2. run_tests.lua script does some initialization and loads tarantool-module-test-runner built as a dynamic library
  3. Then run_tests.lua calls the main function of this module, which effectively is start in tests/src/
  4. start creates test spaces and calls run_tests
  5. run_tests collects tests defined with linkme::distributed_slice macro from tarantool lib
  6. run_tests collects tests that are explicitely added there by full path
  7. run_tests feeds all tests to Rust default console test runner and collects result
  8. result is reported through all the chain to the top and the process exits with appropriate exit code

All this is done as integration tests expect to be run from inside a tarantool instance.

How to add tests

If you don't need tarantool environment

Just add a test with #[test] macro. You shouldn't use any tarantool symbols or symbols dependent on them in this case.



Use linkme::distributed_slice macro to add tests. See tarantool::test module docs for examples.


Insert the test directly by path into run_tests fn in tests/src/