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Distribution packages

If todoman is packaged for your OS/distribution, using your system's standard package manager is probably the easiest way to install todoman.


todoman is packaged in the community repository, and can be installed using:

pacman -S todoman


todoman is packaged in homebrew, and can be installed using:

brew install todoman

Installation via PIP

Since todoman is written in python, you can use python's package managers, pip by executing:

pip install todoman

or the latest development version by executing:

pip install git+git://

This should also take care of installing all required dependencies.

Manual installation

If pip is not available either (this is most unlikely), you'll need to download the source tarball and install via, though this is not a recommended installation method:

python3 install

bash autocompletion (optional)

There is an autocompletion function for bash provided in the contrib directory. If you want to enable autocompletion for todoman in bash, copy the file contrib/autocompletion/bash/_todo to any directory you want. Typically /etc/bash_completion.d is used for system-wide installations or ~/.bash_completion.d for local installations. In the former case, the file is automatically sourced in most distributions, in the latter case, you will most likely need to add:

source ~/.bash_completion.d/_todo

to your ~/.bashrc.

zsh autocompletion (optional)

There is an autocompletion function for zsh provided in the contrib directory. If you want to enable autocompletion for todoman in zsh, copy the file contrib/autocompletion/zsh/_todo to any directory in your $fpath. Typically /usr/local/share/zsh/site-functions/ is used for system-wide installations.


Todoman requires python 3.8 or later. Installation of required libraries can be done via pip, or your OS's package manager.

Recent versions also have experimental support for pypy3.

Notes for Packagers

All of todoman's dependencies are listed in the install_requires section of the file. New dependencies will be clearly announced in the CHANGELOG.rst file for each release. Patch releases (eg: those where only the third digit of the version is incremented) will not introduce new dependencies.

If your packages are generated by running install or some similar mechanism, you'll end up with a very slow entry point (that's the /usr/bin/todo file). Package managers should use the file included in this repository under bin/todo and replace the above one.

The root cause of the issue is really how python's setuptools generates these and outside of the scope of this project.

If your packages are generated using python wheels, this should not be an issue (much like it won't be an issue for users installing via pip).

Additionally, jq is dependency for zsh's autocompletion. For platforms where zsh is the default shell, it is recommended to list jq as a dependency, for others adding it as an optional dependency should suffice.