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iamxy committed May 11, 2017
1 parent bd7a964 commit 6e71e4d
Showing 1 changed file with 252 additions and 0 deletions.
252 changes: 252 additions & 0 deletions Jenkinsfile
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,252 @@

node {
def TIDB_TEST_BRANCH = "master"
def TIDB_BRANCH = "master"
def TIKV_BRANCH = "master"

env.GOROOT = "/usr/local/go"
env.GOPATH = "/go"
env.PATH = "${env.GOROOT}/bin:/home/jenkins/bin:/bin:${env.PATH}"

catchError {
stage('Prepare') {
// pd
node('centos7_build') {
def ws = pwd()
dir("go/src/") {
// checkout
checkout scm
// build
sh "GOPATH=${ws}/go:$GOPATH make"
stash includes: "go/src/**", name: "pd"

// tidb
node('centos7_build') {
def ws = pwd()
dir("go/src/") {
// checkout
git changelog: false, credentialsId: 'github-iamxy-ssh', poll: false, url: '', branch: "${TIDB_BRANCH}"
sh "GOPATH=${ws}/go:$GOPATH make parser"
def tidb_sha1 = sh(returnStdout: true, script: "curl ${UCLOUD_OSS_URL}/refs/pingcap/tidb/${TIDB_BRANCH}/centos7/sha1").trim()
sh "curl ${UCLOUD_OSS_URL}/builds/pingcap/tidb/${tidb_sha1}/centos7/tidb-server.tar.gz | tar xz"
stash includes: "go/src/**", name: "tidb"

// tidb-test
dir("go/src/") {
// checkout
git changelog: false, credentialsId: 'github-iamxy-ssh', poll: false, url: '', branch: "${TIDB_TEST_BRANCH}"
stash includes: "go/src/**", name: "tidb-test"

// tikv
def tikv_sha1 = sh(returnStdout: true, script: "curl ${UCLOUD_OSS_URL}/refs/pingcap/tikv/${TIKV_BRANCH}/centos7/sha1").trim()
sh "curl ${UCLOUD_OSS_URL}/builds/pingcap/tikv/${tikv_sha1}/centos7/tikv-server.tar.gz | tar xz"

unstash 'pd'
sh "cp go/src/ bin/pd-server && rm -rf go/src/"

stash includes: "bin/**", name: "binaries"

stage('Test') {
def tests = [:]

tests["PD Test"] = {
node("test") {
def ws = pwd()
unstash 'pd'

dir("go/src/") {
sh "GOPATH=${ws}/go:$GOPATH make test"

def run_integration_ddl_test = { ddltest ->
def ws = pwd()
unstash 'tidb'
unstash 'tidb-test'
unstash 'binaries'

try {
sh """
killall -9 ddltest_tidb-server || true
killall -9 tikv-server || true
killall -9 pd-server || true
bin/pd-server --name=pd --data-dir=pd &>pd_ddl_test.log &
sleep 10
bin/tikv-server --pd-endpoints= --data-dir=tikv --addr= --advertise-addr= &>tikv_ddl_test.log &
sleep 10

timeout(10) {
dir("go/src/") {
sh """
ln -s tidb/_vendor/src ../vendor
cp ${ws}/go/src/ ddl_test/ddltest_tidb-server
cd ddl_test && GOPATH=${ws}/go:$GOPATH ./ -check.f='${ddltest}'
} catch (err) {
throw err
} finally {
sh "killall -9 ddltest_tidb-server || true"
sh "killall -9 tikv-server || true"
sh "killall -9 pd-server || true"

tests["Integration DDL Insert Test"] = {
node("test") {

tests["Integration DDL Update Test"] = {
node("test") {

tests["Integration DDL Delete Test"] = {
node("test") {

tests["Integration DDL Other Test"] = {
node("test") {

tests["Integration DDL Column and Index Test"] = {
node("test") {

tests["Integration Connection Test"] = {
node("test") {
def ws = pwd()
unstash 'tidb'
unstash 'tidb-test'
unstash 'binaries'

try {
sh """
killall -9 tikv-server || true
killall -9 pd-server || true
bin/pd-server --name=pd --data-dir=pd &>pd_conntest.log &
sleep 10
bin/tikv-server --pd-endpoints= --data-dir=tikv --addr= --advertise-addr= &>tikv_conntest.log &
sleep 10

dir("go/src/") {
sh """
GOPATH=`pwd`/_vendor:${ws}/go:$GOPATH CGO_ENABLED=1 go test --args with-tikv store/tikv/*.go
} catch (err) {
throw err
} finally {
sh "killall -9 tikv-server || true"
sh "killall -9 pd-server || true"

def run_integration_other_test = { mytest ->
def ws = pwd()
unstash 'tidb'
unstash 'tidb-test'
unstash 'binaries'

try {
sh """
killall -9 tikv-server || true
killall -9 pd-server || true
bin/pd-server --name=pd --data-dir=pd &>pd_${mytest}.log &
sleep 10
bin/tikv-server --pd-endpoints= --data-dir=tikv --addr= --advertise-addr= &>tikv_${mytest}.log &
sleep 10

dir("go/src/") {
sh """
ln -s tidb/_vendor/src ../vendor
GOPATH=${ws}/go:$GOPATH TIKV_PATH='' TIDB_TEST_STORE_NAME=tikv make ${mytest}
} catch (err) {
throw err
} finally {
sh "killall -9 tikv-server || true"
sh "killall -9 pd-server || true"

tests["Integration TiDB Test"] = {
node('test') {

tests["Integration MySQL Test"] = {
node("test") {

tests["Integration GORM Test"] = {
node("test") {

tests["Integration Go SQL Test"] = {
node("test") {

parallel tests

currentBuild.result = "SUCCESS"

stage('Summary') {
def getChangeLogText = {
def changeLogText = ""
for (int i = 0; i < currentBuild.changeSets.size(); i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < currentBuild.changeSets[i].items.length; j++) {
def commitId = "${currentBuild.changeSets[i].items[j].commitId}"
def commitMsg = "${currentBuild.changeSets[i].items[j].msg}"
changeLogText += "\n" + commitId.take(7) + " - " + commitMsg
return changeLogText
def changelog = getChangeLogText()
def duration = (System.currentTimeMillis() - currentBuild.startTimeInMillis) / 1000

def slackmsg = "${env.JOB_NAME}-${env.BUILD_NUMBER}: ${currentBuild.result}, Duration: ${duration}, Changelogs: ${changelog}"

if (currentBuild.result != "SUCCESS") {
slackSend channel: '#pd', color: 'danger', teamDomain: 'pingcap', tokenCredentialId: 'slack-pingcap-token', message: "${slackmsg}"

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