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Jona edited this page Jun 18, 2020 · 17 revisions



Initializes the config and tokenconfigs table if it hasn't been initialized before, otherwise does nothing. Has to be called once after deploying the contract.

Required Authorization:

atomicassets account.



Type Name Description
vector<FORMAT> collection_format_extension Vector of FORMATs to be added to the collection_format that is used to serialize collection data


Adds one or more lines are added to the collection_format value in the config singleton. These lines are used to serialize the data of collections.

Required Authorization:

atomicassets account.



Type Name Description
string new_version New version string to be saved in the tokenconfigs table


Updates the version in the tokenconfigs table.

Required Authorization:

atomicassets account.



Type Name Description
name token_contract Contract that the token is stored in
symbol token_symbol Symbol of the token


Adds a new TOKEN to the supported_tokens vector in the config, which then makes it possible to back assets with the specified token.

Required Authorization:

atomicassets account.



Type Name Description
name author Account that creates the collections and can later modify it
name collection_name Name of the collection
bool allow_notify If this is set to false, it won't be possible to add accounts to the notify_accounts vector. This solves the problem of notify_accounts theoretically being able to block transfers by making the transactions throw, at the expense of notifications.
vector authorized_accounts Vector of account names that are authorized to create/ edit both templates and assets of this collection
vector notify_accounts Vector of accounts that will get notified of any actions related to this collection (More Info)
double market_fee 3rd party marketplaces are encouraged to take this fee out of every asset sale of this collection and make it available to the collection's author
ATTRIBUTE_MAP data Data that the collection is initialized with, to be serialized with the collection_format specified in the config table


Creates a new collection. Collection names must be unique, so no other collection with the name <collection_name> can exist. Collections also can't have the name of an account that exists on the blockchain, except if the action has the authorization of that account.

Required Authorization:




Type Name Description
name collection_name Collection to set the data of
ATTRIBUTE_MAP data Data to be serialized with the collection_format specified in the config table


Updates/ sets the data of a collection.

Required Authorization:

Author of the collection



Type Name Description
name collection_name Name of the collection
name account_to_add Account to add to the authorized_accounts vector


Adds an account to the authroized_accounts vector of a collection.

Required Authorization:

Author of the collection



Type Name Description
name collection_name Name of the collection
name account_to_remove Account to remove from the authorized_accounts vector


Removes an account from the authroized_accounts vector of a collection.

Required Authorization:

Author of the collection



Type Name Description
name collection_name Name of the collection
name account_to_add Account to add to the notify_accounts vector


Adds an account to the notify_accounts vector of a collection.

Required Authorization:

Author of the collection



Type Name Description
name collection_name Name of the collection
name account_to_remove Account to remove from the notify_accounts vector


Removes an account from the notify_accounts vector of a collection.

Required Authorization:

Author of the collection



Type Name Description
name collection_name Name of the collection
double market_fee New market_fee of the collection


Sets the market_fee of a collection. 3rd party marketplaces are encouraged to take this fee out of every asset sale of this collection and make it available to the collection's author.

Required Authorization:

Author of the collection



Type Name Description
name collection_name Name of the collection


Sets the allow_notify value of a collection to false if it has previously been true. Only possible if the notify_accounts vector of the collection is empty.

Required Authorization:

Author of the collection



Type Name Description
name authorized_creator Account createing this schema
name collection_name Name of the collection that this schema belongs to
name schema_name Name of the schema
vector<FORMAT> schema_format Vector of FORMATs that the schema is initialized with. Each FORMAT describes one attribute that can be serialized by this schema.


Creates a new schema. Schema names must be unique within the parent collection. Schemas also can't have the name of an account that exists on the blockchain, except if the action has the authorization of that account.

Required Authorization:

<authorized_creator>, who needs to be in the authorized_accounts vector of the collection that the schema belongs to



Type Name Description
name authorized_editor Account editing / extending this schema
name collection_name Name of the collection that the schema belongs to
name schema_name Schema to extend
vector<FORMAT> schema_format_extension Vector of FORMATs that the schema is extended by. Each FORMAT describes one attribute that can be serialized by this schema.


Extends the format of an existing schema.

Required Authorization:

<authorized_editor>, who needs to be in the authorized_accounts vector of the collection that the schema belongs to



Type Name Description
name authorized_creator Account creating the template
name collection_name Collection this template and any child assets belong to
name schema_name Schema that is used for data serialization for this template and any child assets
bool transferable Determines if child assets are transferable
bool burnable Determines if child assets are burnable
uint32_t max_supply Maximum amount of child assets that this template can mint. 0 if there should not be a maximum
ATTRIBUTE_MAP immutable_data Data that can not be changed after creating the template


Creates a new template.

Required Authorization:

<authorized_creator>, who needs to be in the authorized_accounts vector of the specified collection



Type Name Description
name authorized_editor Account locking the template
name collection_name Name of the collection that the template belongs to
uint32_t template_id ID of the template


Locks a template, by setting its max_supply to the current issued_supply, which means that no further assets of this template can be minted

Required Authorization:

<authorized_editor>, who needs to be in the authorized_accounts vector of the collection that the template belongs to



Type Name Description
name authorized_minter Account minting the asset
name collection_name Collection that the asset belongs to
name schema_name Schema that the asset belongs to
int32_t template_id ID of the template referenced, or -1 if no template is referenced
name new_asset_owner Account that will own the minted asset
ATTRIBUTE_MAP immutable_data Data that can not be changed after creating the asset
ATTRIBUTE_MAP mutable_data Data that can be changed after creating the asset
vector<asset> tokens_to_back Vector of tokens that should be backed to the asset. This functionality is equivalent to minting the asset and then calling the backasset action for each of the tokens to back.


Mints (creates) a new asset. The RAM cost is paid by <authorized_minter>.

Required Authorization:

<authorized_minter>, who needs to be in the authorized_accounts vector of the collection that the parent template belongs to



Type Name Description
name authorized_editor Account editing the asset
name owner Account owning the asset
uint64_t asset_id ID of the asset
ATTRIBUTE_MAP new_mutable_data Data to set the mutable data to


Updates/ sets the mutable data of an asset.

Required Authorization:

<authorized_editor>, who needs to be in the authorized_accounts vector of the collection that the asset's parent template belongs to



Type Name Description
name owner Account owning the asset
symbol symbol_to_announce Symbol that is added to the quantities vector in the owner's balances table row


Adds a zero value asset with the specified symbol to the quantities vector in the owner's balances table row. If no balances table row exists for the owner, a new one is created.

Because doing this costs RAM, this can't be done directly in the receipt of a transfer action. Therefore, using this action, a zero value asset is first added to owner's balance (taking up more RAM than before) so that then in the transfer action meant to deposit tokens, this zero value asset can be modified instead of having to add a new one.

Note: To pass a symbol to eosio as a string, use the following format: <precision>,<symbol_code>

So for example: "8,WAX"

Required Authorization:




Type Name Description
name owner Account owning the asset
asset token_to_withdraw Token to withdraw from the owner's balance


Withdraws tokens that have previously been deposited. Ideally, this shouldn't have to be used if you only deposit tokens as required when backing assets.

Required Authorization:




Type Name Description
name payer Account paying for the tokens that are backed
asset asset_owner Owner of the asset that gets backed
asset asset_id ID of the asset that gets backed
asset token_to_back Token that the asset is backed with


Backs an asset with a fungible token. The back_quantity is deducted from payer's balance.

After the asset is backed, payer also pays for the full RAM cost of the asset.

More Info on backing tokens

Required Authorization:




Type Name Description
name asset_owner Account owning the asset
uint64_t asset_id ID of the asset


Burns (deletes) an asset. If there previously were core tokens backed for this asset, these core tokens are transferred to <owner>.

Note: Burning an asset does not decrement the issued_supply of the parent template.

Required Authorization:




Type Name Description
name from Account to transfer assets from
name to Account to transfer assets to
vector<uint64_t> asset_ids Vector of asset ids that are to be transferred
string memo Memo attached to the transaction


Transfers one or more assets from one account to another. If the recipient did not previously own any assets, the sender pays the 112 bytes of RAM to create the recipient's scope in the assets table.

Note: Both <from> and <to> are notified using require_recipient().

Required Authorization:




Type Name Description
name sender Account creating/ sending the offer
name recipient Account receiving the offer
vector<uint64_t> sender_asset_ids Vector of asset ids that the sender will give to the recipient
vector<uint64_t> recipient_asset_ids Vector of asset ids that the recipient will give to the sender
string memo Memo attached to the trade offer


Creates a two sided trade offer, that <recipient> can accept or decline. If the offer is accepted, the assets will automatically be transferred to the respective sides.

Note: Both <sender> and <recipient> are notified using require_recipient().

Note: Only a single asset needs to be included in a trade offer. That means that offers with one side empty are possible.

Note: An offer's validity is checked when they are created, but they are not automatically deleted when they become invalid (because one of the sides loses ownership of at least one of the items included in the offer).

Required Authorization:




Type Name Description
uint64_t offer_id ID of the offer


Cancels (deletes) an offer.

Note: Both the offer sender and recipient are notified using require_recipient().

Required Authorization:

Sender of the offer



Type Name Description
uint64_t offer_id ID of the offer


Accepts an offer. The assets included in the offer are automatically transferred to the respective sides.

Note: Both the offer sender and recipient are notified using require_recipient().

Required Authorization:

Recipient of the offer



Type Name Description
uint64_t offer_id ID of the offer


Declines (deletes) an offer.

Note: Both the offer sender and recipient are notified using require_recipient().

Required Authorization:

Recipient of the offer



Type Name Description
name payer account who will pay for the RAM
uint64_t offer_id ID of the offer


Pays for the RAM cost of an offer. The intended purpose for this is to allow dapps to pay for the RAM of offers of their users.

Required Authorization:
