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Sean DuBois edited this page Aug 12, 2018 · 24 revisions


Thank you very much for contributing pion-WebRTC! This project only exists because of the work of individuals.

Creating an issue

Feel free to submit bugs and feature requests to the issue tracker. If you believe something will lead to a discussion sign up for the Golang Slack and join the #pion channel. It is much easier to debug/discuss with the shorter feedback loop.

You can also use our mailing list we use this for longer discussions to give others time to respond.

Contributing Code

Thank you for contributing! Every PR is different, but here are some high level rules that should help make it a success. This isn't an exhaustive list, but these are some bullet points that should help make contributing easy.

  • When writing your code consider the users first, pion-WebRTC is only as good as what people can build with it!
    • Try to conform to the WebRTC JS API as closely as possible. Users should be able to use API without even reading the docs.
    • Should be actionable. Many parts of the WebRTC API don't apply to our use cases, use your best judgement.
    • If you are creating something new, create an example to demo it and help users explore it quickly!
  • Create your PR early. Even if the code isn't complete this gives others the chance to know your working on it.
  • Make sure all the linters and checks pass, for extra credit try to even raise the code coverage!

Once your PR is ready you just need one review by a pion-WebRTC developer, then you can merge to master. To become a pion-WebRTC developer you need to just have one PR merged to master.

Project Ideas