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File metadata and controls

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Tiki Wiki as an IdP

Deploy a simpleSAMLphp on a machine with a TikiWiki instance and build an IdP

Install simpleSAMLphp

First of all install the simpleSAMLphp library dependences:

CentOS --> yum install php5 php-ldap php-mbstring php-xml mod_ssl
Debian --> apt-get install php5 php5-mcrypt php5-mhash php5-mysql

Now we can download the latest version of simpleSAMLphp, now is the 1.10:

Directly -->
From subversion repository --> svn co

Put the simplesamlphp directory at /var/www/idp/simplesamlphp

Create a self-signed cert

In order to generate a self-signed cert you need openssl:

Centos --> yum install openssl
Debian --> apt-get install openssl

Using OpenSSL we will generate a self-signed certificate in 3 steps.

  • Generate private key:
openssl genrsa -out server.pem 1024
  • Generate CSR: (In the "Common Name" set the domain of your instance)
openssl req -new -key server.pem -out server.csr
  • Generate Self Signed Key:
openssl x509 -req -days 365 -in server.csr -signkey server.pem -out server.crt

Override the certs of the /var/www/idp/simplesamlphp/cert folder with the generated certs.

Apache configuration

The configuration may look like this:

<VirtualHost *>
       DocumentRoot /var/www/simplesamlphp/www

       Alias /simplesaml /var/simplesamlphp/www

Security considerations: Make sure that your IdP server runs HTTPS (SSL)

NTP server

To get Saml2 run correctly we need have sure that all machine's clock are synced.

Install ntp:

Centos --> yum install ntp
Debian --> apt-get install ntp

Configure the ntp service /etc/ntp.conf:


Check the ntp server list and use the server that is near from your server.

Enable the server and put it on the system boot

Centos --> service ntpd start
           chkconfig ntpd on

Debian -> /etc/init.d/ntp start
          update-rc.d ntp defaults

Configure simplesamlphp as IdP and use Tiki Wiki database as auth source backend

Copy the simpleSAMLphp config file template to the config folder:

cp /var/www/simplesamlphp/config-templates/config.php /var/www/simplesamlphp/config/config.php

Edit the file and config some params: * 'auth.adminpassword' * 'secretsalt' * 'technicalcontact_name' * 'technicalcontact_email'

Set the 'enable.saml20-idp' to true to enable the simpleSAMLphp instance as an IdP.

Now lets create the metadata file of our IdP, create a new file /var/www/simplesamlphp/metadata/saml20-idp-hosted.php:


$metadata['https://<domain>/simplesaml/saml2/idp/metadata.php'] = array(
       'host' => '<domain>',

       'privatekey' => 'server.pem',
       'certificate' => 'server.crt',

       'auth' => 'tiki-sql',   # Auth source backend used for this IdP


Replace <domain> with the domain of your IdP

Now lets configure the tiki-sql auth source backend, create a new file /var/www/simplesamlphp/config/authsources.php:


$config = array(

   'tiki-sql' => array(
       'dsn' => 'mysql:host:localhost;dbname=tiki',
       'username' => '<databaseuser>',
       'password' => '<databasepass>',
       'query' => 'SELECT login AS username, email FROM tiki.users_users WHERE login = :username AND (hash = encrypt(:password, tiki.users_users.hash) OR hash = md5(:password))',



Replace the <databaseuser> and the <databasepass> with the correct value. This values are the user and password needed to connect to the tiki databse. If you forgor those value go to your Tiki Wiki folder and check the db/local.php file.

Notice that I have assumed that the name of the Tiki Wiki database was 'tiki', if you chose other, replace it in the 'dsn' and 'query' params.

Testing the IdP

Open a browser and access to your simplesamlphp instance (Check your apache configuration. Ex. https://<domain>/simplesamlphp)

Access to the "Authentication" section, Click on "Test configured authentication sources" and click on "tiki-wiki" (or the name you have used for the tiki SQL backend)

An user/pass form will appear where you will be able to authenticate with your Tiki-Wiki credentials. Test it and see if you sucessfully access(A view with your Tiki-wiki user data will appear, those data will be send for the SPs).

Connect Google Apps with the IdP

There is a guide that explain it at (see 7.2 and the following)

The resume:

  • Add the Google Apps Metadata to your IdP
  • Configure the Google Apps panel

Add the Google Apps Metadata to your IdP

At the metadata folder are defined the metadatas. SPs metadatas are described at metadata/saml20-sp-remote.php. There is a metadata template available at metadata-templates.

To connect our IdP with the Google Apps add the following data to the metadata/saml20-sp-remote.php file:


$metadata[''] = array(
   'AssertionConsumerService'   => '<your_google_domain>/acs',
   'NameIDFormat'               => 'urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:nameid-format:email',
   'simplesaml.nameidattribute' => '<attribute_used_as_identifier>',
   'simplesaml.attributes'      => false


Replace <your_google_domain> (Check at your Google Apps panel) and the <attribute_used_as_identifier> (For example 'uid' or 'eduPersonPrincipalName')

Set 'simplesaml.attributes' to false if you don't want to transfer any attribute to Google Apps, otherwise delete this parameter or set it to true

Configure the Google Apps panel

Configure your Google Apps instance to look to SimpleSAMLphp-TikiWiki for single sign-on. To do this, go to the Google Apps domain management screen, click on Advanced tools, and then on Set up single sign-on (SSO). Configure the following options:

  • Enable Single Sign-on Check this box to turn on SSO for your domain.
  • Sign-in page URL Set this to the URL of SimpleSAMLphp's SAML2 Redirect SSO endpoint.
  • Sing-out page URL Set this to the URL of SimpleSAMLphp's SAML2 Redirect SLO endpoint.
  • Change password URL Set this to the "reset password view" URL of Tiki-Wiki. (http://<tiki-domain&path>/tiki-remind_password.php)
  • Verification certificate You must upload the public cert used in your simpleSAMLphp enviroment (/var/www/idp/simplesamlphp/cert/server.crt)

To check what are the SSO and the SLO endpoints of your IdP, you have to open a browser, access to the "federation" Open a browser and access to your simplesamlphp instance (Check your apache configuration. Ex. https://<domain>/simplesamlphp) `Access to the "Federation" section, there, under the "SAML 2.0 IdP Metadata" is a link to the metadata of your idp. `Set as 'Sign-in page URL' the 'SingleSignOnService' and as 'Sing-out page URL' the 'SingleLogoutService'

Connect Salesforce with the IdP

There is a guide that explain how to configure Salesforce

The resume:

  • Configure the Salesforce SSO panel
  • Add the Salesforce Metadata to your IdP

Configure the Salesforce SSO panel

Login into your org and click Setup -> Security Controls -> Single Sign-On Settings.

Click the Edit button and then check the SAML Enabled checkbox to display the input fields for the SAML.


  • SAML Version Set 2.0
  • Identity Provider Certificate You must upload the public cert used in your simpleSAMLphp enviroment (/var/www/idp/simplesamlphp/cert/server.crt)
  • Issuer
  • User provisioning Check if you want to auto create users
  • Identity Provider Login URL Set this to the URL of SimpleSAMLphp's SAML2 Redirect SSO endpoint.
  • Identity Provider Logout URL Set this to the URL of SimpleSAMLphp's SAML2 Redirect SLO endpoint.
  • Custom Error URL If you have a page error
  • SAML User ID Type Set to "Assertion contains the Federation ID from the User object"
  • SAML User ID Location "User ID is in an Attribute element"
  • Atribute Name 'email'
  • Name ID Format 'urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:nameid-format:email'

To check what are the SSO and the SLO endpoints of your IdP, you have to open a browser, access to the "federation" Open a browser and access to your simplesamlphp instance (Check your apache configuration. Ex. https://<domain>/simplesamlphp) `Access to the "Federation" section, there, under the "SAML 2.0 IdP Metadata" is a link to the metadata of your idp. `Set as 'Sign-in page URL' the 'SingleSignOnService' and as 'Sing-out page URL' the 'SingleLogoutService

Save the data and copy the "Salesforce Login URL" (ACS) and the "Salesforce Logout URL"

Also you can download the metadata and copy the content and paste it in the simpleSAMLphp metadata converter (federation section)

Add the Salesforce Metadata to your IdP

At the metadata folder are defined the metadatas. SPs metadatas are described at metadata/saml20-sp-remote.php. There is a metadata template available at metadata-templates.

To connect our IdP with Salesforces add the following data to the metadata/saml20-sp-remote.php file:


 $metadata[''] = array(
     'AssertionConsumerService'   => '<salesforce_login_url>',
     'NameIDFormat' => 'urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.1:nameid-format:unspecified',
     'attributes.NameFormat' => 'urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:nameid-format:email',
     'attributes' => array (
           0 => 'email',

     'authproc' => array(
         90 => array(
             'class' => 'core:AttributeAdd',
             'ssoStartPage' => array(
             'logoutURL' => array(



<customer_url> Set an URL with a view with a link to init again the login process

The fiter is needed to support the SLO in salesforce [1] 'url_when_logout>, the logout redirect will end at this URL.

If you want to validate sings and decrypt you will need salesforce cert so you can copy the 'key' attribute from the parsed metadata
