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File metadata and controls

140 lines (100 loc) · 5.87 KB

AEPP core methods

This documentation is focused on the methods available directly from the aepp module.

Creating a config file

When starting with the aepp module, you will need to create a configuration file.
The aepp module contains a method that will create a configuration file (JSON) as a template and you can just update the values.
The method is : createConfigFile

  • destination : OPTIONAL : if you wish to save the file at a specific location.
  • sandbox : OPTIONAL : You can directly set your sandbox name in this parameter. Default : prod
  • environment : OPTIONAL : This element is only for AEP core developer. NOT TO BE CHANGED BY CLIENTS.
  • auth_type : OPTIONAL : Default is OauthV2, but you can still use JWT (Deprecated in 2025) or OauthV1 (for Internal only!)
  • verbose : OPTIONAL : set to true, gives you a print statement where is the location.

The JSON file is having this structure:

    "org_id": "<orgID>",
    "client_id": "<client_id>",
    "tech_id": "<something>",
    "secret": "<YourSecret>",
    "scopes": "scope",
    "sandbox-name": "prod",
    "environment" : "prod"


import aepp

Importing a config file

Once you have created and updated the configuration file, you can (or need) to import it in order to have the information required for connecting to AEP.
The method is the importConfigFile

  • path: REQUIRED : path to the configuration file. Can be either a fully-qualified or relative.
  • connectInstance : OPTIONAL : If you want to return an instance of the ConnectObject class. (default False)

NOTE: connectInstance is default to False, but we strongly recommend to use it as best practice when you are having multiple sandbox environment.


import aepp
from aepp import schema ## to manipulate schema definition

## here I will create a connect instance to prod2 sandbox
prod2 = aepp.importConfigFile('myconfig.json',sandbox='prod2',connectInstance=True)

mySchema = schema.Schema(config=prod)

Configure connection

The configure method directly available in the aepp module enables the possibility to pass all information required to connect to the AEP API without having to write them directly in a configuration file.
This can be required when you are on the cloud on a stateless environment and you want to pass the connection info directly.


  • org_id : REQUIRED : Organization ID
  • tech_id : REQUIRED : Technical Account ID
  • secret : REQUIRED : secret generated for your connection
  • client_id : REQUIRED : The client_id (old api_key) provided by the JWT connection.
  • scopes : REQUIRED : The scope used in the OauthV2 connection.
  • path_to_key : REQUIRED : If you have a file containing your private key value. (JWT connection only, deprecated in 2025)
  • private_key : REQUIRED : If you do not use a file but pass a variable directly.(JWT connection only, deprecated in 2025)
  • sandbox : OPTIONAL : If not provided, default to prod
  • connectInstance : OPTIONAL : If you want to return an instance of the ConnectObject class (default False)
  • environment : OPTIONAL : If not provided, default to prod

The connectInstance parameter

In an environment when you have multiple organization and / or multiple sandboxes to manage via aepp, it would be cumbersome to import the new environment any time you want to switch the Organuzation or the sandbox.
For that use-case, we provide a way for you to save your configuration in an instance of a ConnectObject class.
This class will save your organization, your sandbox and any information related to your configuration setup.
Therefore, in instantiation of any class later on, such as Schema class per example, you can pass the appropriate instance to connect to the right organization.


import aepp
myOrg1 = aepp.importConfigFile('org1_config.json',connectInstance=True)
myOrg2 = aepp.importConfigFile('org1_config.json',connectInstance=True)

from aepp import catalog, schema

### conecting to the schema Registry endpoint for the org 1
schema1 = schema.Schema(config=myOrg1)
## connecting for org 2 
schema2 = schema.Schema(config=myOrg2)

### Same for Catalog
catalog2 = catalog.Catalog(config=myOrg2)
catalog1 = catalog.Catalog(config=myOrg1)

Generating the logging object

With the different submodule of aepp, you can generate logs information to monitor the state of your application running aepp.
In order to pass how you want the log to be structured and which file to create for the log, you can create a logging object. The method is: generateLoggingObject

A complete description of its usage is available on the logging documentation


This method (home) provides information from your AEP setup.

  • product : OPTIONAL : specify one or more product contexts for which to return containers. If absent, containers for all contexts that you have rights to will be returned. The product parameter can be repeated for multiple contexts. An example of this parameter is product=acp
  • limit : OPTIONAL : Optional limit on number of results returned (default = 50).


import aepp

conf = aepp.home()

Retrieve Users Log events

The getPlatformEvents is a method that should return you with the information of what has been done during the last 90 days on your AEP instance by your users.

  • limit : OPTIONAL : Number of events to retrieve per request (50 by default)
  • n_results : OPTIONAL : Number of total event to retrieve per request.
  • prop : OPTIONAL : An array that contains one or more of a comma-separated list of properties (prop="action==create,assetType==Sandbox") If you want to filter results using multiple values for a single filter, pass in a comma-separated list of values. (prop="action==create,update")