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DEPRECATED: Please follow Pivotal documentation to enable container networking

Deploying netman to Pivotal Cloud Foundry


This document assumes that you are familiar with Ops Manager and Elastic Runtime. You know how to SSH to the OpsMan VM and run BOSH commands against the BOSH director.

These instructions work best on a greenfield deployment using the versions that have been validated. When applied to an existing environment, you will need to recreate your cells for container networking policies to be applied to existing apps, and may need to upgrade cf-release and diego-release to match those specified in netman release-notes.

Tested Versions

  • Ops Manager : v1.8.9.0
  • Elastic Runtime : v1.8.11
  • netman-release : v0.5.0

Step 1 - Deploy Ops Manager and ERT

Follow Pivotal documentation to install Ops Manager, the BOSH director and Elastic Runtime.

Step 2 - Access BOSH director

Follow these instructions for accessing the BOSH director from the OpsMan VM.

Step 3 - Upload netman release

From the BOSH Director command line, follow the insturctions on to upload netman release.

Step 4 - Edit deployment manifest

Run bosh deployments to get a list of deployments. The CF deployment is prefixed with cf-. For example, in our setup it is cf-0caa8053ec39e45fcd72

The deployment manifest can be found under /var/tempest/workspaces/default/deployments/ and will have the same name as the manifest. In our example the file is cf-0caa8053ec39e45fcd72.yml. Use your favorite CLI editor to change the following items in the manifest:


+- name: netman
+  version: latest

Instance Groups

In add a new database:

+        - name: policy_server
+          username: policy_server
+          password: DATABASE_PASSWORD

In, modify the list of scopes to include network.admin:

-          scope:,cloud_controller.write,openid,password.write,cloud_controller.admin,,scim.write,doppler.firehose,uaa.user,,routing.router_groups.write
+          scope:,cloud_controller.write,openid,password.write,cloud_controller.admin,,scim.write,doppler.firehose,uaa.user,,routing.router_groups.write,network.admin

In, add a new client called network-policy:

+        network-policy:
+          authorities: uaa.resource

In, modify the admin user to belong to a new group called network.admin:

           - console.admin
           - doppler.firehose
+          - network.admin
           - notification_preferences.write
           - notifications.manage

Add a new instance group called policy-server which includes the consul job with the standard consul encryption key and certificates.

+- instances: 1
+  name: policy-server
+  vm_type: medium.mem
+  lifecycle: service
+  stemcell: bosh-vsphere-esxi-ubuntu-trusty-go_agent
+  azs:
+  - default
+  properties:
+    consul:
+      encrypt_keys:
+      ca_cert: CONSUL_CA_CERT
+      agent_cert: CONSUL_AGENT_CERT
+      agent_key: CONSUL_AGENT_KEY
+      server_cert: CONSUL_SERVER_CERT
+      server_key: CONSUL_SERVER_KEY
+      agent:
+        domain: cf.internal
+        services:
+          policy-server:
+            check:
+              interval: 5s
+              script: "/bin/true"
+            name: policy-server
+        servers:
+          lan:
+          - CONSUL_LAN_IP
+    nats:
+      user: NATS_USERNAME
+      password: NATS_PASSWORD
+      port: 4222
+      machines:
+      - NATS_IP
+    route_registrar:
+      routes:
+      - name: policy-server
+        port: 4002
+        registration_interval: 20s
+        uris:
+        - api.SYSTEM_DOMAIN/networking
+    policy-server:
+      ca_cert: POLICY_SERVER_CA_CERT
+      server_cert: POLICY_SERVER_SERVER_CERT
+      server_key: POLICY_SERVER_SERVER_KEY
+      database:
+        connection_string: policy_server:DATABASE_PASSWORD@tcp(MYSQL_PROXY_IP:3306)/policy_server
+        type: mysql
+      skip_ssl_validation: true
+      uaa_url: https://uaa.SYSTEM_DOMAIN
+  templates:
+  - name: policy-server
+    release: netman
+  - name: route_registrar
+    release: cf
+  - name: consul_agent
+    release: cf
+  env:
+    bosh:
+      password: ENV_BOSH_PASSWORD
+  update:
+    serial: true
+    max_in_flight: 1
+  networks:
+  - name: default
+    default:
+    - dns
+    - gateway
+  persistent_disk_type: '1024'

In the diego_cell instance group...

  1. Add these jobs:
+  - name: garden-cni
+    release: netman
+    consumes: {}
+    provides: {}
+  - name: cni-flannel
+    release: netman
+    consumes: {}
+    provides: {}
+  - name: vxlan-policy-agent
+    release: netman
+    consumes: {}
+    provides: {}
+  - name: netmon
+    release: netman
+    consumes: {}
+    provides: {}
  1. Edit to include:
+      network_plugin: "/var/vcap/packages/runc-cni/bin/garden-external-networker"
+      network_plugin_extra_args:
+      - "--configFile=/var/vcap/jobs/garden-cni/config/adapter.json"
  1. Add to properties
+    cni-flannel:
+      etcd_ca_cert:
+      etcd_client_cert:
+      etcd_client_key:
+      etcd_endpoints:
+      - ETCD_IP
+      flannel:
+        etcd:
+          require_ssl: false
+    vxlan-policy-agent:
+      policy_server_url:
+    garden-cni:
+      cni_config_dir: "/var/vcap/jobs/cni-flannel/config/cni"
+      cni_plugin_dir: "/var/vcap/packages/flannel/bin"

NOTE: The client certificate and key that the vxlan-policy-agent presents to the policy-server must be generated from the same ca_cert that is used to generate the server certificate and key for the policy-server. There is a script in netman-release to generate certs/keys for this.

Step 5 - Re-deploy Elastic Runtime

Set the BOSH deployment to the edited manifest and deploy. For example:

bosh deployment cf-0caa8053ec39e45fcd72.yml
bosh deploy

For a brownfield deployment provide the --recreate option while deploying to recreate the Diego cells.

Step 6 - Try container networking

If the deployment succeeds, validate container networking is working by trying the Cats & Dogs example.