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94 lines (62 loc) · 3.42 KB

Pycr documentation

A simple constrained-scope python utility to automate relative quantification of mRNA from thermocycler cycle threshold (ct) data. Takes as input raw ct values for target and reference genes from experiment and control conditions and returns as output the fold changes in gene expression using the |Dgr| |Dgr| ct method. Useful automation for repeatitive QPCR analyses for life science grad students and postdocs.


$ python -m pip install git+

Running pycr:

$ pycr -h

    usage: pycr [-h] file_path control normalizer target

    positional arguments:
        file_path     The path to ct data (csv) for relative RNA quantification
        control       The name of your control group
        normalizer    The name of your normalizing reference transcript
        target        The name of your target transcript

    optional arguments:
        -h, --help    show this help message and exit

Input data dictionary:

{column:                            type    description}
"group":                            str     Names of comparison groups
user defined normalizing column:    float   ct values of normalizing reference transcript
user defined target column:         float   ct values of target transcript

Fold change:

delta delta CT


$ pycr  ./data/demo_data_extended.csv control rpl19 egf1r

INFO:pycr: Loading table: ./data/demo_data_extended.csv
INFO:pycr: Calculating delta delta ct
INFO:pycr: Saving output table: data/demo_data_extended_processed.csv
|    | group   |   rpl19 |   egf1r |   delta_ct |   delta_delta_ct |   fold_change |
|  1 | control | 16.9    | 25.8    |    8.9     |          0.3335  |      0.793609 |
|  3 | control | 17.7    | 25.4    |    7.7     |         -0.8665  |      1.82323  |
|  2 | control | 17.4    | 26      |    8.6     |          0.0335  |      0.977047 |
|  6 | control | 17.7    | 25.908  |    8.208   |         -0.3585  |      1.28209  |
|  4 | control | 17.2    | 25.45   |    8.25    |         -0.3165  |      1.24531  |
| 17 | trt_a   | 17.4    | 24.786  |    7.386   |         -1.1805  |      2.26655  |
| 20 | trt_b   | 17.487  | 25.029  |    7.542   |         -1.0245  |      2.03425  |
| 23 | trt_b   | 17.3865 | 25.647  |    8.2605  |         -0.306   |      1.23628  |
| 18 | trt_b   | 17.9895 | 25.9498 |    7.96032 |         -0.60618 |      1.52222  |
| 22 | trt_b   | 17.9895 | 25.441  |    7.4515  |         -1.115   |      2.16595  |
INFO:pycr: Saving output figure: data/demo_data_extended_processed.png

Demo visualization


Currently assumes perfect amplification efficiency and unpaired samples.
.. toctree::
   :maxdepth: 2
   :caption: Contents:


Indices and tables