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Parsing logic for Pokémon Showdown's PROTOCOL and SIM-PROTOCOL.

This package converts Pokémon Showdown's text protocols into typed object respresentations for ease of use.


$ npm install @pkmn/protocol

Alternatively, as detailed below, if you are using @pkmn/protocol in the browser and want a convenient way to get started, simply depend on a transpiled and minified version via unpkg:

<script src=""></script>



Protocol.parse can be used to turn protocol messages into objects which can then be dispatched to a Protocol.Handler. The Args and KWArgs can be parsed further using the various helper methods available on the Protocol class. @pkmn/client's Handler exists as a detailed example of what a Protocol.Handler implementation might look like.

import {Protocol, Args, KWArgs} from '@pkmn/protocol';

class BoostHandler implements Protocol.Handler {
  '|-boost|'(args: Args['|-boost|'], kwArgs: KWArgs['|-boost|']) {
    const [, p, stat, n] = args;
    const pokemon = Prototol.parsePokemonIdent(p);
    const num = Number(n);

    let message = `${pokemon.player}'s ${}'s ${stat} stat was boosted by ${num}`;
    if (kwArgs.from) message += ` from ${Protocol.parseEffect(from).name}`;

The generate-handler script can be used to reduce amount of boilerplate code required to exhaustively implement the Pokémon Showdown protocol.


@pkmn/protocol also provides protocol-verification logic, primarily useful for testing. Verifier.verify can be used to verify a data chunk received from the Pokémon Showdown server (Verifier.verifyLine can be used to verify individual lines). The Verifier only performs basic strutural/shape verification (eg. the protocol is well-formed) as opposed to fine grained domain-specific verification (ie. it will verify an ID is received, but does not verify that the ID refers to a known object etc).

import {Verifier} from '@pkmn/protocol/verifier'


The TypeScript compiler may require special configuration to be able to directly import a subdirectory of the main @pkmn/protocol package - see the tsconfig.json documentation on baseUrl and paths.

 "compilerOptions": {
    "baseUrl": ".",
    "paths": {
      "@pkmn/protocol/*": ["node_modules/@pkmn/protocol/build/*"]

This package ships with a protocol-verifier script which can be used to verify protocol lines read from standard input.


The recommended way of using @pkmn/protocol in a web browser is to configure your bundler (Webpack, Rollup, Parcel, etc) to minimize it and package it with the rest of your application. If you do not use a bundler, a convenience index.min.js is included in the package. You simply need to depend on ./node_modules/@pkmn/protocol/build/index.min.js in a script tag (which is what the unpkg shortcut above is doing), after which pkmn.protocol will be accessible as a global.


This package is distributed under the terms of the MIT License. Parts of the code have been derived from the Pokémon Showdown server and the MIT Licensed portions of the client.