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91 lines (86 loc) · 3.74 KB

Variable list [/brapi/v1/variables]

Scope: CORE. Status: ACCEPTED.

Call to retrieve a list of observationVariables available in the system.

Variable list [GET /brapi/v1/variables{?page}{?pageSize}{?traitClass}]

  • Parameters

    • pageSize (optional, integer, 1000) ... The size of the pages to be returned. Default is 1000.
    • page (optional, integer, 0) ... Which result page is requested. The page indexing starts at 0 (the first page is 'page'= 0). Default is 0.
    • traitClass (optional, string, Phenological) ... Variable's trait class (phenological, physiological, morphological, etc.)
  • Response 200 (application/json)

          "metadata": {
              "pagination": {
                  "pageSize": 1000,
                  "currentPage": 0,
                  "totalCount": 2,
                  "totalPages": 1
              "status": [],
              "datafiles": []
          "result": {
              "data": [{
                  "observationVariableDbId": "CO_334:0100632",
                  "name": "CT_M_C",
                  "ontologyDbId": "CO_334",
                  "ontologyName": "Cassava",
                  "trait": {
                      "traitDbId": "CO_334:0100630",
                      "name": "Canopy temperature"
                  "method": null,
                  "scale": null,
                  "defaultValue": null
              }, {
                "observationVariableDbId": "CO_334:0100622",
                "name": "caro_spectro",
                "ontologyDbId": "CO_334",
                "ontologyName": "Cassava",
                "synonyms": ["Carotenoid content by spectro"],
                "contextOfUse": ["Trial evaluation", "Nursery evaluation"],
                "growthStage": "mature",
                "status": "recommended",
                "xref": "TL_455:0003001",
                "institution": "",
                "scientist": "",
                "submissionTimestamp": "2016-05-13T17:43:11+0100",
                "language": "EN",
                "crop": "Cassava",
                "trait": {
                    "traitDbId": "CO_334:0100620",
                    "name": "Carotenoid content",
                    "class": "physiological trait",
                    "description": "Cassava storage root pulp carotenoid content",
                    "synonyms": ["carotenoid content measure"],
                    "mainAbbreviation": "CC",
                    "alternativeAbbreviations": ["CCS"],
                    "entity": "root",
                    "attribute": "carotenoid",
                    "status": "recommended",
                    "xref": "TL_455:0003023"
                "method": {
                    "methodDbId": "CO_334:0010320",
                    "name": "Visual Rating:total carotenoid by chart_method",
                    "class": "Estimation",
                    "description": "Assessment of the level of yellowness in cassava storage root pulp using the tc chart",
                    "formula": null,
                    "reference": null
                "scale": {
                    "scaleDbId": "CO_334:0100526",
                    "name": "ug/g",
                    "datatype": "Numeric",
                    "decimalPlaces": 2,
                    "xref": null,
                    "validValues": {
                        "min": 1,
                        "max": 3,
                        "categories": ["1=low", "2=medium", "3=high"]
                "defaultValue": null