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Proof Structure and Verification

What are History Proofs?

Unlike traditional blockchain nodes, our full plasma nodes don't store every single transaction. Instead, they only ever need to store information relevant to assets they own. This means that when you're receiving an asset, you don't have all of the information necessary to know that the person sending that asset is, in fact, the true owner. The sender needs to explicitly prove to the recipient that the sender actually owns the asset being sent.

Currently, the sender needs to give the recipient a list of every single transaction that has ever moved the asset around. The sender also needs to provide proof that they're not omitting any transactions. Once the recipient checks this proof, they can see the whole chain of custody for the asset and be convinced that the sender is the current owner. Generally, we call this proof a "history proof" because it tells the recipient about the history of an asset.

This page describes the methodology plasma-core follows to verify these history proofs.

Proof Structure

History proofs consist of a set of Deposits a long list of relevant Transactions with corresponding TransactionProofs. Here we'll discuss all of the various components of the proof.


Deposits form the beginning of each history proof. An asset's history always starts from the point at which it was created. When we're talking about a range, we might need to provide more than one deposit.

Let's look at an example. Imagine that a sender is trying to create a proof for the range (0, 100). The range (0, 25) was created in deposit #1, and the range (25, 100) was created in deposit #2. The sender must provide these two deposits as part of the proof.

Transaction Proofs

A TransactionProof contains all the necessary information to check the validity of a given Transaction. Namely, it is simply an array of TransferProof objects (described below). A given TransactionProof is valid if and only if all its TransferProofs are valid.

Transfer Proofs

A TransferProof contains all the necessary information required to check that a specific Transfer inside of a Transaction is valid. This includes:

  • The Merkle tree branch that shows the transaction was included in a block.
  • The position of the Merkle tree in which the transaction was included.
  • The "parsed sum" for that transaction - a special value necessary to verify the Merkle proof.
  • The transaction signature from the sender of the transfer.

Here's the schema taken right from plasma-utils:

const TransferProofSchema = new Schema({
  parsedSum: {
    type: Number,
    length: 16
  leafIndex: {
    type: Number,
    length: 16
  signature: {
    type: SignatureSchema
  inclusionProof: {
    type: [Bytes],
    length: 48

Note that the inclusionProof is a variable-length array whose size depends on the depth of the tree.

Proof Verification

The process of verifying a proof for an incoming transaction involves applying each proof element to the current "verified" state, starting with the deposits. If any proof element doesn't result in a valid state transition, we simply ignore that element and go onto the next. At the very end, we check that each of the transfers in the incoming transaction is part of the verified state.

Snapshot Objects

We keep track of the current owner of a range using an object called a Snapshot. Quite simply, a Snapshot represents the verified owner of a range at a block:

  start: number,
  end: number,
  block: number,
  owner: address

Checking for Exits

Before doing anything else, the verifier must check that the ranges being received have no pending or finalized exits. If any part of the received ranges have pending or finalized exits, the transaction should be rejected.

Applying Deposits

Every received range has to come from a corresponding deposit. A deposit record consists of its token, start, end, depositer, and blockNumber.

For each deposit record, the verifier must double-check with Ethereum to verify that the claimed deposit did indeed occur. The verifier must then add a verified Snapshot for each valid deposit, where snapshot.owner = deposit.depositer.

Applying Transactions

Next, the verifier must apply all given TransactionProofs and update the set of verified Snapshots accordingly. For each Transaction and corresponding TransactionProof, the verifier must first perform the following validation steps:

  1. Check that the transaction encoding is well-formed.
2. For each Transfer in the Transaction:
  1. Check that the Transfer has a corresponding Signature created by transfer.sender.
  2. Check that the Transfer was included in the plasma block using the inclusionProof, leafIndex, and parsedSum.
  3. Calculate the implicitStart and implicitEnd of the Transfer, and verify that implicitStart <= transfer.start < transfer.end <= implicitEnd.

If any of the above checks fail, the transaction must be ignored and the verifier should continue onto the next transaction.

If all of the checks are successful, the verifier must apply each Transfer to the verified state:

1. For each Transfer in the Transaction, do the following:
  1. Break the Transfer into implicit components ([implicitStart, typedStart], [typedEnd, implicitEnd]) and explicit components ([typedStart, typedEnd]).
2. For each component:
  1. Find all verified Snapshots that overlap with the component.
2. For each Snapshot that overlaps:
  1. Remove the Snapshot from the verified state.
  2. Split the Snapshot into overlapping and non-overlapping components.
  3. Re-insert any non-overlapping components into the verified state.
5. If snapshot.block === transaction.blockNumber - 1 and snapshot.owner === component.sender || component.implicit:
  1. Increment snapshot.block.
  2. Set snapshot.owner = transfer.sender.
  1. Insert the overlapping snapshot back into the verified state.

Verifying Transactions

Once all Deposits and Transactions have been applied to the verified state, the verifier can check the validity of the incoming transaction. The verifier must check that for each Transfer in the Transaction, there exists some Snapshot in the verified state such that:

  1. snapshot.owner === transfer.recipient.
  2. snapshot.start <= transfer.typedStart.
  3. snapshot.end >= transfer.typedEnd.

If this condition is true for each Transfer in the Transaction, the proof can be accepted.