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File metadata and controls

1004 lines (703 loc) · 31.8 KB

Features reference


Formulas are Python scripts. Example:

return plominoDocument.getItem('price') * 15

return the value of the price item multiplied by 15.

If the price item doesn't exist, getItem will return None, and the formula will raise an exception. The exception is swallowed and the formula returns None as well. If the Plomino database is running in debug mode, the exception will be logged. If the price item contains a string or a truth value instead of a number, you'll also get an exception. Plomino needs to be coded defensively!


a formula does not necessarily need to return a value -- you may just need to make some changes in some documents (for instance if it is the formula in a Plomino action), so the return value would be irrelevant.

plominoDocument is a reserved name which corresponds to the current document on which the formula is evaluated.

plominoContext is a reserved name which corresponds to the context in which the formula is evaluated. In some cases the formula is executed on an object which is not a Plomino document (but a view, or a form, for instance).


Technically, plominoDocument and plominoContext are just targeting the very same object, which is the Zope context. plominoDocument, plominoContext, context can be used identically.

Document items should be accessed using the getItem() method: plominoDocument.getItem('validationDate').

To change an item value, use the setItem() method: plominoDocument.setItem('firstname', 'Eric')

You can access the parent Plomino database of the document (or view, or form, according the context) using the getParentDatabase() method.

You can also access the views and the other documents. Example:

db = plominoDocument.getParentDatabase() 
view = db.getView('pendingPurchases') 
total = 0 
for doc in view.getAllDocuments(): 
    total = total + doc.getItem('price')
return total

(this example computes the total amount for the pending purchase requests).

You can check the current user rights or roles. Example:

db = plominoDocument.getParentDatabase() 
user = db.getCurrentUser() 
if db.hasUserRole(, '[Expert]'): 
    return True 
elif db.isCurrentUserAuthor(doc): 
    return True 
elif 'PlominoEditor' in db.getCurrentUserRights(): 
    return True 
    return False

You can change the author access rights on a given document by modifying its Plomino_Authors item.

This item is created automatically for any document and contains the user id of the document creator. If you want your document to be editable by users other than its creator, it can contain other ids as well. Example:

authors = plominoDocument.getItem('Plomino_Authors') 
if not 'inewton' in authors: 
plominoDocument.setItem('Plomino_Authors', authors)

As you can see in this example, you can add user ids and/or user roles.

For a better understanding of the methods available on Plomino objects, see below in this document.


By default, Plomino offers few standard actions (Exit, Save, Delete, Edit, etc.) depending on the object type (document, view, form), on the current mode (read mode or edit mode), and on the user access rights.

To improve the application usability, you may need to add more actions in the forms or in the views.

To create an action, select Plomino: action in the Add item Plone menu.


Enter an identifier and a title.

Then select the action type:

  • Open form: open the form indicated by the Parameter or code parameter to create a new document.
  • Open view: open the view indicated by the Parameter or code parameter.
  • Close: go back to the database home page.
  • Save: submit the form with its current content, and save (or create) the document.
  • Python script: run the formula entered in Parameter or code, and redirect to the current object (in read mode). Examples: send a mail notification to someone, compute a field value and update the document with this new value, etc. If the formula returns a string, Plomino will will assume it is a URL and use it for redirection.
  • Redirect: same as Python script, but the formula should return an URL that will be used for redirection. Example: create a new document using some values from the current document, and automatically open this new document.

You can add a hide-when formula to control when the action should be visible or not.

If you select Display action in action bar, the action will be displayed together with the standard Plomino actions in the action bar.

But (in forms only) you can also choose to insert the action within the form layout directly.

With Tinymce, actions can be created and inserted directly in the form layout from the editor.



With kupu, you must use the Plomino action style, and the action will be rendered according the Action display parameter (link, submit button, or button).






Computed fields

In a form, the fields where the user can enter data are in edit mode.

You might also need to use fields which can not be changed by the user. Here are the other modes offered in Plomino:


the field value is computed with a formula each time the document is opened, and it is saved each time the document is saved.

Computed on creation

the field value is computed only once, the first time the document is saved.

Computed on save

the field value is computed and stored each time the document is saved.

Computed for display

the field value is computed each time the document is opened, but it is not saved.

Example: create a Computed for display field with this formula:

category = plominoDocument.getItem('bookCategory') 
if category: 
    index = plominoDocument.getParentDatabase().getIndex() 
    others = index.dbsearch({'bookCategory': category}) 
    result = "There are %s other books in the same category" % len(others)-1
    return result
return "" 

and insert it in the frmBook form:



By default, Plomino validates fields according to their type (for instance, letters are not allowed in a number-field).

You can also add more validation criteria in the field's Validation tab:

  • a field can be mandatory: if the field is empty when the document is saved, Plomino does not save the document and displays an alert to the user.
  • you can enter a formula to implement a specific validation rule (which may depend on other field values).

For instance, in a Purchase request application, the maximum authorised amount is 1000 euros. You would enter the following formula in the TotalAmount field:

if plominoDocument.TotalAmount>1000: 
    return 'The total amount must be under 1000 euros' 
    return ''

If you need to compare the submitted values to the currently stored state of the document, you need to look up the stored document first:

db = plominoDocument.getParentDatabase()
plominoDocument_stored = db.getDocument(


the formula must return an empty string if validation succeeds or an error message if it does not.

A Doclink field allows a Plomino document to reference another document.

The doclink stores the path to the targeted document, and it is displayed as a link.

You may use a view as the source of possible targeted documents.


We have a Contact form allowing users to enter contact information about company employees.

The view allcontacts returns all the contact documents:


We add a doclink field, named manager, in the Contact form to enter the corresponding manager of each employee.


It uses the allcontacts view as its document list source, and displays the name column value as label:


In read mode, the field displays a link to the corresponding document:


If you choose the Embedded view widget, the field displays the view itself (including all columns), with a checkbox to select documents:


Instead of using a view, you can compute the document list using a formula (which will override the Embedded view widget), so you can filter the documents you want to list, you can retrieve documents from another database, or even list Plone objects which are not Plomino documents. For example:

contactsdb = plominoDocument.restrictedTraverse("/Plone/demo/contacts") 
view = contactsdb.getView('allcontacts') 
return [d.lastname+"|"+d.getPath() for d in view.getAllDocuments()] 


in this example, we use the getAllDocuments method to get the documents list, this method returns Catalog brains.

To improve performance, the lastname field has been added to the index, so there is no need to wake up the objects (using getObject), and we use the getPath method to get the path of the real object.

Hmm, getAllDocuments doesn't sound like it will return brains, it sounds like it will return documents. Looking at the source code, I see that it does in fact return documents (d.getObject() for d in res) so this must have changed since 1.3.

Field templates

You can create a custom template to render a field in a different way than the regular field widgets.

The field template must be added in the Resources folder in the ZMI (go to Design tab / Others / Resources folder) as a Page Template.

To be applied, the template id must be then entered in the Field read template or in the Field edit template.

The template code can be copied from the Plomino products sources (CMFPlomino/skins/cmfplomino_templates/** or **

Here is an example showing a multi-categorized tag field:

Edit template:

<span tal:define="
    field options/field;
    db options/field/getParentDatabase;
    categories python:
        [doc.getObject() for doc in db.getView('tags').getAllDocuments()]
<tal:loop repeat="cat categories">
    <td valign="top" tal:define="
        c cat/tagCategory;
        tags cat/tagList
    <span tal:content="c">category</span>
    <select tal:attributes="name options/fieldname"
    <tal:block repeat="v python:
        [t+'|'+c+':'+t for t in tags.split(',')]
        <tal:block define="
            current options/fieldvalue;
            l python:v.split('|')
            <option tal:attributes="
                value python:l[1];
                selected python:test(current and l[1] in current,1,0)



Read template:

<tal:block tal:repeat="v options/selection">
    <tal:block define="
        current options/fieldvalue;
        l python:v.split('|')
        <tal:block condition="
            python:test(current and l[1] in current,1,0)">
            <tal:block define="
                v python:l[0];
                cat python:v.split(':')[0];
                t python:v.split(':')[1]
        <br/><span class="discreet" tal:content="cat">category</span>
        <span class="callout" tal:content="t">category</span>



Filling fields from the REQUEST

Editable fields which are not part of the layout take their value from the REQUEST.

So, for example, if you want to pass a parameter to another form:

  • in the origin document, put the parameter(s) in the link to the target form, e.g. by adding ?param1=value&param2=value to the URL. This will cause the parameter to be part of the GET request which retrieves the target form.
  • in the target form, create an editable field with the same id as the parameter key (e.g. param1 and param2 above), but do not insert it in the form layout. The field will get its value from the REQUEST. -then you can create Computed on save (or on display, or whatever) fields which use the value of this field.



Accordions and lazy loading

In Plomino it is possible to accordion some parts of the page. This means that the content of the accordioned part will not be visible unless you click on the headline to open the accordion.

It is also possible to avoid loading the content of the accordion until such time as the accordion is opened. This is particularly useful if the content it very big, or if there are many accordions on a page and the reader is interested in only a few of them.

To turn part of a page into an accordion, use this structure (the header level can be from h2 to h6):

<h5 class="plomino-accordion-header"><a href="TARGETURL">Header</a></h5>

If the class is plomino-accordion-header, the content of the page referenced by TARGETURL will be substituted for the subsequent div.


Plomino does not currently offer UI support for this functionality. To use it, you have to generate the desired content via Python, or enter it literally into the form layout.


Parts of forms can be cached.

expand on this.


In a Plomino form, you can use the following events:


executed before document is opened (in both read mode and edit mode)

If the formula for this event returns a false value, opening is allowed; but if it returns a true value, e.g. a string, opening fails, and the value is displayed as an error message.


executed before document is saved


executed before document is deleted


executed before the document is saved for the first time (onSaveDocument will also be executed, but after onCreateDocument)


executed before a blank form is opened.

In the Events tab, you can enter the formulas for each event you need.

Example: enter the following formula for the onSaveDocument event:

user=userFullname(db, db.getCurrentUser()) 
    plominoDocument.getItem('history') +
    "This document has been modified by "+user+" on "+date)

it will update the history item which logs all the modifications, authors and dates.

Hide-when formulas

In a form, it might be useful to hide or display some sections according different criteria (an item value, the current date, the current user's access rights, etc.).

To do so, you must use Hide-when formulas.

Select Plomino: hide when in the Add item Plone menu.

Enter an identifier, a title, and a formula. Example: plominoDocument.bookState=='Damaged`

Then, modify the form layout to insert the hide-when formula in the form layout. Enter the following: start:hide-when-identifier at the beginning of the area to hide. And the following at the end: end:hide-when-identifier And apply the Plomino Hide-when formula style to those 2 bounds:


If the hide-when formula returns True, the enclosed area will be hidden. If it returns False, the area is displayed (in our example: if the book is damaged, it cannot be borrowed, so we hide the action to check the book availability).

New in Plomino 1.5

Hide-when formulas can be inserted directly in the form layout using TinyMCE.


An application can contain several forms.

In the Book library example, we could add a CD form and a Video form. Those 2 forms would probably have several similar fields (availability, last borrower, return date, etc.).

To avoid having to build (and maintain) the same things several times, you can use sub-forms.

The sub-form principle is to insert a form within another form.

In our example, we create a borrowInfo form containing the borrower name, the return date, and the availability, and we insert it as a sub-form in frmBook, frmCD and frmVideo.

The form is inserted using the Plomino Subform style in Kupu:



as you probably do not want borrowInfo to be displayed in the database home page, you have to check Hide in menu in the form Parameters tab.

New in Plomino 1.5

Sub-forms can be inserted directly in the form layout using TinyMCE.

Search formula

When you create a search form, Plomino uses the form fields to do a default ZCatalog search among the documents of the view associated with the search page.

If needed, you can create a specific search formula in the form Parameters tab.

This formula is used to filter the result set of the default query, and must return True or False for each document in the result set.

You can access the values submitted by the search form on the REQUEST object: plominoContext.REQUEST.get('myfield').


period = plominoContext.REQUEST.get('period') 
if period == 'Ancien regime': 
    return plominoDocument.year 
if period == 'Empire': 
    return plominoDocument.year >= 1804 and plominoDocument.year


Search formulas can be a lot slower than regular ZCatalog searches, you must use them carefully.

Search event

If you do not want the default filters of a search page (the view, the query, and the formula), you can define an onSearch event on the form Events tab. The formula of this event should return the required list of documents.

You can access the values submitted by the search form on the REQUEST object: plominoContext.REQUEST.get('myfield').


Like a Search form, a Page form cannot be used to save documents through the web, since Page forms do not display any action bar. (Formulas could however still call save on a document using a Page form.)

Like any form, it can contain computed fields, actions (inserted in the form layout), and hide-when formulas, so it is a good way to build navigation pages, custom menus, or information pages (like reports, etc.).



Here we create a page with 3 actions to access 3 different views, but the last one is enclosed in a Hide-when formula so it will not be displayed if the current user does not satisfy a given criterium. In the example, we test if the user has the [dbadmin] role:

"[dbadmin]" not in plominoContext.getCurrentUserRoles()

Result if you are not [dbadmin]:


Result if you are [dbadmin]:


Open-with form

The form used to render a document is determined by a number of mechanisms:

  • By default, Plomino document is displayed using the form corresponding to its Form item value (which contains the id of the form last used to save the document).
  • If the view from where the document is opened defines a Form formula, the resulting form will be used instead.
  • And to force the usage of a given form, the form id can be passed in the request using the openwithform parameter.




Form formula

You may need to read or edit documents with different forms.

For instance, a person who wants to borrow a book wants different information (book description, category, publication year, etc.) than the librarian (who may want last borrower, return date, availability, etc.).

As explained previously, we can manage this issue using hide-when formulas, action's and sub-form's.

But if the functional differences are too great, or if the layout is totally different, those strategies will probably produce too much complexity.

In such a case, it is better to create a totally different form (named frmBorrowManagement for instance).

However, by default the document opens with the form used the last time it was saved.

To open the document with a different form, you need to create a specific view for borrowing management and use the Form formula parameter.

This formula will compute the name of the form to use when the documents are opened from the view.

If you enter frmBorrowManagement in Form formula, all the documents opened from this view will be displayed using the frmBorrowManagement form.

View template

If you need a specific layout for a view, you can create a ZPT page which can be used instead the default template.

This way, you can build calendar views, Gantt views, produce charts, etc.

To do so, add your Page Template in the resources folder, and enter its name in View Template in the view Parameters tab.

A good approach is to copy the ZPT code from CMFPlomino/skins/CMFPlomino/ (in the Plomino sources) and add your modifications.


good knowledge of ZPT is required.

Export CSV

All the views can be exported as CSV. The export contains the value of each column.

Go to the database Design tab, expand the Views section and click the green arrow icon next to the view you want to export.

You can build views specifically for export purposes, you just need to create the columns according the values you want to get in CSV (note: if you do not want this view to be offered on the database home page, check Hide in menu in the view Parameters tab).


Refresh a database

After copy/paste of views or forms, or deletion of fields, a Plomino database may be corrupted.

If so, you have to refresh the database. This will re-build the database index entirely, and destroy all the previously compiled Plomino formula scripts (the first time a formula is called, it is compiled in a Python Script object in the ZODB).

To do so, go to the database Design tab, expand the Others section and click on Database refresh.

Refresh also migrates your database to your current Plomino version (if Plomino has been upgraded since the database was created).

Design import/export

You can export or import Plomino database design elements from one Zope instance to another.

This may be useful if you want to deploy a new application from a development server to a production server, or if you want to release a modification or a correction on an application already in production.

To import design elements, go to the database Design tab, and in the Import/Export Design section, fill in the following parameters:

  • the URL of the Plomino database which contains the elements you want to import in the current database;
  • user id and password corresponding to a user account on the remote instance. This account must be PlominoManager on the remote Plomino database.

Then click on refresh: Plomino will load the list of all the available elements in the remote database.


You can then choose the elements you want and click on Import to import them into the local database.

In some cases (depending on firewalls, proxies, etc.), it is easier to export from the local database to the remote one.

The principle is the same, you just need to use the Export section.


You can replicate documents between 2 Plomino databases, possibly on 2 different Zope servers.


There are 3 replication modes:

push mode

local modifications are replicated on the remote database;

pull mode

remote modifications are replicated on the local database;

push-pull mode


If a document has been modified in both the local and remote databases since the last replication, there are 3 conflict resolution modes: - local wins, - remote wins, - last modified wins.

Replication can be useful to synchronize information between 2 servers, or for mobile workers who want to be able to work on a local replica.

Documents XML import/export

In the Replication tab (at the bottom), you can import/export documents from/to an XML file.


Exported documents can be restricted to a view (meanning that only documents selected in this view will be exported).

Document ids are preserved so if a document already exists in the target database, it is updated and not duplicated.


when importing from XML, the onSaveDocument event is not called (as document items are all part of the export).

Documents CSV import

In the Replication tab, you can import documents from a CSV file.


You need to indicate which form has to be used to create the documents.

The first row in the CSV file must contain the field id for the intended column.


when importing from CSV, the onSaveDocument event is called (as some items might needed to be computed) but the index is not refreshed to avoid degrading performance. This means that the index needs to be updated manually, possibly by running an agent that re-saves imported documents on a schedule, or by refreshing the database on a worker ZEO client instance.

Start page

By default, the database default screen is the generic database menu:


But you might prefer to display something else instead (for instance a view, a page, a search form, etc.).

In this case, go to your database Edit tab, and enter the element id in the Start page parameter.


It might be useful to launch the same processing from different places in the application (views action, forms action). To avoid duplicating the code, you can implement the code in an agent.

Select Plomino: agent in the Add item Plone menu, and enter an identifier, a title and the code.

This might be useful to run archiving, cleaning, etc. without giving manager rights to regular users.

The agent can be executed (from an action) using the runAgent() method:

db = plominoDocument.getParentDatabase() 


this method can take REQUEST as parameter (this has to be the REQUEST object), which allows variables in the querystring to be read and redirection to be controlled (using a REDIRECT key on the request).

The agent can also be executed from Python formulas by calling it directly:

db = plominoDocument.getParentDatabase() 
db.MyAgent('one', 'two', 'three')


this method can take optional positional arguments. It does not redirect.

If you install ZpCron on your Zope instance, an agent can also be scheduled. You specify when the agent should run using a cron-like format.

With ZpCron, you can provide the id of a user that will be used to run the agent (so the access rights of that user are applied when the agent is executed, not those of the current user).


A Plomino database contains a resources folder in the ZODB which can contain useful extra assets:

  • images or icons you may need to insert in your forms;
  • CSS or javascript files;
  • ZPT templates (see view template below);
  • Python files, to provide a code library usable from the different formulas (using the callScriptMethod method);
  • CSV (or other) files containing useful data;
  • etc.

To access this folder, go to the Design tab, expand the Others section and click on Resources Folder. It opens the standard ZMI screen, which allows new elements to be added.

Plomino Element Portlet

A portlet displaying a Plomino form can be added anywhere in a Plone site. It can be useful to show informations, like statistics or charts (thanks to Google Visualization, for example), computed when the page is displayed.


In Plone, when you add a portlet to a page, all of its children pages will contain it too. For example, if you add a portlet to the main page of the site, it will be displayed in every pages of the site. You can prevent this mechanism in a child page: click on Manage Portlets in this page, find the selector next to the name of the portlet (e.g. Plomino element portlet), and select guilabel:Block.

You can add a portlet on a page with few steps:

  • Click on the link Manage portlets
  • In the Add portlet... selector, choose the Plomino element portlet option.

A new page appears, with some fields:


  • The header field sets the title of the portlet.
  • The database path is the path of a Plomino database in the site, storing the form to be displayed. If the base is accessible at the URL, the path is /Plone/database. Since there is always an exception to a rule, you have to be careful when the site URLs are re-written (e.g. if the Plone site is behind an Apache server). The path must be the Plone site path, not the public URL.
  • Element ID is the form identifier (set at its creation) in the database specified previously.

The new portlet is now displayed alongside the page.


Extending Plomino with plugins

Plomino provides a set of utility functions in PlominoUtils (DateToString, asUnicode, etc.).

In addition, custom Plomino utilities can be declared in a custom package, and they will be available from any Plomino formula.


from zope import component
from Products.PythonScripts.Utility import allow_module

Create the utility methods in your extension module (e.g. mypackage.mymodule):

import simplejson as json

def jsonify(obj):
    return json.dumps(obj)

def dejsonify(s):
    return json.loads(s)

Create a class to declare them:

class UnepUtils:
    module = "mypackage.mymodule"
    methods = ['jsonify', 'dejsonify']

Declare the module as safe so it can be called from Python Scripts (all Plomino formula are Python Scripts):


And register it with Plomino in a configure.zcml file:


Now, jsonify and dejsonify can be used in any Plomino formula.