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TCPLS libconvert

Libraries to transform TCP client and TCP server to TCPLS client and TCPLS server. ((

  • libconvert_tcpls: A library to call TCPLS API functions.
  • libconvert_tcpls_client: An LD_PRELOAD library that turns an existing client, using TCP sockets, into a TCPLS client.
  • libconvert_tcpls_server: An LD_PRELOAD library that turns an existing server, using TCP sockets, into a TCPLS server.

This is work in progress. The libconvert_tcpls_client library currently only supports wget and The libconvert_tcpls_server library currently only supports apache2.


  • Requires Linux >= 4.5.


Fetch the Git submodules:

$ cd tcplslibconvert
$ git submodule update --init --recursive --remote

The easiest way to build both libraries and run the tests is with the provided Dockerfile (which contains all deps):

$ cd tcplslibconvert
$ docker build -t tcplslibconvert .
$ docker run -v $PWD:/lc -it tcplslibconvert
$ cd lc
$ mkdir build && cd build && cmake .. && make

Note, to use gdb without trouble on the preload library, you can do :

$ docker run --cap-add=SYS_PTRACE --security-opt seccomp=unconfined -v $PWD:/lc -it tcplslibconvert

You need a client and a server so you have to run two docker instances.

Usage & dependencies of libconvert_tcpls_server and libconvert_tcpls_client

Runtime dependencies

  • libcapstone -- the disassembly engine used by used under the hood by lib_syscall_intercept.


To use the libconvert_server and libconvert_client libs: Run the following command in two different terminal to have two docker instances.

$ cd tcplslibconvert 
$ docker run  -v $PWD:/lc -it tcplslibconvert

Assuming the server has the address and the client has the address

Client side:

# cd lc/build
# CONVERT_LOG=./client_converter.log LD_PRELOAD=./ wget
# CONVERT_LOG=./client_converter.log LD_PRELOAD=./ /usr/local/apache2/bin/ab -n 100 -c 10

Server side:

# cd lc/build
# CONVERT_LOG=./server_converter.log LD_PRELOAD=./ /usr/local/apache2/bin/httpd -X

The library supports IPv6 as well.

Currently tested with curl, wget and apache2 Ubuntu {19}.



This project is licensed under the 3-Clause BSD License - see the LICENSE file for details.