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File metadata and controls

122 lines (93 loc) · 5.31 KB


Hosts the files used to build pmmp/pocketmine-mp docker image

What is this?

Docker lets you install software more easily by "copying the whole machine over". To use Docker, you must be on a Linux/MacOS machine.

To install Docker, refer to the official Docker docs.

Running PocketMine-MP from Docker (using Docker Hub)

This is really easy once you have docker installed.

(Although this is an ELI5, you still need to know how to run commands on a Linux/MacOS machine and already have Docker installed)

mkdir wherever-you-want
cd wherever-you-want
mkdir data plugins
sudo chown -R 1000:1000 data plugins
docker run -it -p 19132:19132/udp -v $PWD/data:/data -v $PWD/plugins:/plugins

To run a specific version, just add it to the end of the command, like this:

docker run -it -p 19132:19132/udp -v $PWD/data:/data -v $PWD/plugins:/plugins

Changing the server port

Docker allows you to map ports, so you don't need to edit

In the run command shown above, change 19132:19132/udp to <port number you want>:19132/udp. Note: Do not change the second number.

Note: Do not change the port in This is unnecessary when using Docker and will make things more complicated.

Editing the server data

The server data (e.g. worlds,, etc.) will be stored in the data folder you created above.

Note: If you add new files (e.g. a world), don't forget to change the ownership of the file/folder to 1000:1000:

sudo chown -R 1000:1000 <file/folder you added>

This is needed to make the server able to access the file/folder.

Adding plugins

Plugins can be added by putting them in plugins folder you created earlier.

**Note: If you add new files, don't forget to change the ownership of the file/folder to 1000:1000:

sudo chown -R 1000:1000 <file/folder you added>

This is needed to make the server able to access the file/folder.

Run the server in the background

To run the server in the background, simply change -it to -itd in the last command above. This will run the server in the background even if you closed console. (No need to screen/tmux anymore!)

Opening the console of the server

Use docker ps to see a list of running containers. It will look like this:

user@DYLANS-PC:~/pm-docker-test$ docker ps
CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                      COMMAND                  CREATED         STATUS         PORTS                                                                              NAMES
dc20edd3dd62   pmmp/pocketmine-mp:4.0.0   "start-pocketmine"       7 seconds ago   Up 6 seconds   19132/tcp,>19132-19133/udp, :::19132-19133->19132-19133/udp   brave_dijkstra

In this case, the container name is brave_dijkstra, but it might be something else in your case.

To open the console, run the following command:

docker attach <container name you saw in docker ps>

To leave the console, just press Ctrl p Ctrl q.

Viewing the logs

To see the logs, run the following command:

docker logs --tail=100 <container name you saw in docker ps>

Change --tail=100 to the number of recent lines in the log you want to see.


This section is the technical reference for users who already know how to use Docker.


  • /data is a read-write data directory where PocketMine stores all data in. This includes PocketMine config files, player data, worlds and plugin config files/data.
  • /plugins is a read-only data directory where PocketMine loads plugins from. However, if the POCKETMINE_PLUGINS environment variable is set, the default start command may try to manage the plugins inside.

Environment variables

  • $POCKETMINE_PLUGINS is the list of plugins in the format PluginOne:1.2.3 PluginTwo:4.5.6. The version part (:4.5.6) can be omitted. The default start command will check if these plugins are loaded (by checking if /plugins/PluginName.phar exists, so if it has a different name, it will attempt to download again), and download missing plugins from Poggit.

Start command

The default start script is located at /usr/bin/start-pocketmine. It validates the permissions of /data and /plugins, downloads plugins for $POCKETMINE_PLUGINS, then runs the server.

The PHP binaries are located at /usr/php. A symlink at /usr/bin/php points to the PHP executable there. (PHP_BINARY will still report that it is installed in /usr/php/bin/php)

Server directory

The server directory is located at /pocketmine. This directory should only contain a PocketMine-MP.phar file, and shall be the working directory of the server unless changed by plugins.

Default user

/pocketmine is also the home directory of the default user pocketmine. Unlike early pmmp/pocketmine-mp images, this default user is no longer a sudoer, so plugins cannot acquire root access under normal circumstances.

Building this image

The Dockerfile requires a build-arg PMMP_TAG indicating the tree on pmmp/PocketMine-MP to checkout for building. Currently, this image does not support building from local PocketMine-MP source directories and always uses a tree from pmmp/PocketMine-MP on GitHub. However, this can be easily changed by simply changing the git clone command.