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Flawed assumptions in split packet reassembly leading to crash by remote attacker

dktapps published GHSA-v8hj-23c3-8w33 Dec 7, 2019



Affected versions

< 0.12.6, master

Patched versions

0.12.6, master@d14954442c6fce65d55b97b4bef5b793852333f1


Split reassembly is easily broken by an attacker. This is a critical problem for 0.13 (currently master), where Throwable errors are no longer caught by the server.

Core vulnerability

It's assumed here that if we have & need X split parts, we have all split parts in the range 0 ... X - 1.
If this assumption is violated, RakLib will throw an unexpected exception and crash here.

All vulnerabilities listed below allow exploiting this vulnerability.

Exploitation methods

splitCount reported by current packet != splitCount reported by other packets

RakLib relies on the splitCount reported by the current inbound split packet part to determine how many parts are required. If this count is smaller than what was reported by previous packets, the above problem comes into play and crashes the RakLib instance.

splitIndex >= splitCount

Even assuming that the split count is always valid, a second vulnerability is exposed due to a missing check for splitIndex being less than splitCount.

An attacker could send split packet parts whose splitIndex are larger than splitCount, causing this condition to be met when not all indices between 0 and splitCount - 1 are present.


All servers are currently impacted by this bug, but it does not come into play unless exploited.




No known CVE
