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Hand history parsing API


Hand history parsing API will change for sure until 1.0 is done.

Constant values

These enumerations are used to identify common values like limit types, game, etc. By unifying these into groups of enumeration classes, it's possible to have common values accross the whole framework, even when parsing totally different kind of hand histories, which uses different values. (Data normalization) It's recommended to use keys (name property) to save in database, and print them to the user. (E.g. in a web application template, {{ PokerRoom.STARS }} will be converted to 'PokerStars'.)


Base classes


param str hand_text

poker hand text

The attributes can be iterated.
The class can read like a dictionary.
Every attribute default value is None.
ivar str date_format

default date format for the given poker room

ivar str ident

hand id

ivar poker.constants.GameType game_type

"TOUR" for tournaments or "SNG" for Sit&Go-s

ivar str tournament_ident

tournament id

ivar str tournament_level

level of tournament blinds

ivar poker.constants.Currency currency

3 letter iso code "USD", "HUF", "EUR", etc.

ivar decimal.Decimal buyin

buyin without rake

ivar decimal.Decimal rake

if game_type is "TOUR" it's buyin rake, if "CASH" it's rake from pot

ivar poker.constants.Game game

"HOLDEM", "OMAHA", "STUD", "RAZZ", etc.

ivar poker.constants.Limit limit

"NL", "PL" or "FL"

ivar decimal.Decimal sb

amount of small blind

ivar decimal.Decimal bb

amount of big blind

ivar datetime date

hand date in UTC

ivar str table_name

name of the table. it's "tournament_number table_number"

ivar int max_players

maximum players can sit on the table, 2, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9

ivar poker.handhistory._Player button

player on the button

ivar poker.handhistory._Player hero

hero player

ivar list players

list of poker.handhistory._Player. the sequence is the seating order at the table at the start of the hand

ivar _Flop flop

room specific Flop object

ivar poker.card.Card turn

turn card, e.g. Card('Ah')

ivar poker.card.Card river

river card, e.g. Card('2d')

ivar tuple board

board cards, e.g. (Card('4s'), Card('4d'), Card('4c'), Card('5h'))

ivar tuple preflop_actions

action lines in str

ivar tuple turn_actions

turn action lines

ivar decimal.Decimal turn_pot

pot size before turn

ivar int turn_num_players

number of players seen the turn

ivar tuple river_actions

river action lines

ivar decimal.Decimal river_pot

pot size before river

ivar int river_num_players

number of players seen the river

ivar str tournament_name

e.g. "$750 Guarantee", "$5 Sit & Go (Super Turbo)"

ivar decimal.Decimal total_pot

total pot after end of actions (rake included)

ivar bool show_down

There was show_down or wasn't

ivar tuple winners

winner names, tuple if even when there is only one winner. e.g. ('W2lkm2n',)

ivar dict extra

Contains information which are specific to a concrete hand history and not common accross all. When iterating through the instance, this extra attribute will not be included. default value is None


ivar str name

Player name

ivar int stack

Stack size (sometimes called as chips)

ivar int seat

Seat number

ivar Combo,None combo

If the player revealed his/her hand, this property hold's it. None for players didn't show... autoclass:: poker.handhistory._Player

Every hand history has an attribute flop which is an instance of the room specific _Flop object which has the following attributes:


ivar tuple cards

tuple of poker.card.Cards

ivar decimal.Decimal pot

pot size after actions

ivar tuple players

tuple of player names

ivar tuple actions
tuple of poker.constants.Action in the order of happening.
(Player name, Action, Amount) or
(Player name, Action) if no amount needed (e.g. in case of Check)

It also has properties about flop texture like:

ivar bool is_rainbow
ivar bool is_monotone
ivar bool is_triplet
ivar bool has_pair
ivar bool has_straightdraw
ivar bool has_gutshot
ivar bool has_flushdraw


Full Tilt Poker

PokerStars and Full Tilt hand histories are very similar, so parsing them is almost identical. There are small differences though.

Class specific

ivar tournament_level


ivar buyin

None: it's not in the hand history, but the filename

ivar rake

None: also

ivar currency


ivar str table_name

just a number, but str type


ivar Decimal turn_pot

pot size before turn

ivar int turn_num_players

number of players seen the turn

ivar Decimal river_pot

pot size before river

ivar int river_num_players

number of players seen the river

ivar str tournament_name

e.g. "$750 Guarantee", "$5 Sit & Go (Super Turbo)"


Class specific

ivar str table_name

"#table_number - name_of_the_table"


ivar str last_ident

last hand id

ivar str money_type

"R" for real money, "P" for play money