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Modulus Pro Theme


Known Vulnerabilities contributions welcome License: GPL v2

Modular starter child theme with Sass partials for the Genesis Framework, originally based on the Genesis Sample Theme version 2.8, but updated as new revisions are available from Studiopress are available. The latest version of this theme requires the Genesis Framework 2.8+ and PHP 7.1+ (preferrably 7.2 for security).

Installation Instructions

Zip File

  1. Download the .zip-file into the wp-content/themes/ folder.
  2. Extract it.
  3. Make sure the Genesis parent theme is in the wp-content/themes/ directory.
  4. Activate the Modulus Pro child theme from the WordPress dashboard.

Clone the Repository

  1. Open wp-content/themes/ of your project in a terminal window.
  2. Type: git clone
  3. Activate the theme from the WordPress dashboard.


Modular starter child theme with Sass partials for the Genesis Framework, originally based on the Genesis Sample Theme version 2.8. The theme will continue to be updated for revisions to Genesis Sample.

Usage Notes - Please read

  1. The child theme has a more modular structure. Immediately, you will notice the functions.php file is relatively empty, as the code is spread over multiple files, making the theme easier to maintain and expand.

  2. The child theme uses a simple autoloader (see /lib/functions/autoload.php).

  3. Woocommerce and additional functionality are deactivated but can easily be activated by uncommenting the files in the autoloader.

  4. AdSense settings are deactivated in /lib/admin/remove-adsense.php and in /lib/components/customizer/remove-adsense.php, but are easy to enable if you need these features.

  5. The Sass partials for the theme are located in /assets/sass.

  6. Gulp commands are available to compile Sass, minify the stylesheet, and compile sourcemaps.

    Please open /assets/gulp/project-config.js and configure your project settings for gulp.

    To use Gulp, you can either just type gulp in a terminal window or take a look at the available commands in gulpfile.babel.js.

  7. The minified stylesheet is loaded from /lib/functions/load-minified-css.php. Unminified JavaScript files are loaded if SCRIPT_DEBUG is set to true in wp-config.php.

For Developers


Gulp has been included (version 4). If you have Gulp 3 installed globally, please use the npm scripts in package.json to run the Gulp 4 tasks, e.g. npm run gulp. This theme will only support Gulp 4 going forward.


  • The SASS partial folder structure has been designed to mimic the structure of the default Genesis Sample stylesheet. This structure was adopted to maintain the theme, going forward, as the Genesis Sample Theme is updated.
  • By default, Modulus Pro does not use SASS partials or the minified stylesheet. SASS is availble for the developer and are easily enabled in the autoloader. Remember, if you choose to use them, you can load the minified stylesheet by enabling /lib/functions/load-minified-css.php in the autoloader.


  • Add theme Options Panel to the Customizer.
  • Add menu location options to Customizer.
  • Add Sticky header option to Customizer.
  • Develop Frontpage template.
  • Add gulp-zip to the gulp scripts.
  • Continue to develop SASS functions.

Special Credit and Thank you

I want to specifically thank a few developers.

  • @srikat - I have learned a lot from his tutorials and comments over the years and I appreciate the inspiration to learn more.
  • @christophherr - Thank you Christoph Herr for Promethus 2. My first view of a modular child theme inspired me.
  • Tonya Mork - I have learned so much on KnowtheCodePro and I appreciate the inspiration and the lessons to think differently about code.


Modular starter theme based on Genesis Sample 2.8.








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Contributors 4
