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The Vacuum-Bot is a vacuum cleaner robot, where we installed many ROS packages to make it Autonomous robot based on Gazebo simulations and real-time deployment

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The Vacuum-Bot is a vacuum cleaner robot, where we installed many ROS packages to make it Autonomous robot based on Gazebo simulations and real-time deployment

Screenshot from 2019-04-20 14-57-57

Screenshot from 2019-04-29 13-11-27


  1. Ubuntu 16.04
  2. ROS Kinetic
  3. Gazebo-7
  4. ROS-Nav Stack
  5. tf packages

Setup the repo on your local machine

  1. Clone the repo under $HOME
  2. cd inside the repo directory then cd into catkin_ws/
  3. run " catkin clean "
  4. run " catkin build "
  5. run " source devel/setup.bash "
  6. Locate the gazebo model under proper directory to be seen by the gazebo gui: To create a directory under $HOME named " model_editor_models " then place the contents of Gazebo Model folder into this folder.

Running the Simulation

Gazebo Environment

run " roslaunch vaccum_robot vaccum_robot.launch "

SLAM & Move-base Nodes

run " roslaunch vaccum_bot_navigation gmapping_demo.launch "

Launching the Rviz

run " rosrun rviz rviz " then load this file " src/vaccum_robot/vaccumbot_viz.rviz "

Send goals to the robot

run " rostopic pub /move_base_simple/goal geometry_msgs/PoseStamped '{header: {stamp: now, frame_id: "/map"}, pose: {position: {x: 0.0, y: 0.0, z: 0.0}, orientation: {w: 1.0}}} "


The Vacuum-Bot is a vacuum cleaner robot, where we installed many ROS packages to make it Autonomous robot based on Gazebo simulations and real-time deployment






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