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PoolTogether Owner Manager Contracts

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Abstract ownable and manageable contracts that can be inherited by other contracts to provide a basic access control mechanism, where there is an owner and a manager that can be granted exclusive access to specific functions.

The owner is first set by passing the address of the initialOwner to the Ownable constructor.

The owner account can be transferred through a two steps process:

  1. The current owner calls transferOwnership to set a pendingOwner
  2. The pendingOwner calls acceptOwnership to accept the ownership transfer

The manager account needs to be set using setManager.

This module is used through inheritance. It will make available the modifiers onlyManager, onlyOwner and onlyManagerOrOwner, which can be applied to your functions to restrict their use to the manager and/or the owner.


This repo is setup to compile (nvm use && yarn compile) and successfully pass tests (yarn test)


Install the repo and dependencies by running: yarn


These contracts can be deployed to a network by running: yarn deploy <networkName>


These contracts can be verified on Etherscan, or an Etherscan clone, for example (Polygonscan) by running: yarn etherscan-verify <ethereum network name> or yarn etherscan-verify-polygon matic


Run the unit tests locally with: yarn test


Generate the test coverage report with: yarn coverage