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PoolTogether Yield Source Specification

PoolTogether would like to integrate any protocol that serves as a yield source. The PoolTogether 3.3.0 contracts introduce a Yield Source Prize Pool, that is bound to a contract that implements the Yield Source Interface. This is a generic interface that allows a Yield Source Prize Pool to use an external contract for yield. As long as a contract supports the Yield Source Interface, it can be plugged into the Yield Source Prize Pool. This makes it easy to add new yield sources.

Yield Source Interface

The Yield Source Interface is defined in the IYieldSource.sol file.

Keep in mind:

  • All deposits are denominated in the depositToken() ERC20.
  • The balanceOfToken(address) function is similar to the Aave aToken, in that the balance must always increase.


Note: these implementations may or may not have been audited. They should be considered experimental until proven otherwise.