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Copyright and other protections apply. Please see the accompanying :doc:`LICENSE <LICENSE>` and :doc:`CREDITS <CREDITS>` file(s) for rights and restrictions governing use of this software. All rights not expressly waived or licensed are reserved. If those files are missing or appear to be modified from their originals, then please contact the author before viewing or using this software in any capacity.


django-emojiwatch is a bare bones Slack app for posting custom emoji updates to a designated channel. It is implemented as a Django app. It was loosely inspired by Khan Academy's emojiwatch, which provides similar functionality, but for hosting on on Google App Engine.


django-emojiwatch is licensed under the MIT License. See the :doc:`LICENSE <LICENSE>` file for details. Source code is available on GitHub.



Installation can be performed via pip (which will download and install the latest release):

% pip install django-emojiwatch

Alternately, you can download the sources (e.g., from GitHub) and run

% git clone
% cd django-emojiwatch
% python install

Now you can add it to your DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE:

  # ...

  'slack_verification_token': '...',

And add it to your site-wide URLs:

from django.conf.urls import include, url

urlpatterns = (
  # ...
    r'^emojiwatch/',  # or werever you want
  # ...

If you haven't already, you'll also need to enable the admin site for your Django installation.

Configuring Token Encryption in Django's Database

Auth tokens and notes associated with a watcher are encrypted in the Django database using django-fernet-fields. By default, the encryption key is derived from the SECRET_KEY Django setting. To override this, use the FERNET_KEYS and FERNET_USE_HKDF settings. See the docs for details.

Slack App and Watcher Setup

  1. Create a new Slack app or a legacy Slack app.

  2. Once created, navigate to the Basic Information settings section and copy the Verification Token (e.g., NS3PYxg1QR1l7s2G0fRDZ8uK):

    Slack app verification Token

    This is what you'll use as the EMOJIWATCH['slack_verification_token'] Django setting.

  3. Add the emoji:read and chat:write (or chat:write:bot for legacy Slack apps) scopes to your app:

    Slack app OAuth scopes
  4. Navigate to the OAuth & Permission features section. If necessary, click Install App to Workspace:

    Slack app installation

    You'll be asked to authorize your new app in your workspace:

    Slack app authorization

    Click Authorize.

  5. Copy the OAuth Access Token (e.g., xoxp-3168...db0b5):

    Slack app OAuth token

    This is what you'll use when creating the Slack Workspace Emoji Watcher below.

  6. If you haven't already, install emojiwatch into your Django project. (See the Django installation section above.) Navigate to your Django project's admin interface and add a new Slack Workspace Emoji Watcher with your Slack team ID, your OAuth access token, and the Slack channel ID to which you'd like Emojiwatch to post messages:

    Add a watcher

    Your Slack team ID can be determined by navigating to any channel within your workspace, and looking at boot_data.team_id in your browser's JavaScript console:

    >> boot_data.team_id

    Your Slack channel ID can be found in the URL when navigating to that channel:

  7. Once your Slack Workspace Emoji Watcher is saved, you should be able to test your configuration by faking a minimalist emoji_changed event via curl:

    curl --verbose --data '{
      "token": "NS3PYxg1QR1l7s2G0fRDZ8uK",
      "team_id": "T4P09SCHKT",
      "type": "event_callback",
      "event": {
        "type": "emoji_changed",
        "subtype": "add",
        "name": "faked-new-emoji",
        "value": "<some-img-url>"
    }' https://<django-project-base>/emojiwatch/event_hook

    <django-project-base> is your domain, and optionally any path to your top-level Django project. If your Django project provides your root path, this will just be a domain name. Assuming everything has been set up correctly so far, this should result in a post to your Slack channel (e.g., C8VSYSEQ22):

    An Emojiwatch post to Slack

    If not, examine the output from your curl call for any clues as to what went wrong. See the Troubleshooting section below for additional suggestions.

  8. Now you're ready to start receiving events. Navigate to your Slack app's Event Subscriptions features section. Turn events on and add your Django project's publicly-visible HTTPS URL. (This is the same URL you used with your curl command above.) Slack will attempt to post to that URL to verify its accessibility. Once verified, subscribe to the emoji:read event and click Save Changes.

    Slack app event subscriptions
  9. That's it! You should now get notices to your designated channel whenever you add or remove custom Emojis to your workspace.


If your curl command is succeeding, but you're still unable to see a post to your Slack channel, try turning on logging output via your Django settings. Here's a minimalist configuration if you don't already have one:

import logging
  'version': 1,
  'disable_existing_loggers': False,
  'formatters': {
    'standard': {
      'format': '%(asctime)s\t%(levelname)s\t%(name)s\t%(filename)s:%(lineno)d\t%(message)s',
  'handlers': {
    'default': {
      'class': 'logging.StreamHandler',
      'level': 'DEBUG',
      'formatter': 'standard',
  'loggers': {
    '': {
      'handlers': ['default'],
      'level': 'DEBUG',
      'propagate': False,
    'django': {
      'level': 'INFO',
      'propagate': True,

Try your curl command again. The Django console log should provide some clue as to what's wrong.

Some common causes are:

  • Not properly adding or configuring the emojiwatch app in your Django project.
  • Omitting or using an incorrect value for your EMOJIWATCH['slack_verification_token'] Django setting.
  • Using an incorrect URL for your Django project instance or the django-emojiwatch event handler. (Note: Slack requires event handlers to support HTTPS.)
  • Not creating (or neglecting to save) your Slack Workspace Emoji Watcher object via your Django project's admin interface.
  • Using incorrect values for your team ID, access token, or channel ID.
  • Failing to properly format a faked emoji_changed event when invoking curl.


You'll need a Slack account (and admin approval) for setting up your Slack app. A modern version of Python is required:

  • cPython (2.7 or 3.4+)
  • PyPy (Python 2.7 or 3.4+ compatible)

django-emojiwatch has the following dependencies (which will be installed automatically):